If you talk about luxury goods, that's standard of living.
No matter how much of a king you are in your own country, you do not get access to Gucci or Prada unless the population can afford it, not just because you can afford it. That's why you don't see any of the luxury goods brand have any shop in Libya or North Korea, no matter how rich these dictator is.
Libya and North Korea have sanctions.
For countries where there are no sanctions, you can be sure the ultra-elite get every single luxury item that is available in the West. They have them specially flown in if need be. The life of the ultra-elite is a whole different universe to the rest of us.
P.S. What's amusing is that the people who walk around like gods in their own countries (because they are above the law) become meek and ordinary when they go to the West. It's kinda funny watching them learn humility...