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Do nations need nuclear weapons?

As pakistan is blackmailing India as if we do something they will launch the nukes we can play the same card against china.

Then there will be no difference between them and us.!!!
That is your opinion and I respect that.

But if you ask the average Chinese person they don't care about war with other countries, all they are about is economic growth and prosperity.

Agreed, even the average Indian has no time for war, in fact average ppl everywhere have no interest in war.

I think one day in the future China/Pakistan/India will all be friends like the EU. If Britain, Germany and France can make peace with each other after so many wars (including two world wars), then why can't we? :cheers:

This is a noble thought but very complicated.

Britain/Germany/France are all one religion. Over here, China/India/Pakistan are all different religions.

Pakistan itself was formed on the basis of religion. Their 1000 year war with India is still in progress.

To create an EU like organization, we will require very strong willed leaders in all the 3 countries which unfortunately is not the case.
Agreed, even the average Indian has no time for war, in fact average ppl everywhere have no interest in war.

You are 100% correct. :cheers:

Britain/Germany/France are all one religion. Over here, China/India/Pakistan are all different religions.

To create an EU like organization, we will require very strong willed leaders in all the 3 countries which unfortunately is not the case.

That's an interesting point about the leaders, I agree with that.

About religion though, China and Pakistan get along well even though our religions are vastly different.

Wheras Buddhism and Hinduism are very similar (and they both originated in India). So in theory.... China and India should be getting along well, but because of historical conflicts (carried out by Chairman Mao) we missed the opportunity.
You are 100% correct. :cheers:

That's an interesting point. I don't think we need to form an EU type of organisation, but I do think we all need to be more friendly with each other for regional stability.

The religion point is interesting too. However, China and Pakistan get along well even though our religions are vastly different.

Wheras Buddhism and Hinduism are very similar (and they both originated in India). So in theory China and India should be getting along well, but because of historical conflicts (carried out by Chairman Mao) we missed the opportunity.

I think it's something to think about in the future.

Absolutely, my friend, it's never too late for anything. :cheers:

India+ China = 40% of world population has to live peacefully if this planet has to survive.

I personally feel the change can brought about only by having a cultural exchange. We need to have more people to people interactions between India and China.

I dont know if u know this, but that is a very popular kids dance show in India called Boogie-Woogie, and there have been many occasions when we have had kids from China (from the Chinese ppl who are currently in India), Bangladesh and Pakistan and this is a great feeling.
Absolutely, my friend, it's never too late for anything. :cheers:

India+ China = 40% of world population has to live peacefully if this planet has to survive.

Yes, I hope more people understand this. :thinktank:

We are 40% of the world's population, if China and India can become friends then that is almost half of the world!

The future of humanity will have a lot to do with how the Chinese and the Indians get along with each other. The future belongs to Asia. :tup:
"This is the secret of the political history of modern India.
Weakened by division, it succumbed to invaders; impoverished by
invaders, it lost all power of resistance, and took refuge in
supernatural consolations; it argued that both mastery and slavery
were superficial delusions, and concluded that freedom of the body
or the nation was hardly worth defending in so brief a life. The
bitter lesson that may be drawn from this tragedy is that eternal
vigilance is the price of civilization. A nation must love peace,
but keep its powder dry."

--The Story of Civilization (Will Durrant)
One country need to give up Nukes first.

Thats United states of America.
Followed by Russians, Chinese, India and Pakistan..

Rest can follow us then:)

Nice..... but what about North Korea!? :toast_sign:
I think the IDEAL situation is for NO-ONE to have nuclear weapons.

That is a very long-term goal though.

In the short-term, the best idea is to keep up the economic growth and development, and try to avoid causing problems with other countries.

Like Deng Xiaoping said: "Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile". :cheers:

Well said.. The Bush administration scared Iran and North Korea with that "axis of evil" remark. Then they invaded Iraq:toast_sign:
The writer of this article is biggest fool on earth and obsessed with pakistan. And goes on to prove that only a Indian can be so foolish and self destructive.

For thousands of years India faced invaders just because we have not build our defenses and we are not aggressive.

Its not about pakistan but about china or in future a enemy we don't know yet or not prepared for it.

We need to deploy at least 500 nuclear tipped missiles against china-pakistan. Store them in mountain tunnels of about 12 different states of India.

And withdraw no first use policy.

As pakistan is blackmailing India as if we do something they will launch the nukes we can play the same card against china.

I agree with ur post except for the bolded part.

On the ground there is no such thing as No First Use policy and those three words are entirely for world consumption (which they appear to have fully consumed).

If push comes to shove and we r facing a loss in a war im sure the Govt will not think twice in putting the hands on the red button.
Some people here talk of nukes in the smae light they talk of aircraft or tanks. nukes are weapons developed with one single purpose in mind: detrrence. and its the absolute last resort, when the survival of a nation is at threat.

Its not like, "war breaks out, i nuke you", "you step in my territory, i nuke you", "you snore in your sleep i nuke you". Its more like, "you are dealing heavy, lasting damage to me. stop now or i nuke you"

@ Justin Joseph: Nuclear weapons are not for blackmail of others. its meant to keep the enemy from inflicting tremendous damage on you, not something to casually lob at them whenever u feel slightly threatened. We developed nukes as a defence against blackmailing, not a weapon to blackmail others with. the best way to deal with china is through dialogue and peaceful co-operation (note: i am not saying we let our guard down, but that we should pursue peace). besides, our conventional forces are enough to deter an invasion. and what would we get by blackmail of China? they will pursue an incredibly aggressive policy against us, and in the end we all waste a lot more on defence when it could have been used to improve lives of millions.

We can always build up more deterrence, but never should it be used as a tool for blackmailing. Because in the end, everyone loses.
Any Country needs Nukes, its the only safe way of garantee that they won't be invaded by a forign force. But unfortunatly once they got it, its useless cos they can't use it wouldn't infecting the World.

But the film Armegeddon, shows what Nukes can be used for :P
The writer of this article is biggest fool on earth and obsessed with pakistan. And goes on to prove that only a Indian can be so foolish and self destructive.

For thousands of years India faced invaders just because we have not build our defenses and we are not aggressive.

Its not about pakistan but about china or in future a enemy we don't know yet or not prepared for it.

We need to deploy at least 500 nuclear tipped missiles against china-pakistan. Store them in mountain tunnels of about 12 different states of India.

And withdraw no first use policy.

As pakistan is blackmailing India as if we do something they will launch the nukes we can play the same card against china.

well in case China we dont have to withdraw our no first strike policy and just dont need to point our nuke tipped missiles towards them

the reason other than us,China is the only nation who have a similar no first strike policies

this two nations r considered as arch rivals,had fought a war is is preparing for a showdown against each other in the coming time,still both of them have some ethics,think was it possible in case of U.S and Soviet

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