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Disgusting police...

Your comment just shows that your banana republic is not capable of maintaining the rule of law and the interest of justice.

The "banana republic" you claim has 8 times mroe conviction rates than Sri Lanka :lol:

It shows your 'someone must be punished' attitude which almost always leads to injustice.

97% rapists getting away with Rape and your worried about injustice for RAPISTS ??....what ?

It's not just in Sri lanka that there are so many cold rape cases, there is 10,000s in the US. It's because rape is hard crime to prove.

NO it isn't for any competent police and judicial system

Unlike murder where the police only have to prove that the accused committed the offense, with rape the police have to prove the accused committed the offense and it was done without the consent of the victim.

That isn't really as hard as an excuse you make it out to be... there is no excuse for 97% of rapists getting away with rape

here are various other legal implication which make rape very difficult crime to get a successful conviction.

like what ? marital rape is rape...no question about it... a Rape just isn't intercourse, there is a lot of abuse involved

Rape exists everywhere, even in America , in the west as equally as gruesome in Pakistan Srilanka or India .... Fools like yourself cause people to fight each other instead of South asians sticking with one another
Your comment just shows that your banana republic is not capable of maintaining the rule of law and the interest of justice.

It shows your 'someone must be punished' attitude which almost always leads to injustice.

It's not just in Sri lanka that there are so many cold rape cases, there is 10,000s in the US. It's because rape is hard crime to prove.

Unlike murder where the police only have to prove that the accused committed the offense, with rape the police have to prove the accused committed the offense and it was done without the consent of the victim.

There are various other legal implication which make rape very difficult crime to get a successful conviction.

We dont care about others.We only care about ourselves.Noone is perfect.But whatever the reasons we cant tolerate others criticizing our country that is far worst than us.
You only need to care about your country not us.
The "banana republic" you claim has 8 times mroe conviction rates than Sri Lanka :lol:

97% rapists getting away with Rape and your worried about injustice for RAPISTS ??....what ?

NO it isn't for any competent police and judicial system

That isn't really as hard as an excuse you make it out to be... there is no excuse for 97% of rapists getting away with rape

like what ? marital rape is rape...no question about it... a Rape just isn't intercourse, there is a lot of abuse involved

You have no idea about the law,

Rape = Sexual Assault (just intercourse without consent).
Sexual Assault in 2nd degree (intercourse while causing grievous bodily harm).
Sexual Assault in 1st degree (intercourse + injury+ injury is permanent) .

Aggravated Sexual Assault in 2nd degree (intercourse while causing grievous bodily harm with a deadly weapon.)
Aggravated Sexual Assault in 1st degree (intercourse + injury with a deadly weapon+ injury is permanent) .

We make the conviction rate 100% like your banana republic. just find the man who the women points and go put him in jail. But this is not a banana republic and there are laws here that have to be followed.

Conviction rate has not nothing to do with the body evidence or competency of law enforcement authorities.
I guess indians cant stop with raping women, they have to rape English as well :lol:

Poor guy fixed with rape thread.Seems got PG for Rape issues from SL.Sorry we are not graduates like you.
Rape is a social problem afflicting all countries. We should unite and condemn rapes. Instead we start judging each other countries people. A rapist does not care for nationality, religion or even age. He is an animal which no morals and should be put away for years.
You have no idea about the law,

Rape = Sexual Assault (just intercourse without consent).
Sexual Assault in 2nd degree (intercourse while causing grievous bodily harm).
Sexual Assault in 1st degree (intercourse + injury+ injury is permanent) .

Aggravated Sexual Assault in 2nd degree (intercourse while causing grievous bodily harm with a deadly weapon.)
Aggravated Sexual Assault in 1st degree (intercourse + injury with a deadly weapon+ injury is permanent) .

We make the conviction rate 100% like your banana republic. just find the man who the women points and go put him in jail. But this is not a banana republic and there are laws here that have to be followed.

Conviction rate has not nothing to do with the body evidence or competency of law enforcement authorities.

Right...your more worried about Rapists being wrongly accused when 97% of rapists get away with Rape... how quaint ...
and people like you are talking about rapes in India.....there is a limit to what you can defend...and this is just disgusting....
Right...your more worried about Rapists being wrongly accused when 97% of rapists get away with Rape... how quaint ...
and people like you are talking about rapes in India.....there is a limit to what you can defend...and this is just disgusting....

our judicial system is firmly based on the concept of.

"It's better to let 100 guilty men go free than let one innocent man suffer" -Benjamin franklin

This what judicial system in most developed countries are based upon.

Not banana republic of India, where they have mob mentality 'justice'

Ever heard of
" No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

It means that no person shall be put in jail, have their property taken away from them, or be falsely accused without the due process of law.

@Star Wars Clearly something not respected in Indian mob culture.
our judicial system is firmly based on the concept of.

"It's better to let 100 guilty men go free than let one innocent man suffer" -Benjamin franklin

This what judicial system in most developed countries are based upon.

Not banana republic of India, where they have mob mentality 'justice'

Ever heard of
" No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

It means that no person shall be put in jail, have their property taken away from them, or be falsely accused without the due process of law.

Clearly something not respected in Indian mob culture.

Then it proves your police force's incompetence ... there are countless countries in the world who has a far better police force and far far better conviction rates when it comes to dealing with women ... Stop defending the indefensible , there is absolutely no justification for this number ... 97% and you really justifying that number.......WTF..... you wont find Indians Pakistanis or anyone justifying that...ever...

Not surprised you are using Rape to score brownie points..
Then it proves your police force's incompetence ... there are countless countries in the world who has a far better police force and far far better conviction rates when it comes to dealing with women ... Stop defending the indefensible , there is absolutely no justification for this number ... 97% and you really justifying that number.......WTF..... you wont find Indians Pakistanis or anyone justifying that...ever...

Not surprised you are using Rape to score brownie points..

So your saying we should start throwing suspects in jail without the required standard evidence giving complete disregard to the law just 'better' our conviction rate.

Sorry starwars, this is not starwars or whatever dream world your living in.

The due process of LAW will be maintained in Sri lanka; the need increase the conviction rate does not constitute evidence against the suspect.
So your saying we should start throwing suspects in jail without the required standard evidence giving complete disregard to the law just 'better' our conviction rate.

Sorry starwars, this is not starwars or whatever dream world your living in.

The due process of LAW will be maintained in Sri lanka; the need increase the conviction rate does not constitute evidence against the suspect.

no am saying have a competent police and judicial system... :lol:
A woman is raped every 90 minutes in Sri Lanka – Samanmalee Gunasinghe
TUESDAY, 05 JUNE 2012 17:26


Women and children are at the receiving end of serious crimes due to political interference and the failure of the police to carry out law and order in the country states Socialist Women’s Union (SWU) and pointed out that a woman is raped somewhere in Sri Lanka every 90 minutes.

SWU points out that this state is due to the introduction of the free economy to the country which destroyed human relationships and created a society that decides everything on money. This was stated by the National Organizer of the SWU Samanmalee Gunasinghe at a special media meeting held at the head office of the JVP at Pelawatta today (5th).

Speaking further Ms. Gunasinghe said, “The SWU holds the media meeting not just to speak about one or a few incidents. We would like to draw the attention of the society to the serious tragedies children and women are confronted with generally.

Police Judicial statistics show that 5 instances of raping of women take place in the country daily. However, the real number is thrice this which means 15 women are being raped daily. In other words a woman is raped in the country every 90 minutes. Statistics show this situation has escalated from 1990. There were 665 rape incidents reported in 1990, 542 in 1995, 1397 in 2007, 1592 in 2008, 1624 in 2009, 1854 in 2010, 1636 until 30th November, 2011. Also, 48% of the recorded crimes in 2011 were rapes of women. 89% of them were raping of girls under the age of 16. Also, 4000 of the 15,000 cases that are being heard in courts are regarding violence against children. It has also been revealed that 90% of the women are abused when using public transport.

As the Socialist Women’s Union we have a broad analysis regarding these crimes. Why do these crimes committed against women and children? According to newspaper reports more than 20 such incidents occur daily. It is evident that the main cause of this situation is the result of open economic policy that created a society that craves for money and tries to earn it by hook or by crook. During the first days open economy was introduced children too were sold to foreigners. Also, children were used as sex slaves to earn money. Murdering of children and women too has gone up. We have reached such a stage that economic factors have taken precedent over human relationships.

The SWU requests all women not to wait till any crime or violence is committed against them or others around them but to rally to defeat this state. All women’s organizations as well as women individually should rise against this state. They should struggle for the right to live without abuse and harm. The SWU is prepared to give leadership to all just struggles of women. We invite all to rally with us to build a protective society for all.

Members of the Executive Committee of the SWU Chandramali Perera and Sriya Ganegalle, Member of the SWU Samudra Warnakulasuriya too were present.


A woman is raped every 90 minutes in Sri Lanka – Samanmalee Gunasinghe

no am saying have a competent police and judicial system... :lol:

your police is completely incompetent.

this shows the competence of your law enforcement authorities.

New Delhi: India today asked the American embassy in New Delhi to stop all commercial activities including a restaurant, bar and parlor on its premises by January 16, continuing its unrelenting diplomatic offensive against the US over the arrest of diplomat Devyani Khobragade.

All US embassy and diplomats' cars will also be firmly dealt with under local traffic rules and policemen have been ordered to make no exception.

The embassy has been told to shut down a club within the premises which includes a bar, pool, parlor, restaurant, bowling alley and tennis court. Outsiders have till now been allowed in the club, a violation of the Vienna Convention that India is no longer prepared to ignore, said officials.

This comes on top of a slew of retaliatory measures taken by India to mount pressure on the US to drop charges against Devyani Khobragade, who was arrested in New York last month for alleged visa fraud and subjected to a humiliating strip search. She is facing a January 13 deadline for indictment.

US diplomats in consulates across India were ordered to give back identity cards that came with special privileges. American diplomats were also stripped off airport passes and import clearances. Barricades outside the sprawling US embassy in the capital were also removed.

India has sought an apology and asked the US to withdraw the charges against the 39-year-old diplomat. (Can't be business as usual, says India; US hopeful of resolution)

Indian Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh on Monday reportedly told US Ambassador Nancy Powell that it cannot be "business as usual" between the two sides till the issue is resolved.

Ms Khobragade was transferred to India's Permanent Mission to the UN, but she is yet to receive a clearance from the US. The Americans are yet to grant her the G1 visa that means full diplomatic immunity.

The diplomat was arrested on December 12 on charges of lying on the visa application for her domestic help Sangeeta Richard, and paying her far less wages than what was agreed upon. India has accused the US of immigration fraud by trying to move Ms Richard's family to America.

So now India starts to maintain the RULE OF LAW :lol:

So before US officials were allowed to violate traffic laws
You living in a dream world, you have no idea about how the Law works.

Example situation. An Example

Women reports rape case, medical test extract seamen. A woman .......

How can we match this to the accused? How do we match the specimen with the accused's fluids?

Either A. He needs to provide it on free will (which I highly doubt he will) He will be required to provide it voluntarily
B. Needs to match up with database from prior conviction (less than 10 years old)

Say against his lawyers advice he chooses option A and provides his DNA for testing. Assuming he goes against his lawyer's advice and he chooses option ......

Say they match up. Assume they match up

That is only part of the proving sexual assault.

For sexual assault to be proven the police need to prove both

1. The accused penetrated to the victim (penal vaginal penetration)
2. It was made without the consent of the victim.

If accused states to the police she provided consent, how will the police disprove this? Without any other witness testimony or evidence, the police does not have enough evidence to file charges let alone get a conviction.

Do you have any idea how much money the police have to pay the accused if the case is thrown out at court?

Don't sit there in your dream world making baseless accusation at the professional and dedicated judicial officers in sri lanka.

Just a few quick suggestions on proper grammatical construction of English sentences. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ;)
your police is completely incompetent.

this shows the competence of your law enforcement authorities.

New Delhi: India today asked the American embassy in New Delhi to stop all commercial activities including a restaurant, bar and parlor on its premises by January 16, continuing its unrelenting diplomatic offensive against the US over the arrest of diplomat Devyani Khobragade.

All US embassy and diplomats' cars will also be firmly dealt with under local traffic rules and policemen have been ordered to make no exception.

The embassy has been told to shut down a club within the premises which includes a bar, pool, parlor, restaurant, bowling alley and tennis court. Outsiders have till now been allowed in the club, a violation of the Vienna Convention that India is no longer prepared to ignore, said officials.

This comes on top of a slew of retaliatory measures taken by India to mount pressure on the US to drop charges against Devyani Khobragade, who was arrested in New York last month for alleged visa fraud and subjected to a humiliating strip search. She is facing a January 13 deadline for indictment.

US diplomats in consulates across India were ordered to give back identity cards that came with special privileges. American diplomats were also stripped off airport passes and import clearances. Barricades outside the sprawling US embassy in the capital were also removed.

India has sought an apology and asked the US to withdraw the charges against the 39-year-old diplomat. (Can't be business as usual, says India; US hopeful of resolution)

Indian Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh on Monday reportedly told US Ambassador Nancy Powell that it cannot be "business as usual" between the two sides till the issue is resolved.

Ms Khobragade was transferred to India's Permanent Mission to the UN, but she is yet to receive a clearance from the US. The Americans are yet to grant her the G1 visa that means full diplomatic immunity.

The diplomat was arrested on December 12 on charges of lying on the visa application for her domestic help Sangeeta Richard, and paying her far less wages than what was agreed upon. India has accused the US of immigration fraud by trying to move Ms Richard's family to America.

So now India starts to maintain the RULE OF LAW :lol:

So before US officials were allowed to violate traffic laws

you have absolutely no clue what your talking about.... right ?

Can somebody explain to him very slowly about Diplomatic immunity to this guy and why the immunity was revoked..... try it slow.....he is a very very slow learner...

did you even read the article before posting ? :hitwall:

UN survey on violence against women in Sri Lanka: 97% of rapists face no legal consequences

11 SEPTEMBER 2013 AT 12:54 LK TIME.

A UN led survey into violence against women across the Asia and Pacific region makes shocking reading for Sri Lanka. The country was one of six included in the three year long study, along with China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Cambodia.

The Sri Lankan section of the study was conducted in Colombo, Nuwara Eliya, Batticaloa and Hambantota, with respondents answering sensitive questions anonymously to try and ensure honest disclosure.

15% of men surveryed in Sri Lanka admitted to having committed rape, with the majority of cases involving rape of a partner. Marital rape is not criminalised in Sri Lanka unless the husband and wife are judicially separated.

65% of these men said they had committed rape more than once, with 40% committing their first rape before the age of 20. The motivation in the vast majority of cases was sexual entitlement, with another 20% saying they did it because it was “fun” or they were “bored”.

Most alarmingly of all, only 3.2% of those who admitted rape had been arrested, and only 2.2% had been jailed – or in other words in 96.5% of rape cases the rapist had experienced no legal consequences. Only 34% even said that they felt worried or guilty about what they had done. Both of those figures are the worst of any country involved in the study.

And this cannot be blamed on the sample size or the men who happened to respond – Rosy Senanayake recently revealed in parliament that only 600 perpetrators of sexual abuse had been remanded in Sri Lanka out of 300,000 cases, or 2%. There have been a spate of shocking statistics about violence against women and children in the country recently, including the fact that a women is raped every 90 minutes in the country, 95% of women who use public transport experience sexual harassment, and 3-5 children are raped every day.

Despite this, 65% of men said that the law made it too easy to bring charges against a rapist.

The research was aimed at finding out why some men committed violence against women, and their conclusion was that gender inequality, gender norms and sexual or relationship practices are the deciding factors. Men who have experienced abuse themselves or have paid for sex are more likely to commit rape, but it is “influential narratives of masculinity that celebrate toughness, heterosexual performance” and “a man’s control over women” that have the most influence over a man’s capacity for violence.

The authors of the study say that “work to prevent violence against women must expand beyond efforts to change individual men” and move towards transforming social norms related to the acceptability of violence against women, to creating masculinities based on respect and equality rather than violence and control, educating the young, and creating violence free environments for children.

However, one of the 7 main recommendations of the report was to “End impunity for men who rape”, and judging by the figures returned for Sri Lanka, that is the factor that the country needs to address most urgently.

UN survey on violence against women in Sri Lanka: 97% of rapists face no legal consequences | The Republic Square

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