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Do any true Muslim exist today?

Yeah. Good people or people of the right hand will be in abundance in both ancient and last days.
I don't think only Sufi but people who give rights and do mandatory things are sabqeen. Older Sabqeen also included cobblers, herders, farmers, etc. They were not learned or detached from the world but honest, just and doing the mandatory things. Perhaps, the biggest quality was they could easily say 'what is right' in the face and could fight for it. So, they were brave.

I dont say only Sufi, but the knowledge about this close relationship is abundant with their writing as they are the group of Muslim that focus on how to reach that level

Evey ones that can reach the level will pass and get it, regardless Sufi or Not, and many Sufis are also regarded as moves away from Shariah, we are talking about the true Sufi and this is why I bring the words from Ibnu Qaim as he is part of Ibnu Taimiyah follower (Origin of Wahabi) and also part of Sufism.

Many earlier generation can get it

It is about Muqarrabin ( the ones that is close to Allah). There are three groups mentioned in Quran where I have posted in my above post
WTH is untrue muslims ?
prime will be munafiq, then khawarji or baghi, then come biddah doers, and lastly weak practising Muslims. Just my opinion.

Evey ones that can reach the level will pass and get it, regardless Sufi or Not,
My point was Sufi and alikes, who are very much indulged in Ibadah or scholarship. Common people can be from Sabqeen as taqwa is the main parameter after Iman.
Yeah. Good people or people of the right hand will be in abundance in both ancient and last days.
I don't think only Sufi but people who give rights and do mandatory things are sabqeen. Older Sabqeen also included cobblers, herders, farmers, etc. They were not learned or detached from the world but honest, just and doing the mandatory things. Perhaps, the biggest quality was they could easily say 'what is right' in the face and could fight for it. So, they were brave.

This other characteristic with more explanation in Quran related to a group of Muslim you are talking to (Sabqeen)

Ali Imran

(3:146) Many were the Prophets on whose side a large number of God-devoted men fought: they neither lost heart for all they had to suffer in the way of Allah nor did they weaken nor did they abase themselves. Allah loves such steadfast ones.
"which we hear about how a true Muslim should live"
This part is the problem and answer to your long post.
This is the standard, remember the Sufi teaching lesson "The one will be a slave of his/her lover"




Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

I thought religious threads were a violation of PDF rules, but since a moderator @LeGenD has liked the OP, I must have been mistaken. Apologies.

Edhi needs to be on the currency.

Yes, that will reduce cash bribery. Obviously.
Yes, true Islam still exists. But it exists only in Pakistan!!

I know as a Non-Muslim I will get a back lash for this, but how many of the muslims have read Quran with Tafseer! You need to understand Quran to be True Muslim! Arbi mein hibz karne se nahi banoge!!
Most od chest thumping Muslims like Taliban's etc all have gone against Islam teaching infact our major organizations government do speak most on Islam specially İmran but in closed doors they are as evil as shatan

Islam is been used by our politics as a vehicle for their government jouney

Islam is been used by our politics as a vehicle for their government jouney

Why don't we ask questions when they say they build roast e madina and there all acts are opposite and we don't speak because they have big abdhbhakht following my question is if some one speaks wrong and lie ask him direct question and snatch his evil mask which he is wearing and lying to nation no matter who is it no one is bigger than Islam and greater good of poor nation of pak

Why don't we ask questions when they say they build roast e madina and there all acts are opposite and we don't speak because they have big abdhbhakht following my question is if some one speaks wrong and lie ask him direct question and snatch his evil mask which he is wearing and lying to nation no matter who is it no one is bigger than Islam and greater good of poor nation of pak
Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

Believe in ALLAH and all his messages and prophets

Noble and generous
No lies and fraud
Not harming any one in any manner
No injustice
Stay firm against evil by voice and if needed by force for betterment of society
Use own senses rather than following other lines

Mostly what I see we are just by name following Islam

Either we are far right or far left nothing in between which true Islam is

Specially we in oak are number 1 in performing Islamic pilgrims but from inside we are totally opposite we don't want to change our bad habits but we call our selves a Muslim

We make false fatwas of jihad where in Islam in jihad it's prohibits categorically killing of any innocent life irrespective of their religion colour and gender but few far right do this

We clearly openly allow banks for doing business in interst rates

Which is the biggest reason Islam clearly not only oposes but says it is a fight with ALLAH S.W.T

Today we follow Al wrongs than right in Islam but we openly say with chest thumping Islamic republic of Pakistan which contradicts

Today reason why Islam has islamophobia because we played in hands of enemies Islam by doing what should not be done by their provocation tactics which feed these anti Islam sources

We either mix Islam so much and become anti other religions which is Islam also forbids

And far left we oppose Islams good things such as hijab where Islam has a balanced answer for it

Any way reason writing I'm very confused what Islam was in 14th and till Abbasid era is gone a golden age may be few true Muslim exist but they are hidden like jewels

Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights

For me this interview must listen how anti Islam person converted with all his hate to Islam when he himself want to search for true answers

We follow blindly İmran zardari Shari's when we don't want to search answers from Islam by our selves

How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves
How about leaving who is a "true" Muslim to Allah and look after your own affairs. Stop worrying about others' religiosity.
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