well i never used to, but now i am not sure. When i was in Singapore i visited the Old Changi Hospital. Its supposedly haunted.
Singapore Paranormal Investigators
I went with a few friends (about 8 people) and saw nothing. However everyone who has gone in a group of 3 or less have reported seeing something. One doctor friend, who is a real non-believer went there and was videoing the place. he said he saw something that looked like air that condensed into a human form coming towards him. something like a hollow man.
obviously, he ran for his life. he came back and showed us the video. and the scary thing is, it was not just the hollow man that appeared in the video. there was a figure that appeared at a window in the video. he hadnt noticed it when videoing, but only when he reviewed the video. its shape was that of a man, but no human on earth could look like that. it was whiter than chalk and the skin appeared shriveled. It might have been human once, but definitely wasn't now.
the doctor was so scared he deleted the video, and refused to sleep alone for the next few days. and even us guys, who saw the video were shaken to our core. its possible that it might have been a hoax. maybe someone dressed up as a ghost and using mirrors or projectors to create the hollow man effect.(Kinda reminds me of Scooby Doo). But whatever it is, it shook me to the core.
Damn this thread for reminding me of this!