In a largely uneducated country that happens to be nearly entirely Muslim, minorities do tend to be treated in horrid ways. Especially when extremism in the form of religion exists in society.
Exactly, hence Pakistan is in no way secular like you claimed.
A democratic one which has an over 95% population of Muslims who find blasphemous people incredibly insulting, could perhaps be linked to aspects of uneducated and extreme masses, but it's a want of the majority of people regardless.
See, you are further validating that Pakistan is not secular at all. If arresting or even lynching people for hurting their precious religious feelings is seen as okay by the majority then it is wholly un-secular.
Because other parties are viewed as more liberals and too irreligious, so they lean towards those parties even if they don't entirely agree with all the policies.
Dude, do realise that in Pakistan anyone slightly to the left of extreme Right wing mullah politics is viewed as "Liberal" and "Leftist". Such extremist parties exist to begin with BECAUSE their so called "ideals" and "values" are held in high regard by most people in Pakistan.
Also on what basis are you calling those parties extreme?
I think calling for sharia laws, subjugation of women (forced face veiling, stoning to death, not allowing them to work, etc.), supporting blasphemy laws, public executions, denying basic rights to non-Muslims, forced conversions is very much extreme. Oh and calling for violent jihad, terrorist attacks, and establishing a caliphate by force in India and throughout the subcontinent in front of cheering crowds in the thousands is not extremist at all. These are the same parties which actively oppose and have a history of violently protesting against peace deals and normalization of relations with India and term it as "betrayal" of Islam and Pakistan.
Being a secular nation doesn't mean your nation is irreligious.
So again, uneducated religious folk are easily lured into the traps of unqualified and uneducated mullahs.
When dimwit regressive mullahs have representation in parliament, play a key role in politics, have widespread following and respect in society, and barely face any resistance from the public besides isolated urban pockets, it is more than just a few mislead and uneducated religious folk. How on earth is a nation in which one particular religion plays a large part in public spheres of life and where Islamic religious symbols and verses are plastered EVERYWHERE from parliament buildings to high courts to railway stations in any way "secular"? the only thing which separates Pakistan from being a full blown theocracy is the top 5% who are mostly western educated types and have nothing in common with the rest 95% of masses.