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Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

New Zealand Gunman's Manifesto Called Indians, Others "Invaders"
Footage of the attack on one of the mosques was broadcast live on Facebook, and a "manifesto" denouncing immigrants as "invaders" was sent to politicians and media outlets and posted online via links to related social media accounts.
World | Reuters | Updated: March 16, 2019 23:50 IST


Tarrant, handcuffed and wearing a white prison suit, stood silently in the Christchurch District Court where he was remanded without a plea. He is due back in court on April 5 and police said he was likely to face further charges.

Friday's attack, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern labelled as terrorism, was the worst ever peacetime mass killing in New Zealand and the country had raised its security threat level to the highest.

Footage of the attack on one of the mosques was broadcast live on Facebook, and a "manifesto" denouncing immigrants as "invaders" was sent to politicians and media outlets and posted online via links to related social media accounts.

The manifesto talks about an invasion from India, along with China and Turkey. Tarrant also describes these countries as "potential nation enemies in the East".

The video showed a man driving to the Al Noor mosque, entering it and shooting randomly at people with a semi-automatic rifle. Worshippers, possibly dead or wounded, lay on the floor, the video showed.

At one stage the shooter returns to his car, changes weapons, re-enters the mosque and again begins shooting. The camera attached to his head recording the massacre follows the barrel of his weapon, like some macabre video game.

Forty-one people were killed at the Al Noor mosque.

Police said the suspect took seven minutes to travel to the second mosque in the suburb of Linwood, where seven people were killed. No images have emerged from there.

Tarrant was arrested in a car, which police said was carrying improvised explosive devices, 36 minutes after they were first called.

"The offender was mobile, there were two other firearms in the vehicle that the offender was in, and it absolutely was his intention to continue with his attack," Ardern told reporters in Christchurch on Saturday.

Ardern's office said the suspect sent the "manifesto" by email to a generic address for the prime minister, the opposition leader, the speaker of the parliament and around 70 media outlets just minutes before the attack.

A spokesman said the email did not describe the specific incident and that there was "nothing in the content or timing that would have been able to prevent the attack."

The staff member monitoring the accounts sent it to parliamentary services as soon as they saw it, who sent it to police, the spokesman said.

The visiting Bangladesh cricket team was arriving for prayers at one of the mosques when the shooting started but all members were safe, a team coach told Reuters.

Two other people were in custody and police said they were seeking to understand whether they were involved in any way.

None of those arrested had a criminal history or were on watchlists in New Zealand or Australia.


Twelve operating theatres worked through the night on the more than 40 people wounded, said hospital authorities. Thirty- six people were still being treated on Saturday, 11 of whom remained in intensive care. One victim died in hospital.

"Many of the people require multiple trips to the theatre to deal with the complex series of injuries they have," said Christchurch Hospital's Chief of Surgery Greg Robertson.

One victim posted a Facebook video from his hospital bed, asking for prayers for himself, his son and daughter.

"Hi guys how are you. I am very sorry to miss your calls and text messages...I am really tired...please pray for my son, me and my daughter...I am just posting this video to show you that I am fully ok," said Wasseim Alsati, who was reportedly shot three times.

Dozens of people laid flowers at cordons near both mosques in Christchurch, which is still rebuilding after an earthquake in 2011 killed almost 200 people.

Wearing a black scarf, Ardern hugged members of the Muslim community at a Christchurch refugee centre, saying she would ensure freedom of religion in New Zealand.

"I convey the message of love and support on behalf of New Zealand to all of you," she said.

The majority of victims were migrants or refugees from countries such as Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Somalia and Afghanistan. Muslims account for just over 1 percent of New Zealand's population.

"I'm not sure how to deal with this. Forgiving is going to take time," Omar Nabi, whose father Haji Daoud Nabi was gunned down, told reporters outside the Christchurch court. Nabi's family left Kabul, Afghanistan, for New Zealand in the 1970s.

Abdikina Ali-Hassarn and his family moved to New Zealand from Somalia four years ago and were regular worshippers at the Linwood mosque.

"I can't even go to the mosque now because I am scared of that happening again," the 16-year-old told New Zealand television. He said his mother, who was at the Linwood mosque with his father and brother, saw two people shot.

"She came here for the peace...now she is shocked," he said, adding his mother was too afraid to leave her house.

None of the bodies of the victims were immediately released due to the investigation, leaving families unable to bury their dead within the 24 hours customary in Islam.


Ardern said Tarrant was a licensed gun owner who allegedly used five weapons, including two semi-automatic weapons and two shotguns, which had been modified.

"I can tell you one thing right now, our gun laws will change," Ardern told reporters, saying a ban on semi-automatic weapons would be considered.

New Zealand has in the past tried to tighten firearm laws, but a strong gun lobby and culture of hunting has stymied such efforts. There are an estimated 1.5 million firearms in New Zealand, which has a population of only five million, but the country has had low levels of gun violence.

Tarrant lived in Dunedin, on New Zealand's South Island, and was a member of the Bruce Rifle Club, according to media reports which quoted club members saying he often practiced shooting an AR-15, which is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle.

The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the United States military M16 rifle. The minimum legal age to own a gun in New Zealand is 16, or 18 for military-style semi-automatic weapons.

Police Association President Chris Cahill backed tighter gun laws, saying the weapons used in the mosque shootings were banned in Australia after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 in which 35 people were gunned down.

The AR-15 was used at Port Arthur, as well as a number of high-profile mass shootings in the United States.


Leaders around the world expressed sorrow and disgust at the attacks, with some deploring the demonisation of Muslims.

U.S. President Donald Trump, who condemned the attack as a "horrible massacre", was praised in the accused gunman's manifesto as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose".

Ardern said she had spoken with Trump, who asked how he could help. "My message was sympathy and love for all Muslim communities," she said she told him.

On Saturday, the White House said U.S. Vice President Mike Pence spoke with New Zealand's Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters on Friday to express condolences for "the despicable terror attacks."

Pence also affirmed U.S. cooperation in ensuring all the perpetrators were brought to justice. "These acts of hate have no place in the diverse and tolerant society for which New Zealand is justly known," the White House statement said.


The manifesto talks about an invasion from India, along with China and Turkey. Tarrant also describes these countries as "potential nation enemies in the East".
I guess indians are not very smart when they cheer for such a man!

It is bad to cheer for deaths...but stupid to cheer for one who hates them equally! They could be next!
I guess indians are not very smart when they cheer for such a man!

It is bad to cheer for deaths...but stupid to cheer for one who hates them equally! They could be next!
As per your weird Indian-hating Pakistani logic few ppl on Internet represent the entire Indians then ISIS or members on PDF should represent the whole muslim community as well rt?

As a poison filled Pakistani you will only see Indians , but the fact is that muslims are reviled are every where. With such a long list of ppl like christians,jews,buddhists,sikhs,zoroastrianists, yazidis..etc who hate muslims Indians must be the last in the line. Whatever your logic is the line is surely growing longer.
As per your weird Indian-hating Pakistani logic few ppl on Internet represent the entire Indians then ISIS or members on PDF should represent the whole muslim community as well rt?
Well that depends...there werent too many who dared to question their media when it came to Pak-india incident a few weeks back....the reaction was unanimous! - From sports, tv stars, anchors, politicians....You take your pick :unsure:

As for ISIS- they barely represent 0.0001% of Muslims and we have seen far more Muslims who are good than ISIS...so your analogy is wrong...

the fact is that muslims are reviled are every where.
And I am the poison filled one? :rofl:

As per your weird Indian-hating Pakistani logic few ppl on Internet represent the entire Indians then ISIS or members on PDF should represent the whole muslim community as well rt?

As a poison filled Pakistani you will only see Indians , but the fact is that muslims are reviled are every where. With such a long list of ppl like christians,jews,buddhists,sikhs,zoroastrianists, yazidis..etc who hate muslims Indians must be the last in the line. Whatever your logic is the line is surely growing longer.

I guess indians are not very smart when they cheer for such a man!
IF they dont cheer for SUCH a man...they are smart [I cant believe you didnt get such a simple post]

It is bad to cheer for deaths...but stupid to cheer for one who hates them equally! They could be next!
Do I NEED to explain this one too?
It is funny how the Indians are celebrating all over the social media and the killer mentions Indian immigrant leeches as a threat in his manifesto. He names and shames them. Try celebrating on that.

In social media right now the biggest garbage that are posting are the Indians.

Nothing more than to be said while most people are posting their condolences on twitter most of it has been overtaken by Indians spouting crap.

They need to take social media like twitter off them.

Never see seen such garbage in my life.

They are posting with validated accounts and they are posting in huge numbers. This will truly be an eye opener for those who didn’t know their true face. Only the UKIP and white extremist sympathizers are supporting RSS Indian scum who are scolding the victims. The rest are shocked at their Indian ally.
Well that depends...there werent too many who dared to question their media when it came to Pak-india incident a few weeks back....the reaction was unanimous! - From sports, tv stars, anchors, politicians....You take your pick :unsure:
straw mans argument
As for ISIS- they barely represent 0.0001% of Muslims and we have seen far more Muslims who are good than ISIS...so your analogy is wrong...
oops, analogy only works for you but not for us. Ok what next ?

You have a apt username, you are doing well keep it up.
Far Right not just hate Turks and Turkey along with the Ottoman Empire.

They also hate China and have some fetish towards Japan due to world war 2 when Japan and Germany were allied along with the spread of anime which seems a lot of the white nationalists are fan of.

Far right especially in Europe believe an alliance with Japan to counter China
What i have observed is that,
1 - Indians (at our pages) were celebrating the attack on mosques
2 - Still jubilant on finding that Pakistanis are among the slain
3 - Continue to celebrate even when reminded that Indian (muslims) were also among the killed

I have seen all kind of nasty people here in Pakistan who go all happy about deaths of Hindus in India but such hatred by Indians (at our pages) is something i have not seen before.
Hindu nationalists are supporters and natural allies of various anti Muslim hate websites and organisations.
The social is filled with hate against the victims.

The Indians along with their white racism buddies come on top with hateful comments. All you have to do is open social media sites and look at comments sections.

Indians are absolutely disgusting people.
On 14 th February, many extremisr were celebrating on PDF.
let me tell you why.......
India has deployed seven hundred thousand in only muslim state in Their Soo Called democratic mahan baharat, You are using pellet guns type of weapons against unarmed protesters, you know people of Indian Occupied Kashmir almost every house has been victim of Indian Army's violence in shame of murder illegal Arrests and Rapes, most of that IOK is still disputed since 1947 Independence of two countries, in other has in Azad Kashmir their are limited number of army deployed and secondly their is not any single case against army for being rapist or murders
I would say brothers and sisters to cast your minds back to the mid-90's when we first start seeing the emergence of message boards. Back then I can recall a substantial amount of Indians from a Hindu background spewing bile towards Islam and Muslims. Do remember there had been no 9/11 no major terrorist assaults by deranged Muslims, but yet these guys were in the zone.
Pakistanis have to remember for many of these sanghis they do not differentiate between faith and politics, for them it is one and the same. The angst of Pakistan also plays on their minds, hence the hate towards anything related to Muslims and Islam.
Now this also brings up another question, as in other groups are equally capable of such hate in the numbers we find sanghis in. But I'm sorry I haven't found this among other groups. Take for example the Jewish community here in the UK. Having grown up with them I can tell you that they do seperate faith from politics. Yes they love Israel but more often then not they run to the defence of Muslims and are the first to be present in the event of anti Muslim attacks e.g. on a mosque, on a person. Rabbis speak of the Muslim faith in fond terms.
Examples from the Jewish community;

Rabbi Shmuely from the USA, probably the most famous rabbi there;


Cheif rabbi of the UK;

There can be few acts of greater evil than the massacre of peaceful people at prayer. The attacks in New Zealand were terrorism of the most despicable kind, callously planned & motivated by the scourge of islamophobia. The victims & their families are in our hearts & our prayers.


Anyway back to topic, take a glance at the many anti-Islam message boards around and just see how badly Sanghis or those Indian Hindus sympathetic to them outnumber other groups. They are way over represented than what their online presence.
Over the years their numbers have exploded to a point they were able to elect a vile bigot such as Modi into power. You only need to look at the numbers who voted for him. As for those who say but it's only the middle class Indian Hindus who have this problem that's not true. The middle and upper classes are the driving force monetary and planning wise for the saffron revolution, the lower class i.e. the Dalits are the enforcers. In actual fact they are the ones who carry out the atrocities on Muslims during riots, case point the Gujarat riots where the men of 'Chara' tribe called themselves the proud rapists of Muslim females.

What can we learn from this? Our enemy has grown and is continuing to, the rational voices are dying out and Pakistanis must be prepared to face them down at any time, show no sympathy to such vermin ever.

A big thanks to @Areesh in pointing these things out.
I would say brothers and sisters to cast your minds back to the mid-90's when we first start seeing the emergence of message boards. Back then I can recall a substantial amount of Indians from a Hindu background spewing bile towards Islam and Muslims. Do remember there had been no 9/11 no major terrorist assaults by deranged Muslims, but yet these guys were in the zone.

Oh yes. Still remember mid 2000 when I got computer and internet connection for the first time and started using Yahoo messenger and mIRC for chatting. One after another chat room and all of them used to be filled with Indian pedos spewing venom against Pakistanis/Muslims.
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