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Do you have any questions about China?

I can hardly unterstand why you back oppressive regimes such as N. Korea, Syria and Iran. Israel never threats to destroy Iran, while Iran´s president Ahmadinejad repeatly threats to wipe off Israel from the map.


the same reason as the vietcongs wanted to kick france and the yankies out! we were backing you then, Traitors! now the vietcong traitors want to lick boots and the same cycle of "capitalism-colonialization-communism-civil war" will repeat once again in vietnam before the end of this century!
the same reason as the vietcongs wanted to kick france and the yankies out! we were backing you then, Traitors! now the vietcong traitors want to lick boots and the same cycle of "capitalism-colonialization-communism-civil war" will repeat once again in vietnam before the end of this century!

The Traitor is here, Deng leader of China begged Uncle Sam in Washington to get permit to attack Vietnam 1979.

The Traitor is here, Deng leader of China begged Uncle Sam in Washington to get permit to attack Vietnam 1979.

I thought Vietnam was a part of USSR nor USA lol
How the hell Uncle Sam could sell the permit
A question, who was a cake? :coffee:


Who are they?

When China got carved up none of her neighbors can escape similar fates.

So you guys better hope China is going to be strong even though you might not get direct benefits if you're too proud to bow down to her, but at least no other nations can come in to takeover you lands.
That's a Manchurian pie which included Vietnam that is a share taken by French after Tonkin War in 1885
what do you think of Vietnamese abandoning Chinese characters and adopting Latin scripts

Incorrect. You should research more about it.
Let me introduce the people in the picture, the front row from left to right:

Queen Victoria of UK
William II of Germany
Nicholas II of Russia
Marianne of France
Meiji Emperor of Japan

Stood behind is a Chinese king.

Another question, where were Portuguese... sitting?
yes more of your vietcong propaganda, few hunderds engineers coming to your country to teach low skilled viets and it becomes of 'flood' ```lol whereas hunderd of thousands illegal viets swarming into China alone to do whatever low skilled jobs....

Engineers? we welcome the skilled labors and were licensed by the authorities.
However, unfortunately, the majority of Chinese labors came to Vietnam to do the simplest jobs in construction sites, and they work illegally with a tourist visa (they took advantage of the provisions of Vietnam allowing a tourist visa 3 months for Chinese traveler. After 3 months working in Vietnam, illegal Chinese labors go to Cambodia or come back China a few days, then they continue to back to work illegally in Vietnam with a new tourist visa)

A question is: Why dont they stay in richer China to work instead of flooding in Vietnam?

Images of Chinese labores in Vietnam on Vietnamese newspapers:



A question is: Why dont they stay in richer China to work instead of flooding in Vietnam?

if what you tell us is true,it is not surprising. i an sure the workers are working for Chinese companies.Chinese construction companies undertake projects all over the world and they prefer Chinese workers work for them rather than local workers.Chinese companies get about 2 to 3 times profit oversea than in China,so they are willing to pay about 2 times money or more to the workers. In fact, the wages paid to engineers working oversea is about 3 times of in domestic wages.

we have more workers in some african countires poorer than vietnam.
if what you tell us is true,it is not surprising. i an sure the workers are working for Chinese companies.Chinese construction companies undertake projects all over the world and they prefer Chinese workers work for them rather than local workers.Chinese companies get about 2 to 3 times profit oversea than in China,so they are willing to pay about 2 times money or more to the workers. In fact, the wages paid to engineers working oversea is about 3 times of in domestic wages.

Perhaps this is a political-economic action which have the supports of the Chinese government?
Normally, companies (especially private companies) prefer to hire cheaper labors instead of paying them more than.
Perhaps this is a political-economic action which have the supports of the Chinese government?
Normally, companies (especially private companies) prefer to hire cheaper labors instead of paying them more than.

I do not deny that there are supports from government.However, each company should be self-reliant.

take the upper example.our companies may pay less wages to local workers than to our workers.Our managers know little about the local language, customs, laws, religion.so it is hard to manage local workers with the way we are accustomed.paying a little more money to our workers is worth with respect to the terms of the extension of time or some other accidents.

what we fear most is artificial schedule delays.once delayed ,management costs will grow exponentially.We don't lack of projects, but lack of time!
Engineers? we welcome the skilled labors and were licensed by the authorities.
However, unfortunately, the majority of Chinese labors came to Vietnam to do the simplest jobs in construction sites, and they work illegally with a tourist visa (they took advantage of the provisions of Vietnam allowing a tourist visa 3 months for Chinese traveler. After 3 months working in Vietnam, illegal Chinese labors go to Cambodia or come back China a few days, then they continue to back to work illegally in Vietnam with a new tourist visa)

A question is: Why dont they stay in richer China to work instead of flooding in Vietnam?
I dont know how much is their salary, I have a friend who is working in Angola constructing a shopping mall, the company pays him a base salary as in China and another allowance with 200 per day. In total he get about 11000 RMB = 1750 $per month, which is far higher than China. Usually, when a Chinese company took a project, they will pick manpower from China rather than that countries. Even in a low income countries which is far lower than China, you can find Chinese labors doing their job, I think it is required by the Beijing Govt.
Perhaps this is a political-economic action which have the supports of the Chinese government?
Normally, companies (especially private companies) prefer to hire cheaper labors instead of paying them more than.
I think it is required by the Govt. Also in Cambodia, Chinese labor are there
The Traitor is here, Deng leader of China begged Uncle Sam in Washington to get permit to attack Vietnam 1979.


top notch diplomacy exhibited by our Great Leader Deng!

I think it is required by the Govt. Also in Cambodia, Chinese labor are there

I dont know how much is their salary, I have a friend who is working in Angola constructing a shopping mall, the company pays him a base salary as in China and another allowance with 200 per day. In total he get about 11000 RMB = 1750 $per month, which is far higher than China. Usually, when a Chinese company took a project, they will pick manpower from China rather than that countries. Even in a low income countries which is far lower than China, you can find Chinese labors doing their job, I think it is required by the Beijing Govt.


The employees are working for the companies for better management control!
I do not deny that there are supports from government.However, each company should be self-reliant.

take the upper example.our companies may pay less wages to local workers than to our workers.Our managers know little about the local language, customs, laws, religion.so it is hard to manage local workers with the way we are accustomed.paying a little more money to our workers is worth with respect to the terms of the extension of time or some other accidents.

what we fear most is artificial schedule delays.once delayed ,management costs will grow exponentially.We don't lack of projects, but lack of time!

Correct! Delay in projects will cause the owner to penalize constructing companies heavily on a day to day basis! The constructing companies MUST keep project progress absolutely under their control in order to meet deadlines!

The work rates of our workers are the most efficient, the most reliable and they are not prone to cause troubles
I dont know how much is their salary, I have a friend who is working in Angola constructing a shopping mall, the company pays him a base salary as in China and another allowance with 200 per day. In total he get about 11000 RMB = 1750 $per month, which is far higher than China. Usually, when a Chinese company took a project, they will pick manpower from China rather than that countries. Even in a low income countries which is far lower than China, you can find Chinese labors doing their job, I think it is required by the Beijing Govt.
Work efficiency: 1 Chinese worker = 5 local worker.
Engineers? we welcome the skilled labors and were licensed by the authorities.
However, unfortunately, the majority of Chinese labors came to Vietnam to do the simplest jobs in construction sites, and they work illegally with a tourist visa (they took advantage of the provisions of Vietnam allowing a tourist visa 3 months for Chinese traveler. After 3 months working in Vietnam, illegal Chinese labors go to Cambodia or come back China a few days, then they continue to back to work illegally in Vietnam with a new tourist visa)

A question is: Why dont they stay in richer China to work instead of flooding in Vietnam?

Images of Chinese labores in Vietnam on Vietnamese newspapers:



They are employers of Chinese company,
They get much much higher payment than your countrymen,
2 months salary is enough for them to get a Viet wife。:smitten:
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