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Do you agree with the construction of CHINA-PAKISTAN Railways?


Aug 9, 2009
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The relationship between China and Pakistan is very special, it is well-known in fact. The reason why i published this issue franklyhere, because many Chinese people's prejudice and misunderstanding the people of Pakistan, which is not conducive to genuine the interaction between chinese people and pakistan people.
Many Chinese people understand the situation in Pakistan through official description and reporting. Today, as long as we enter the "Pakistan" in GOOGEL search engine, people will find that bombings, internal strife and poverty issues and so on. It seems to that,it is difficult to find out some diferently and actively news in this islamic state.
Most of chinese have to admit such a fact that we just know less about Pakistan .It's repoted that a few Pakistanis think that Pakistan was poor and ,they don't deserved allies with China . Some people even don't know where Pakistan is. Such an outcome is not what we want, but the results are very helpless.News reports should not become a propaganda tool of politics, but it means to know the truth .
So, where's the "four good"?As we know : good neighbors、good partners 、 good friends and good brothers.They are four commitments but not just a empty promise .
China needs to understand the world truely 。If china and pakistan build a railway even we make a construction of China - the Middle East Railway, just think about what outcome should it be if to do so? We can reduce a number of trade costs in South Asian countries and even the entire Middle East countries.Besides, the total volume of trades will increase significantly in bakistan、india、srilanka and whole of the Middle East coutries. So, why not achieve such a dream?
China is Pakistan's best friend and closest neighbor. The Pakistan-China border is Pakistan's most peaceful border. There are many Chinese citizens working in Pakistan and we Pakistanis are very grateful.

Recently I posted a thread in this section about China's help in contructing a 7,000 MW Dam in Pakistan.

Pakistanis will always treasure this friendship with China and a China-Pakistan railway is a great idea to bring the two friendly countries closer. Recently Pakistan's Prime Minister inaugurated the Pakistan-Iran-Turkey railway, it would be a great idea for Pakistan to be working on Pakistan-China railway now so Pakistan can bring all these regions together for trade/business which will benefit each country's economy.

With a Pakistan-China railway and Pakistan-Iran-Turkey railway, Pakistan will be linked to the Middle East, Europe, and China. Pakistan also needs to be linked to the Gulf countries and Central Asian Republics because of their close proximity to Pakistan.

We Pakistanis know who is our true friend and its definatey China.

P.S. Dont always trust what you read and watch from Western media.
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the geography condition of the sino-pakistan border is not suitable for railway building.

At present we fortunately have a highway cross the montain of karakorum which was built about 30-40 years ago and partly damaged in an earthquack years before. reports said that china and pakistan would repair and widen the road to make it an all-year open route from kashgar in xinjiang to islambad and even to karachi. but since the war on terror and the government's fighting against the taliban kind of thing (in this area), i don't know how well this project goes on.

despite all the technical problems and geo-political difficulties, i still believe that there should be a railway that links china and pakistan directly sooner or later, and of course the sooner the better. The lenth of the rail, if it starts from kashgar to islambad, will be about 1300km, including 800km in pakistan.
if it costs $20m per kilometer( we spent 200bl RMB or $25bl on the 1000km qinghai-tibet railway), the total cost of the railway would be as high as $26 billion.
I see no dis-agreement in china pakistan railway.....
the geography condition of the sino-pakistan border is not suitable for railway building.

At present we fortunately have a highway cross the montain of karakorum which was built about 30-40 years ago and partly damaged in an earthquack years before. reports said that china and pakistan would repair and widen the road to make it an all-year open route from kashgar in xinjiang to islambad and even to karachi. but since the war on terror and the government's fighting against the taliban kind of thing (in this area), i don't know how well this project goes on.

despite all the technical problems and geo-political difficulties, i still believe that there should be a railway that links china and pakistan directly sooner or later, and of course the sooner the better. The lenth of the rail, if it starts from kashgar to islambad, will be about 1300km, including 800km in pakistan.
if it costs $20m per kilometer( we spent 200bl RMB or $25bl on the 1000km qinghai-tibet railway), the total cost of the railway would be as high as $26 billion.

We had plans of railway connecting Pakistan to China for a long time now, we hope Pakistan's government will cooperate with China in contructing a Pakistan-China railway just like they have constructed the Pakistan-Iran-Turkey railway.

QUETTA, Feb 13: The Balochistan government has proposed the setting up of a consortium of friendly countries for a rail project to link the port of Gwadar with countries of the region.

The proposal was made by Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani who said the consortium should consist of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Afghanistan, China and Iran.

“We are ready to host a conference on ‘Gwadar railway and logistic consortium’ in April this year, either in Islamabad or Gwadar,” Nawab Raisani said.

He said the objective of the conference would be to work out principles, modalities, cost and timeframe of the project.

He expressed the hope that the federal government would help in setting up the consortium.

He said he had written a letter to President Asif Zardari praising the federal government for making the Gwadar port functional.

It will also be in Pakistan's best interst to be linked to all her surrounding regions especially China, Middle East, and Central Asia.
A railway link is must in order for low cost transportation of goods. If Gawadar is to used at its full potential than we need railroads to China and central Asia.
Is it possible to have a railway link with China?
What guage link it will be?
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