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Discussion with Stranded Biharis in Dhaka's Geneva camp

It is a fact that Bangladeshis treat Biharis very poorly and Biharis are perceived as inferior too. After 1971 war Biharis were killed in large numbers, even during the war for being loyal to Pakistan. GOP should look to help these Biharis and bring them to Pakistan. They are better than Afghan refugees and will also serve the country which will make us proud.
@django ,@Arsalan ,@Moonlight ...

Why don't they just go to Pakistan?
I'm sure Pakistan would be happy to have them.
Not as easy as it sounds unless our govt is willing to help them, unfortunately this is not even a topic of discussion here.
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They are people of Bihari community, Pakistan should help them integrate into Bangladesh's mainstream, even if funding is required for that , Pakistan should step forward. They used to be Pakistanis when East Pakistan was part of Pakistan, Bihari community stayed loyal to Pakistan throughout the war. It is high time they integrate into the mainstream of Bangladeshi society in accordance with the predominant trends. Pakistan with its indigenous ethnic groups would be an alien place for them.

Well, all of them are not necessarily from Bihar, even though they are collectively called Biharis... They are more like the Mohajirs in Pakistan...

The community also includes some from present-day Pakistan, Punjabis, Baloch, Pathans etc....
I bet they regret leaving India in 1947.

They still speak Hindi/Urdu in the Bihari accent though :woot:

None of them regret leaving India, never seen one.

It is a fact that Bangladeshis treat Biharis very poorly and Biharis are perceived as inferior too. After 1971 war Biharis were killed in large numbers, even during the war for being loyal to Pakistan. GOP of Pakistan should look to help these Biharis and bring them to Pakistan. They are better than Afghan refugees and will also serve the country which will make us proud.
@django ,@Arsalan ,@Moonlight ...

Not as easy as it sounds unless our govt is willing to help them, unfortunately this is not even a topic of discussion here.

Those who chose to stay out of Geneva camp and accepted BD citizenship had no problem whatsoever. These people in the camp chose to be refugee in their own will and chose PK citizenship. Now tell me how they were treated badly. Even young guys in the video had no complain against Bengali community or any segregation. They need to get the hell out of there and smell the fresh air.
There are millions of illegal bangalis in Pakistan, if these people wanted, they could have come. btw after Afghans, we need to throw out all illegal bangalis from Pakistan, they are a major security threat.

pray tell how bengalies could possibly be a security threat to Pakistan.

Anyone who moved to west pakistan could have chosen to retain pakistani nationality as per the agreement post 1971.

Whether or not you agree with him that they are a security threat, almost all of the Bengalis currently residing in Pakistan came illegally after the 1971 war (mostly during the 1980s and early 90s) and have no right to be there. They were not residing there before. The ones who came before and never left are Pakistani citizens and have full rights. The ones that came later (almost all of them), are not citizens.

Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, section 16A:

"(2) Any person who, at any time before the sixteenth day of December, 1971, was a citizen of Pakistan domiciled in the territories which before the said day constituted the Province of East Pakistan and who, being under the protection of a Pakistan passport, was on that day, or is, residing in any country beyond those territories shall not be deemed to be a citizen of Pakistan unless, upon an application made by him to the Federal Government in this behalf, the Federal Government has granted him a certificate that at the date of the certificate he is a citizen of Pakistan."


These people in the camp chose to be refugee in their own will and chose PK citizenship.

The Supreme Court of Bangladesh has ruled that the people living in these camps born after the 1971 war (the vast majority of them) are all Bangladeshi citizens and must be treated as such:

"As the court explained: 2

We do not think that only because of the concentration of Urdu speaking people, who were citizens of the [erstwhile] East Pakistan [in] the so called Geneva camp has attained any special status so as to be excluded from the operation of the laws of the land including the said President Order, the Electoral Rolls Ordinance, 1982 or the Citizenship Act, 1951. So mere residence of the first group of the petitioners at the Geneva Camp cannot be termed as allegiance to another state by conduct."

Who said Biharis dont get job? Biharis and Tamils living around BD are great labourers, coolies and janitors, with exceptional skills. They are very happy with their monopoly job. If they go out who will do these jobs?
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"As the court explained: 2

We do not think that only because of the concentration of Urdu speaking people, who were citizens of the [erstwhile] East Pakistan [in] the so called Geneva camp has attained any special status so as to be excluded from the operation of the laws of the land including the said President Order, the Electoral Rolls Ordinance, 1982 or the Citizenship Act, 1951. So mere residence of the first group of the petitioners at the Geneva Camp cannot be termed as allegiance to another state by conduct."


Dude the ruling is for the people who want to be Bangladeshi citizen and rightly so. They were given opportunity since 1972 to accept BD citizenship and move on but they did not.
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where is the 2nd video

Post # 5

I bet they regret leaving India in 1947.

They still speak Hindi/Urdu in the Bihari accent though :woot:

Similar Situation in West Bengal too right?? I bet many of them miss East Bangla . Many older generation Bangal with an added interest in Bengali Culture ( not the younger generation with Indian Military Photos in their cover photo. So called Indian first Bengali second ! They are a disgrace to Bengali Intelligentsia) Most of the Reunite Bengal type fb pages and resist Modi in Shonar Bangla are frequented by them.

It is a fact that Bangladeshis treat Biharis very poorly and Biharis are perceived as inferior too.

Both The Videos I posted had Biharis Talking about Bengali Common People. @8.45 M of the 1st video and @20.25 m of the second video where she clearly mentioned that Bengalis behave well.

After 1971 war Biharis were killed in large numbers, even during the war for being loyal to Pakistan

They were active participants of the war . The dead bodies of Bengali Intellectuals were found in Mirpur Bihari Area

Why don't they just go to Pakistan?
I'm sure Pakistan would be happy to have them.

Most of the able bodied Men left for Pakistan illegally by India. Only those with old people. children, women stayed behind waiting for PIA . The plane never arrived.
They were active participants of the war . The dead bodies of Bengali Intellectuals were found in Mirpur Bihari Area
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And i don't think all Biharis should have been treated in a poor manner, not all of them participated in the war.
After the war Mukti bani killed many Bangladeshi intellectuals, there are images of them shooting people. Images after the war, after Pakistan had surrendered. Mukti Bani was a terrorist organization, nothing less.
Posting graphic content will lead to a permanent ban, please be careful.
And i don't think all Biharis should have been treated in a poor manner, not all of them participated in the war.
After the war Mukti bani killed many Bangladeshi intellectuals, there are images of them shooting people. Images after the war, after Pakistan had surrendered. Mukti Bani was a terrorist organization, nothing less.

Ok thanks .

Mukti Bahini isnt angelic yes, they killed as many Bihari Men as they could, yes. But the window they got was very short.

Most of the Biharis withdrew from Periphery with Pakistan Army and Concentrated heavily in Dhaka on the eve of 16th December. Note that they never stayed in Mukti controlled Area. From the Surrender of Niazi to the take over of Indian Army this was the time frame they killed Bihari Men which was very short. Contrary to your belief Most of the Bihari casualty werenot caused by Mukti Bahini but by the neighboring civil Bengali Mob.

p.s. 3 men loyal to Pakistan Beyonated after Victory photographed by international media wasn't done by Mukti Bahini. Mukti Bahini was under direct command of Bangladesh Government commanded by Decorated ex Pakistani officers.

Those 3 were killed by Kaderia Bahini, an Independent Militia group. If you look at Syria You will understand How many Militia group are active there beside FSA. Kaderia bahini later surrendered their weapons on the feet of Sheikh Mujib but they werent under tajuddin's wartime Government. The most interesting thing about them they never crossed the border and mainly operated looting local police inventory and Capturing Pakistani Arms.
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Who said Biharis dont get job? Biharis and Tamils living around BD are great labourers, coolies and janitors, with exceptional skills. They are very happy with their monopoly job. If they go out who will do these jobs?

Biharis are mainly butchers, barbers and Mechanics which is because they didnt receive proper education. If you ridicule them do you also ridicule Rickshawalas with absolute Bengali Monopoly?
It is a fact that Bangladeshis treat Biharis very poorly and Biharis are perceived as inferior too. After 1971 war Biharis were killed in large numbers, even during the war for being loyal to Pakistan. GOP should look to help these Biharis and bring them to Pakistan. They are better than Afghan refugees and will also serve the country which will make us proud.
@django ,@Arsalan ,@Moonlight ...

Not as easy as it sounds unless our govt is willing to help them, unfortunately this is not even a topic of discussion here.
Too be honest with you imo, those folks would be better off integrating with banglaland, this is not 47.
Most of the Biharis withdrew from Periphery with Pakistan Army and Concentrated heavily in Dhaka on the eve of 16th December. Note that they never stayed in Mukti controlled Area. From the Surrender of Niazi to the take over of Indian Army this was the time frame they killed Bihari Men which was very short. Contrary to your belief Most of the Bihari casualty werenot caused by Mukti Bahini but by the neighboring civil Bengali Mob.
Documented evidence resent, give me some time to post it.
Too be honest with you imo, those folks would be better off integrating with banglaland, this is not 47.
Loyal to Pakistan and they are treated like dogs. I think we can welcome them and send back Afghan refugees.

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