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Discuss about Pak,Indian and chinese artillery

India Smerch is a devastating MBRL system. It has a range of 90km.

One round can SATURATE every living thing for 1 sq kilometre..

I believe the chinease have or are developing a Smerch Copy which is of Russian origin

I believe you mean one vollie from one unit. Not one round/missile destroying everything in 1 sq km. Its one unit that has the capability to destroy...

On the other note, could some one please tell me the effects of a 105mm howitzer on an enemy position so to speak. I mean, what is the critical damage radius vs minor effect radius?

Also 105 mm howitzer vs a large calibre mortar round possible 100+mm??
I believe you mean one vollie from one unit. Not one round/missile destroying everything in 1 sq km. Its one unit that has the capability to destroy...

On the other note, could some one please tell me the effects of a 105mm howitzer on an enemy position so to speak. I mean, what is the critical damage radius vs minor effect radius?

Also 105 mm howitzer vs a large calibre mortar round possible 100+mm??
of coures it is one vollie that can neutralize an are of 1 Sq. KM, one single shell cannot do this job!!
but still, with a complete vollie, it is a good acheivement!


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