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DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

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Aug 10, 2013
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Almost every Chinese today is formed from a mixture of military invasion and migrants which is different to India genetic history. However there is some great similarity in term of geographic/genetics. Like the North Indians/Pakistan have blood of Iranian/Arab/Mongol/Turkic blood but in smaller quantity while South Indian have some north Indian blood but also in smaller quantity but the low caste group of South India have none and therefore not mixed like South Indians.

North Chinese are genetically East Asians with heavy Siberian/Northeast Asian admixture from the countless Altaic nomadic invasions and so Mandarin is heavy Manchu influenced and the language is far from close to original Chinese. Although it's easy to learn it's sounds very ugly.

South Chinese are Southern ethnic minority with heavy East Asian blood from the North Chinese invaders. The dialects of Cantonese, Hakka, Hoklo are all very close and good preservation of Chinese with minor significant influences from ethnic minority, their languages all sound ugly too.

North and South Chinese are not pure. The pure Chinese are those modern chinese mongoloids from modern central China


What matters is the bottom part in the study. The yellow represents East Asian/Siberian mongoloid admixture and brown southern ethnic minority Mongoloid. As you can see Cantonese are 27 - 35% East Asian on average but are 46-49% Han Chinese. Some of the yellow could come from Siberians such as the Mongolian/Jin dynasty invasion so it's not entirely east Asian and completely Chinese.

This clearly proves modern Chinese is form from military invasions using genetic data
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Lol, I agree hakka dialect sounds like crap. I prefer to speak Mandarin.

《人口研究》 - 中国各地DNA数据
Cantonese people

Cantonese father line: the more people O1 descent 40% , 10% Qinhan Han ethnic origin , Song Han Chinese ancestry 50%

Cantonese mother line : Vietnamese descent 80% , 20% Han Chinese ancestry .

( however other Cantonese groups like Taishanese people have 45% O2a and 55% O3 Han paternal DNA but surprisingly 67% North Han maternal DNA and only 33% Vietnamese)

Fujianese people

Fujianese paternal line : 50% of the Han Chinese , Miao Yao ( mainly referring shes ) O3d descent 10% , 30% more people O1 descent , Brown Ethnicity CD ancestry 10% ;

Fujianese maternal line: The more people 50% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 10% , Han 30%.

Hakka people

Hakka people paternal line: Qinhan Han family 10% , 30% of Song Han , Miao and Yao ( mainly referring shes ) O3d descent 30% , the more people O1
Descent 10% , 10% brown Ethnicity C descent ;

Hakka maternal line: The more people 30% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 30% , Han 30%.

Jiangxi people

Jiangxi people paternal line: 50% of Chinese descent , Miao Yao O3d descent 20% , brown ethnic origin 10% C , 20% more people O1 descent ;

Jiangxi maternal line: The more people 30% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 20% , Han 40%.

Mandarin speakers of very north

paternal line: descent 90% Han Chinese , 5% of the Altai P descent ,

maternal line 90% of Chinese descent , descent 1% P Altai Altai mutation

However other study shows as much as 10-22% Altaic Y-DNA and mtDNA in North Chinese and in Liaoning province is 30-40%
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  8.新疆:境内多为汉人与维吾尔族人,维吾尔人来自于回纥,回纥本为突厥的一支,因此新疆被称为东突厥斯坦(在葱岭以东),而中亚五国的民族也均出自突厥,被称为西突厥斯坦(其中土库曼斯坦人自称最正宗的突厥人,土库曼就是Turkey man的转音)。突厥还有一支名塞尔柱突厥,他们逃至小亚细亚,逐渐发展壮大后攻灭拜占廷帝国,建立了奥斯曼土耳其帝国,今天演变成土耳其共和国。所以中亚五国、土耳其人都是新疆人亲戚。哈萨克人为突厥人与古乌孙人的混血后裔。










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The thread about race and genetic is not allowed on this forum.
The thread about race and genetic is not allowed on this forum.

Well it proves that military invasions and migrants did exist and contributed to their modern DNA. This proves with claims

This is a troll trap. I didn't know we have a heavy Siberian admixture :omghaha:

Siberian admixture aka as mongolian admixture.

North Chinese have the highest from 6 - 12% sometimes even 22-30%

South Chinese lowest from 2-5% sometimes 9%

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Well it proves that military invasions and migrants did exist and contributed to their modern DNA. This proves with claims


Siberian admixture aka as mongolian admixture.

Siberian admixture aka as mongolian admixture.??? Epic fail. :omghaha:
Siberian admixture aka as mongolian admixture.??? Epic fail. :omghaha:

Not epic failed. Mongolians are closely related with Buryats, Tungustic tribes, Mongolic tribes who predominate the Siberian component which is different. Koreans, Manchus, Japanese are closer to Siberian component the difference is they also have high East Asian admixture. North Chinese are East Asians with the highest Siberian components.
Almost every Chinese today is formed from a mixture of military invasion and migrants which is different to India genetic history. However there is some great similarity in term of geographic/genetics. Like the North Indians/Pakistan have blood of Iranian/Arab/Mongol/Turkic blood but in smaller quantity while South Indian have some north Indian blood but also in smaller quantity but the low caste group of South India have none and therefore not mixed like South Indians.

North Chinese are genetically East Asians with heavy Siberian/Northeast Asian admixture from the countless Altaic nomadic invasions and so Mandarin is heavy Manchu influenced and the language is far from close to original Chinese. Although it's easy to learn it's sounds very ugly.

South Chinese are Southern ethnic minority with heavy East Asian blood from the North Chinese invaders. The dialects of Cantonese, Hakka, Hoklo are all very close and good preservation of Chinese with minor significant influences from ethnic minority, their languages all sound ugly too.

North and South Chinese are not pure. The pure Chinese are those modern chinese mongoloids from modern central China


What matters is the bottom part in the study. The yellow represents East Asian/Siberian mongoloid admixture and brown southern ethnic minority Mongoloid. As you can see Cantonese are 27 - 35% East Asian on average but are 46-49% Han Chinese. Some of the yellow could come from Siberians such as the Mongolian/Jin dynasty invasion so it's not entirely east Asian and completely Chinese.

What are you smoking? That image is from the study on "Genetic Structure of the Han Chinese Population Revealed by Genome-wide SNP Variation" and it says nothing about Siberians and northeast asians.


Genetic Structure of the Han Chinese Population Revealed by Genome-wide SNP Variation

This is what the explanation for the image on the study actually says.


Figure 3.

Estimated Population Structure by STRUCTURE for K = 2 and K = 3

Each individual is represented by a thin vertical line, and each province is demarcated by a thick vertical black line. The provinces are arranged from north to south, with JPT on the extreme left, representing the northernmost locality, to Liaoning, the northernmost province of China investigated in this study. The Guangdong individuals were grouped into the three dialect groups of Teochew, Hakka and Cantonese. These were then followed by the samples from the two metropolitan cities of Beijing (represented by CHB) and Shanghai, as well as the overseas Chinese community in Singapore. In K = 2, the northern provinces are clearly anchored by the JPT, with a huge membership of northern samples (represented by the yellow segment). The northern membership decreases gradually down to the southern provinces, which show a strong membership of southern samples (represented by the brown segment). At K = 3, JPT is clearly separated from the Han Chinese samples. The analysis revealed a demarcation of north-central-south similar to that shown by Figure 2. The Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore samples showed a clear mixture of southern (long brown lines) and northern (shorter brown lines) individuals, as compared to the provincial samples. The three dialect samples from the Guangdong province were also different from each other, with Teochew being more similar to individuals from the provinces of Hunan and Cantonese being the most southern representative.

You don't seem to understand how ethnicity worked in China. Children automatically took after their father's ethnicity. If someone's father was Han, their children would be Han, if someone's father was Mongol, the children would be Mongol, if someone's father was Manchu, the children would be Manchu. Northern Han do not have heavy northeast asian admixture from invasions.

《人口研究》 - 中国各地DNA数据
Cantonese people

Cantonese father line: the more people O1 descent 40% , 10% Qinhan Han ethnic origin , Song Han Chinese ancestry 50%

Cantonese mother line : Vietnamese descent 80% , 20% Han Chinese ancestry .

( however other Cantonese groups like Taishanese people have 45% O2a and 55% O3 Han paternal DNA but surprisingly 67% North Han maternal DNA and only 33% Vietnamese)

Fujianese people

Fujianese paternal line : 50% of the Han Chinese , Miao Yao ( mainly referring shes ) O3d descent 10% , 30% more people O1 descent , Brown Ethnicity CD ancestry 10% ;

Fujianese maternal line: The more people 50% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 10% , Han 30%.

Hakka people

Hakka people paternal line: Qinhan Han family 10% , 30% of Song Han , Miao and Yao ( mainly referring shes ) O3d descent 30% , the more people O1
Descent 10% , 10% brown Ethnicity C descent ;

Hakka maternal line: The more people 30% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 30% , Han 30%.

Jiangxi people

Jiangxi people paternal line: 50% of Chinese descent , Miao Yao O3d descent 20% , brown ethnic origin 10% C , 20% more people O1 descent ;

Jiangxi maternal line: The more people 30% , 10% brown race , Miao Yao 20% , Han 40%.

Mandarin speakers of very north

paternal line: descent 90% Han Chinese , 5% of the Altai P descent ,

maternal line 90% of Chinese descent , descent 1% P Altai Altai mutation

However other study shows as much as 10-22% Altaic Y-DNA and mtDNA in North Chinese and in Liaoning province is 30-40%

大中华文明圈各地域人们的血统构成,例:大和民族九州岛父系—汉族血统40%... – 【人人分享-人人网】


1. Yue in that context does not mean Vietnamese. The yue who lived in Guangdong were Tai people related to the Zhuang, the Cantonese have Tai maternal lineage, not Vietnamese.

2. Perhaps you did not notice that Liaoning is home to several million Manchu people.

What are you smoking? That image is from the study on "Genetic Structure of the Han Chinese Population Revealed by Genome-wide SNP Variation" and it says nothing about Siberians and northeast asians.


Genetic Structure of the Han Chinese Population Revealed by Genome-wide SNP Variation

This is what the explanation for the image on the study actually says.


You don't seem to understand how ethnicity worked in China. Children automatically took after their father's ethnicity. If someone's father was Han, their children would be Han, if someone's father was Mongol, the children would be Mongol, if someone's father was Manchu, the children would be Manchu. Northern Han do not have heavy northeast asian admixture from invasions.

大中华文明圈各地域人们的血统构成,例:大和民族九州岛父系—汉族血统40%... – 【人人分享-人人网】


1. Yue in that context does not mean Vietnamese. The yue who lived in Guangdong were Tai people related to the Zhuang, the Cantonese have Tai maternal lineage, not Vietnamese.

2. Perhaps you did not notice that Liaoning is home to several million Manchu people.


Genetic components of Han Chinese.

Yellow = represents East Asian
Brown = represents southeast asian

But think of if this way. Because the component of East Asian is very similar to Siberian that is why they are in the same color. Do you honestly think that after so much invasion from Altaic even before Altaic left no DNA admixture?
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Genetic components of Han Chinese.

Yellow = represents East Asian
Brown = represents southeast asian

But think of if this way. Because the component of East Asian is very similar to Siberian that is why they are in the same color. Do you honestly think that after so much invasion from Altaic even before Altaic left no DNA admixture?

I don't know what is in your pipe. Siberian and Mongol autosomnal DNA is different from East Asian.
I don't know what is in your pipe. Siberian and Mongol autosomnal DNA is different from East Asian.

Exactly they are different. However why do you suppose their is 3x to 6x more Siberian component in North Chinese than SOUTH?
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