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Do you believe in God?

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God believes in Me & Football - Nuff said ! :smokin:
I did not get your question and dont know which verse you are talking about but we are not angels and people do make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally and then seek repentence. If your good deeds are more than bad ones then you will be saved by the will of Allah. Allah said in Quran that he can forgive all sins except shirk

We, as a believer, know that one day Doom's day will come, and there will be no Good person left on this earth just before the Doom's day. Right? .... So dose not it mean that even the people who would born at the age just before the Doom's day try to be a Good person, it will not be practical/possible for them, because, we know, according to Islam, there will be no Good persons left on this earth just before the Doom's day. On the other hand, if even a good person remains on earth, there will be no Doom's day, so everyone has to be inevitably/per-conditionally a bad person for the Doom's day to be occurred.
The Almighty knew it was best for the, & chose to protect them from unforeseen harm. Life is a test...Must have sabr. ..The pain we feel in life and the hardship we experience in life make our soul more pure...Test and hardships cleans our sins away...Allah is so Merciful.

what sabr? it seems God is only testing the poor/miserable people all the time, what about the rich corrupt folks who live their lavish lifestyles? is life not a test for them? again, I go back to my original point, there is no justice in this world, not from God, not from humans
Define God. It will invariably become mumbo jumbo.
I am a firm believer of justice and cannot fathom a world where people would actually get away with huge injustices and heinous crimes that are being committed on daily basis like ours. This particularly happens with some mass murders that get away scot free with so much blood on their hands from time to time so to keep this short, i believe in God/allah/lord/yahweh out of necessity for the sake of absolute justice, which with our systems we fails from time to time unfortunately. I hope I did not offend someone with my religious overtone views as far as political correctness is concerned but the concept of diety is necessary in a world like ours , at least for some of us to continue living in cruel world as ours. Once again my perspective on the view of life is very directed through the concept of absolute justice and may be somewhat biased as like any faith/religion, it is influenced in my case from islamic faith.
@Lalashersingh ... you are the third person to be suspicious about god in this month...
we got @Neptune and @Skies ... earlier
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what bad choices did the poor people make? I mean they were born in to poverty and miserable conditions, how is it their fault?

You said why there is injustice/evil in this world. I said its because of bad choices of people. Poverty is not something which you cannot change. Many people were born in poor and middle class family and now they belong to rich class because of their hard work and struggle

There is one famous indian movie dialogue I remember, which said, "God already makes choices for us before we are even born" so how is it our fault if we are born in to the conditions we live in?

You should stop learning about islam from indian movies..

God give us free will ..yea life and death is not in our hands but what we do here is very much in our hands..if everything is written before we were born then hell or heaven dont make sense . You get punishment or reward for something which you had ability to do or refuse to do
I am a firm believer of justice and cannot fathom a world where people would actually get away with huge injustices and heinous crimes that are being committed on daily basis like ours. This particularly happens with some mass murders that get away scot free with so much blood on their hands from time to time so to keep this short, i believe in God/allah/lord/yahweh out of necessity for the sake of absolute justice, which with our systems we fails from time to time unfortunately. I hope I did not offend someone with my religious overtone views as far as political correctness is concerned but the concept of diety is necessary in a world like ours , at least for some of us to continue living in cruel world as ours. Once again my perspective on the view of life is very directed through the concept of absolute justice and may be somewhat biased as like any faith/religion, it is influenced in my case from islamic faith.

you want there to be god, you wish there is a god to give justice as some cases obviously we did not get... and therefore you believe that there is a god. Is that what you are saying. :)
what sabr? it seems God is only testing the poor/miserable people all the time, what about the rich corrupt folks who live their lavish lifestyles? is life not a test for them? again, I go back to my original point, there is no justice in this world, not from God, not from humans

It is the best answer of your question ..

"Let not the unbelievers imagine that the respite We grant them is good for them. We grant them respite so that they may grow in wickedness. A humiliating chastisement awaits them."[Al-Imran, Verse #178]

Indeed Allah has announced rewards in hereafter for the people who suffers in this temporarily world ..
You said why there is injustice/evil in world. I said its because of bad choices of people..Poverty is not something which you cannot change. Many people were born in poor and middle class family and now they belong ro rich class because of their hard work and struggle

You should stop learning about islam from indian movies..

God give us free will ..yea life and death is not in our hands but what do here is very much in our hands..if everything is written before we were born then hell or heaven dont make sense . You get punishment or reward for something which you had ability to do

for how many people does that dream come true? 1 or 2% of the folks. That fact is majority of the people live and die in the same or even worse conditions they were born in. Life is a big punishment for them, so how is it fair?
@Lalashersingh Today is Sab-e-Quadar night, and you are asking this question?!
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yes.but that god is someone who is just and fair to all and not biased towards a specific religion...
@Lalashersingh ... you are the third person to be suspicious about god in this month...
we got @Neptune and @Skies ... earlier

this shows that the Religious discussion is very important sometimes, but, unfortunately, PDF has less manpower to have a separate section.
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@Lalashersingh Today is Sab-e-Quadar night, and you are asking this question?!

Are you sure about it that today is shab-e-qadar..?
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