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Do you like Mahatma Gandhi?

Do you like Mahatma Gandhi?

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It was not because of Gandhi India got freedom. The Britishers left because there was nothing left to plunder from this land. Actually India became a burden for the Britishers during that period. And they left this sub continent making sure that we will never get out of our misery.
And personally i would prefer Subash Chandra Bose as a leader because he had a vision of a stronger India which was entirely different from the view of Gandhi or Nehru (the congress). If S C Bose was our first PM the destiny of India would have been a different one. And i think Gandhi messed up everything with his non violence. Its proved that Gandhi's economic and political view was totally a failed one. Non-violence is not a principle at all. He did not follow it. In politics you cannot follow non-violence. You cannot follow honesty. Every moment, you have to give a lie. He was a hypocrite in politics with his so-called principles. Has his non-violence followed anywhere? Not in the least. Nowhere.:confused:
I hate him for making Nehru the PM of india !!!
Sardar patel should had been the PM of india !!
don't like him and don't hate him..and don't really care about anything related to him except those green and red rupee notes which have his impression.
yes i like him, he was a clean man on every aspect Jinnah & Gandhi had agreed to the cabinet mission plan which in my opinion was a good option as it addressed the issues of the Muslims by having two large parts of India under their influence & at the same time it also paved the way for a united India this was a win-win situation plus the power sharing mode in the cabinet mission plan of 1946 quite solidly favored the Muslims for eg: netaji subhas's azad hind fauj had a very large number of Muslim soldiers along with the British Indian army which could have easily been dominated by the Muslims in an independent Federal India had that happened it would have been one of the best things to happen to Muslims in a very long time in a decentralized but a federation form of India, mahatma Gandhi & Jinnah had agreed to this setup so yes as a Muslim i like him because he approved of something which was good for the Muslims of India thats enough reason for me to like him i also like netaji Subhas Chandra Bose & needless to say i hate sardar Patel with a passion
yes i like him, he was a clean man on every aspect Jinnah & Gandhi had agreed to the cabinet mission plan which in my opinion was a good option as it addressed the issues of the Muslims by having two large parts of India under their influence & at the same time it also paved the way for a united India this was a win-win situation plus the power sharing mode in the cabinet mission plan of 1946 quite solidly favored the Muslims for eg: netaji subhas's azad hind fauj had a very large number of Muslim soldiers along with the British Indian army which could have easily been dominated by the Muslims in an independent Federal India had that happened it would have been one of the best things to happen to Muslims in a very long time in a decentralized but a federation form of India, mahatma Gandhi & Jinnah had agreed to this setup so yes as a Muslim i like him because he approved of something which was good for the Muslims of India thats enough reason for me to like him i also like netaji Subhas Chandra Bose him & needless to say i hate sardar Patel with a passion

I don't understand the obsession with religion. I am glad that my India is secular in nature.
As some one has already said Gandhi was a man to be admired .
Einstien once qouted about Gandhi-
“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”

and i believe he sumed it up perfectly, Gandhi is still an enigma.
Gandhi lived by his idealism and he would have taken the whole country down for it, his plan of village centered economy was extremly idiotic.
I have only mixed feelings for Gandhi.
watch this video ...don't know if this is true...might be offensive to some .....mods please don't remove it....

In a discussion of this nature - do we need to post things of this nature. Personally - whether you like the guy or not is a matter of opinion. To put things like this up is wrong. Lets judge him in assessing his achievements rather than utube clips that are disrespectful to his legacy and his family
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Quoting from a website:

Many might think am crazy or am one of those fanatic Hindu activists. But I am not. I am fully aware of what I am writing and its not scrap.
Reasons why I hate Gandhi:
1) Gandhi misinterpreted AHIMSA- Himsa is when one kills the other for selfish interest or because of jealousy. It is never himsa when you kill a person for the victory of DHARMA. If this statement is untrue, BHAGVAT GITA, the book which Gandhi referred to, itself holds no value. All the incarnations of Lord Vishnu will remain unjustified. It is our duty to fight when ADHARMA takes over DHARMA, so as to reinstall it.
2) Gandhi was an amazing politician, not greedy of money, but greedy for FAME- Gandhi was one guy who misused AHIMSA, just for FAME. What he wanted was fame and not money this is exactly what Indians dint see in him.
3) If he was alive, we would have seen India split into a hundred small countries or kingdoms. We would have lost the hindu heritage and culture. He would have sat for yet another sathyagraha if some community had raised their voice for separate country.. after all peace and non violence was his tools. He would have subjected the whole country to his emotional blackmail of “sathyagraha until death” mantra.
4) He split India into two – India and pakistan (it is not that I am unhappy about our division, I am unhappy over very much a materialistic issue- loss of land). One third of our land became a foreign land over night and above all these and the atrocities done by muslim league in pakisthan against hindus, Sikhs and budhists in their territory, he wanted Indian government to spare them 550 million rupees from then Indian treasury.

I really appreciate the mastermind behind the Gandhi assassination, not for the heinous crime of killing a human, but for terminating the sathyagraha-blackmail cancer to which our whole political system had to enslave itself to.(I wish this had happened a few days before the Indo-pak divison.)

Also I have read a lot about Godse… Both good and bad. But I feel he was genuine and a better scholar than Gandhi himself. Godse knew the right essence of BHAGVAD GITA. He was a social reformer and a well read personality with clear vision about HINDUSTAN. His action of killing Gandhi lead to 1) end of single jury, single judge-gandhi scenario in India 2) It held high the aggressiveness in Indians (or else, with the non-violance crap of Gandhi, we would have all become eunuchs) 3) He ended the non-violance scrap of Gandhi which, if we had not given up, India would have never developed into a superpower of 21st century.

I do not consider Gandhi as father of our nation.. he is father of pakisthan. Many may not agree if I say that Godse would be a better choice for that caption. But today’s India is definitely a fruit of his thoughtful act.

To end this blog.. Godse was hanged under the law of land or law of India and it was done by the government of India which was congress lead government, who consider Gandhi as their most reverent leader and the father of the nation. If it was so, they have held Gandhi values high above by hanging Godse at red fort, which itself is an act of non-violance!!!

Its true that Gandhi has been pushed over our heads by the congress party...his other dark side is never revealed by them.Gandhi was forced as the father of nation in a slogan by CongRass party.
No I don't like the so called father of this Nation

But i ain't a Hindu Extremist !!

Gandhi overshadowed other Bravehearts
In a discussion of this nature - do we need to post things of this nature. Personally - whether you like the guy or not is a matter of opinion. To put things like this up is wrong. Lets judge him in assessing his achievements rather than utube clips that are disrespectful to his legacy and his family

Sorry bro ,what why jump on me.I just posted it because I was curious about whatever was in the video and thought it was relevant and yes I don't like Gandhi....
Realism and not idealism is necessary when you are entrusted with the responsibility to lead millions of people of a nation.His foolish idealistic attitude caused a great deal of harm to the nation leading to deaths of millions of people...Instead of lecturing me please do care to refute what is being given in the link I posted...:rolleyes:
and before anyone labels me a hindu extremist ya all should know that I am a sikh....and this guy doesn't have much respect in punjab
Sorry bro ,what why jump on me.I just posted it because I was curious about whatever was in the video and thought it was relevant and yes I don't like Gandhi....
Realism and not idealism is necessary when you are entrusted with the responsibility to lead millions of people of a nation.His foolish idealistic attitude caused a great deal of harm to the nation leading to deaths of millions of people...Instead of lecturing me please do care to refute what is being given in the link I posted...:rolleyes:
and before anyone labels me a hindu extremist ya all should know that I am a sikh....and this guy doesn't have much respect in punjab

Your posting crap which is false and mocking Gandhiji i suggest your remove your flags and dont ever use the Indian rupee again.
Your posting crap which is false and mocking Gandhiji i suggest your remove your flags and dont ever use the Indian rupee again.

LOL you mad bro ...:azn::azn: ...just watch the video and refute what is being said ...I am glad he is dead otherwise we would be seeing more divisions of India ...

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