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Do any true Muslim exist today?

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

Believe in ALLAH and all his messages and prophets

Noble and generous
No lies and fraud
Not harming any one in any manner
No injustice
Stay firm against evil by voice and if needed by force for betterment of society
Use own senses rather than following other lines

Mostly what I see we are just by name following Islam

Either we are far right or far left nothing in between which true Islam is

Specially we in oak are number 1 in performing Islamic pilgrims but from inside we are totally opposite we don't want to change our bad habits but we call our selves a Muslim

We make false fatwas of jihad where in Islam in jihad it's prohibits categorically killing of any innocent life irrespective of their religion colour and gender but few far right do this

We clearly openly allow banks for doing business in interst rates

Which is the biggest reason Islam clearly not only oposes but says it is a fight with ALLAH S.W.T

Today we follow Al wrongs than right in Islam but we openly say with chest thumping Islamic republic of Pakistan which contradicts

Today reason why Islam has islamophobia because we played in hands of enemies Islam by doing what should not be done by their provocation tactics which feed these anti Islam sources

We either mix Islam so much and become anti other religions which is Islam also forbids

And far left we oppose Islams good things such as hijab where Islam has a balanced answer for it

Any way reason writing I'm very confused what Islam was in 14th and till Abbasid era is gone a golden age may be few true Muslim exist but they are hidden like jewels

Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights

For me this interview must listen how anti Islam person converted with all his hate to Islam when he himself want to search for true answers

We follow blindly İmran zardari Shari's when we don't want to search answers from Islam by our selves

How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves
Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

Believe in ALLAH and all his messages and prophets

Noble and generous
No lies and fraud
Not harming any one in any manner
No injustice
Stay firm against evil by voice and if needed by force for betterment of society
Use own senses rather than following other lines

Mostly what I see we are just by name following Islam

Either we are far right or far left nothing in between which true Islam is

Specially we in oak are number 1 in performing Islamic pilgrims but from inside we are totally opposite we don't want to change our bad habits but we call our selves a Muslim

We make false fatwas of jihad where in Islam in jihad it's prohibits categorically killing of any innocent life irrespective of their religion colour and gender but few far right do this

We clearly openly allow banks for doing business in interst rates

Which is the biggest reason Islam clearly not only oposes but says it is a fight with ALLAH S.W.T

Today we follow Al wrongs than right in Islam but we openly say with chest thumping Islamic republic of Pakistan which contradicts

Today reason why Islam has islamophobia because we played in hands of enemies Islam by doing what should not be done by their provocation tactics which feed these anti Islam sources

We either mix Islam so much and become anti other religions which is Islam also forbids

And far left we oppose Islams good things such as hijab where Islam has a balanced answer for it

Any way reason writing I'm very confused what Islam was in 14th and till Abbasid era is gone a golden age may be few true Muslim exist but they are hidden like jewels

Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights

For me this interview must listen how anti Islam person converted with all his hate to Islam when he himself want to search for true answers

We follow blindly İmran zardari Shari's when we don't want to search answers from Islam by our selves

How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves
There are alot, you just have to look around.

THe reason is it is impractical to be a Muslim like that and survive in the modern world.
Difficult yes but not impractical
There will be Sabqeen even at the end of times but will be few. Overall, people get less practising than before.
Therefore, for the last people to be steadfastly on one Sunnah of Prophet SW will be like holding burning charcoal in their hands.
وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ

And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).

أُولَٰئِكَ الْمُقَرَّبُونَ

These will be those Nearest to Allah:

فِي جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ

In Gardens of Bliss:

ثُلَّةٌ مِّنَ الْأَوَّلِينَ

A number of people from those of old,

وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنَ الْآخِرِينَ

And a few from those of later times.
Bruh, during Ali Caliphate, Muslim are killing each other to solve dispute





Battle of the Camel​

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of the Camel, also known as the Battle of Jamel or the Battle of Basra, took place outside of Basra, Iraq, in 36 AH (656 CE). The battle was fought between the army of the fourth caliph Ali, on one side, and the rebel army led by Aisha, Talha and Zubayr, on the other side. Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, while Aisha was a widow of Muhammad, and Talha and Zubayr were both prominent companions of Muhammad.

Ali emerged victorious from this battle, Talha and Zubayr were both killed, and Aisha was sent back to Hejaz afterward. The triumvirate had revolted against Ali ostensibly to avenge the assassination of the third caliph Uthman, though the leading roles of Aisha and Talha in inciting against Uthman are well-cited. The three also called for the removal of Ali and the appointment of his replacement by a Qurayshite council (shura) which was to include Talha and Zubayr.

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Brother anyone who accepts Allah and his Rasool (saws) is a Muslim. The only perfect Muslims were the Prophets.

The rest of us are all capable of and do commit sin. The question you should have asked is do any good Muslims exist? My answer is Yes.

Despite all the negativity of the people at the top, there are plenty of good people in the world in general, and certainly good Muslims.
What is happening us always meant to happen, it's even mentioned In the Quran and hadiths

Muslims today are 2 billion and with a mean age of 23/24 (lowest of all major faiths) we are in a prime birth giving stage and our population will increase fast this century

Islam will be the largest faith group in the world overtaking Christianity in the next few decades

But it men's nothing if we follow other religions and start bending our faith to fit in with what societies and people want,

We need to be firm as Muslims

Islam is supposed to be a CONSTANT throughout time and society, never bending, never changing

Society is supposed to conform to Gods will, not the other way around

Maybe it's a sign of the end of times, maybe we have a long time to go, who knows

But as Muslims at all costs we must stand up for our beliefs, inspire our children to be faithful good Muslims and spread the faith, never bowing and proclaiming the Islamic path everywhere to everyone
There will be Sabqeen even at the end of times but will be few. Overall, people get less practising than before.
Therefore, for the last people to be steadfastly on one Sunnah of Prophet SW will be like holding burning charcoal in their hands.
وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ

And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).

أُولَٰئِكَ الْمُقَرَّبُونَ

These will be those Nearest to Allah:

فِي جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ

In Gardens of Bliss:

ثُلَّةٌ مِّنَ الْأَوَّلِينَ

A number of people from those of old,

وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنَ الْآخِرِينَ

And a few from those of later times.
You need to show the verse in complete form, dont cut it

Many Good Muslim comes from later generation as well, see the last sentence on the verse. The one that you show is the close ones to Allah. It is not about practicing Muslim, the verse talking about Muslim that has close relationship to Allah. This kind of religious group has existed since very ancient time, ancient then even Islam.

This is difficult to achieve, something that Sufi is talking in my opinion
You need to show the verse in complete form, dont cut it

Many Good Muslim comes from later generation as well, see the last sentence on the verse. The one that you show is the close ones to Allah. It is not about practicing Muslim, the verse talking about Muslim that has close relationship to Allah. This kind of religious group has existed since very ancient time, ancient then even Islam.

This is difficult to achieve, something that Sufi is talking in my opinion

Ibnu Qayim words that tells exactly what Sufism is about

"The contemplative believer who remembers Allah will begin to enjoy solitude and places of seclusion where voices and movements are hushed… There he will find strength of heart and will, and he will no longer be worried or depressed… Then he will begin to taste the sweetness of worship, of which he cannot have enough. In it, he will find abundance of pleasure and comfort – more than what he used to find in diversion and play, or in the satisfaction of wordly desires…When he experiences this state, many of the wordly concerns will disappear, as he is in a completely different world from the rest of humanity."

(Ibnu Qayim)

Actually there is also a share in spirituality between Islam and Hinduism. This Hindu verses can explain Tasawuf (Sufism/Spiritual Islam) quite good as well:

"He that does everything for Me, whose supreme object I am, who worships Me, being free from attachment and without hatred to any creature, this man, Arjuna!, comes to Me." Bhagavad Gita 11:55


The principle of Tasawuf/Sufism is that we try to get close to ALLAH emotionally. In order to get there, there should be several means that we use as a vehicle.

Quran (Qs: 56 ; 88-96)

88. Then, if he be of the Muqarrabin, 89. Then Rawh, Rayhan and a Garden of Delights. 90. And if he be of those on the right, 91. Then Salam (peace) to you from those on the right. 92. But if he be of the denying, the erring, 93. Then for him is an entertainment with Hamim. 94. And entry in Hellfire. 95. Verily, this! This is an absolute truth with certainty. 96. So, glorify with praises the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.

Muqarrabin is some ones that are close to Him


From amongst the well-known Saheeh Ahaadeeth that was related by the noble Sahaabah Abu Hurairah (ra) from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا

"Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the head of every one hundred years someone who will renew the Deen for it".

Related by Abu Daawood (4291) and was verified as Saheeh by As-Sakhaawiy in 'Al-Maqqsid Al-Hasanah' (149) and Al-Albaaniy in 'As-Silsilah As-Saheehah' (599).
How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves
Ask for help from Him in your heart, with a clear intention and He will make ways for you. Its neither technical nor difficult.

Society is supposed to conform to Gods will, not the other way around
He lets human have their way, for some time at least, before He pulls the plug :laugh:
Whole Verses to understand the real meaning of Muqarrabin









The rest of us are all capable of and do commit sin.
Committing sin is just human, but repentance for that sin is what elevates a human in God's eyes. Break then make, that is how a human heart is polished.

Imho, God is extremely kind and gives lots and lots of opportunities to everyone. He wants to give, He wants to bestow, He is there to grant, its up to the human how much he is willing to take what God offers. God is infinite so there is abundance to be offered to any human being. God is waiting to forgive through repentance. Just feel lucky to be born a human/muslim and to know that I am asking from someone who is the Creator and will make ways and means to give me I just have to ask and keep asking with sincerity.
Why the early Muslims society was highly prosperous?
Well there was a well managed system that held everyone accountable
Muslims not just relied on teaching Islam but established a powerful system that governored the public with justice and equality.

That system gradually got weakened and the result was there
"The fall of Muslims"

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) gave some rules to his followers but never ordered His followers to establish a particular sort of governing system because He knew evolution is a key part of human civilizations so He left upto people themselves to decide what type of governing mechanism they should follow according to their time and public mentality.

Sahabas (R.A) modified the ancient Kingship system into Caliphate.
But with the course of time,thanks to evolving human civilizations,now we have multiple options to select a governing system.
You need to show the verse in complete form, dont cut it

Many Good Muslim comes from later generation as well, see the last sentence on the verse. The one that you show is the close ones to Allah. It is not about practicing Muslim, the verse talking about Muslim that has close relationship to Allah. This kind of religious group has existed since very ancient time, ancient then even Islam.

This is difficult to achieve, something that Sufi is talking in my opinion
Yeah. Good people or people of the right hand will be in abundance in both ancient and last days.
I don't think only Sufi but people who give rights and do mandatory things are sabqeen. Older Sabqeen also included cobblers, herders, farmers, etc. They were not learned or detached from the world but honest, just and doing the mandatory things. Perhaps, the biggest quality was they could easily say 'what is right' in the face and could fight for it. So, they were brave.
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