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Disgusting, Suicide leading cause of death for India youths: study

Interesting how you put your biased view on it by adding "disgusting" to the title. Because suicide really is unique to India. Only a truly evil person can true and make such cheap point scoring attempts when discussing human suffering. This is truly disgusting.
Disgusting got left over from the topic I was going to post about the baby girl being burnt alive
Yes, mental problems are not just considered like any other medical problems.

Even well to do families are reluctant to see a doctor for something as simple as a post retirement depression.

Tell u this incident which happened recently. I won't give out too much details though to protect the guy. This chap I knew a long time back in Uni days was arrested sometime ago for a homicide offence. Took all of us off-guard, but we went ahead and spoke to the family anyways. Turns out he had some sort of schizo condition or something ( not exactly sure what the diagnosis was ), and he was seeing a doctor at IMH for it. He was supposed to be on a daily course of injections, but apparently he had managed to convince his doctor to reduce the dosage to oral medication. Now any layman can tell you, that's a pretty huge difference in dosage you are talking about. Yes, the doctor actually did that, took his word at face value and dropped the dosage of the medicine simply without even doing a check. And he relapsed into his condition pretty quick and everything spiraled downhill from there.

Mental health issues are treated like a joke over here. This is one field not just Singapore but Asia needs to pay alot more attention to.
Society is becoming very achievement-oriented, and when people don’t achieve their goals, they go into depression.

Depression, frustration and soured relationships are making the youth take such drastic steps.

remedy :mental health facilities and emotional counselling..

These sectors have not much of a promotion from the concerned authorities and its still a Taboo for the society for people to visit a psychiatrist.
Society is becoming very achievement-oriented, and when people don’t achieve their goals, they go into depression.

Depression, frustration and soured relationships are making the youth take such drastic steps.

remedy :mental health facilities and emotional counselling..

These sectors have not much of a promotion from the concerned authorities and its still a Taboo for the society for people to visit a psychiatrist.

More importantly - FAMILY SUPPORT!

Issues like this can never be dealt with alone by the person or just his psychiatrist. Family members have to be receptive to the individual's problems and render their full support, not ostracize or turn their backs on him/her.
More importantly - FAMILY SUPPORT!

Issues like this can never be dealt with alone by the person or just his psychiatrist. Family members have to be receptive to the individual's problems and render their full support, not ostracize or turn their backs on him/her.

Sometimes I feel the Indian family system is a double edged sword..bcs when you fail you fail not only in front of your parents but also in front of the scores of relatives making your fall more difficult to deal with.
Sometimes I feel the Indian family system is a double edged sword..bcs when you fail you fail not only in front of your parents but also in front of the scores of relatives making your fall more difficult to deal with.
I think the relatives are the worst part. They make scathing remarks, so softly that you can't even talk back
Sometimes I feel the Indian family system is a double edged sword..bcs when you fail you fail not only in front of your parents but also in front of the scores of relatives making your fall more difficult to deal with.

Interesting point there. I would like to point out something though. This may be going slightly off-topic but please bear with me as I would like to point out here that the Indian family system isn't totally a bad idea. See the culture I'm from, the Indian Singaporean one has been undergoing major transitions over the past 3 decades. The environment my parents (in their 60's now) grew up in, was largely one comprised of extended families living within their racial groups in a more insular environment. That actually produced some results as well, as everyone was accountable to everyone else. Kids were forced to conform, adopt certain values, perform in a certain way at school. That actually yielded alot of results. I believe most of you over there still have that discipline fostered by your immediate environments.

Coming to my generation, people in their 30's, we grew up in an urban setting, small apartments, complete racial mixing as part ofthe government policy to prevent ghettos from forming. The huge extended families were broken up, and most of us grew up seeing just our parents on a daily basis, grandparents once a month or so, uncles and aunties like once a year during functions or weddings. One major cultural shift in just one generation. It became real easy for us to break out of that family pressure. Parents used to say Hey what will uncle so and so think of you if he knows u started smoking Our reply would be Who gives a damn to a dude I see once a year? Sounds like a good thing right? No pressure, no suicides?

Wrong. That's when we started buying into a whole load of social problems. The need and pressure to excel was gone, we didn't see the need to prove ourselves to anyone, life became our own, completely. And there it began a whole bunch of youth problems, truancy, drug abuse, youth gangsterism, basically everything else but education took precedence.

No I don't think you guys should lose that family system you have going right now. That will do more harm than good. Rather, family members have to be educated to be more receptive to their children's problem and act more as a moral support than a harsh disciplinarian seeking just results. What you have going right now has to be tweaked, that's all. More awareness on the issues of stress, depression. Parents have to be well-educated on the problems and pressures teens face this day and age, including friends, girlfriends etc.

To totally do away with the family system would just work in reverse. Then you'd have a bunch of slackers running amok with no discipline. Wouldn't do the individual and the society any good in the long run.

I think the relatives are the worst part. They make scathing remarks, so softly that you can't even talk back

They are certainly part of that problem. But to remove that angle completely from the equation would create new ones. There has to be a balance. Suicide rates would certainly drop once parents start becoming more supportive and take an active interest in their child's development as a whole. Remember guys, it must never be ALL about education. Total development would also mean, showing interest in the child's other interests, sports, personal relationships etc.
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