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Discrepancies in Geo's Faridkot report

Well now it is well established fact that kasab is pakistani.
You need to encourage free media than banning it.

You are banning it because you are in state of denial.

GEO TV is projecting fact which you should encourage.
Which is trying to establish fact abt killer who killed people who never even saw bullet untill it came to kill them.
Well now it is well established fact that kasab is pakistani.
You need to encourage free media than banning it.

You are banning it because you are in state of denial.

GEO TV is projecting fact which you should encourage.
Which is trying to establish fact abt killer who killed people who never even saw bullet untill it came to kill them.

The problem is not wht geo tv is saying,it's the how it's saying it.
Pakistan's stand was clear, that it will accept indian allegation that kasab is a Pakistani provided it is backed by solid evidence..which should also be made available to the Pakistani investigating agencies till then we denied it.Further it will assist in a joint investigation to get to the bottom of this terror scrooge.Apparently the first part has been established.

Geo is only filled with its pompous air of showimg off that it was the first to break the news then and how unfairly they were treated post, inshort their trps.They r not corncerned how sensitive the issue is to both the indians and pakistanis and to our relations and how it should be brought forward.They riducle the nation with a 'we said so attitude'
If they get banned ( I really wish so) it should be for their lack of responsibility and utter tactless approach to sensitive issues of national and regional interest.
The problem is not wht geo tv is saying,it's the how it's saying it.
Pakistan's stand was clear, that it will accept indian allegation that kasab is a Pakistani provided it is backed by solid evidence..which should also be made available to the Pakistani investigating agencies till then we denied it.Further it will assist in a joint investigation to get to the bottom of this terror scrooge.Apparently the first part has been established.

Geo is only filled with its pompous air of showimg off that it was the first to break the news then and how unfairly they were treated post, inshort their trps.They r not corncerned how sensitive the issue is to both the indians and pakistanis and to our relations and how it should be brought forward.They riducle the nation with a 'we said so attitude'
If they get banned ( I really wish so) it should be for their lack of responsibility and utter tactless approach to sensitive issues of national and regional interest.

No ones nationality can be established untill that country accept him as it's citizen.
Gov own all records if it want's it can disown him.
Sharif said
'I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab [Images]) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don't understand why it has been done'

so it is ample clear that Pak gov want to dis own him anyway.

it happen in kargil war when pak disown it solders and said there are terrorist
but later they has claim them.
^^Fact remains that Ajmal Kasab (Qasai as we call in Pakistan and most hatered profession in india) is not a registered Pakistani.
On technical grounds he cannot be proved as Pakistani.
President may have the powers to grant him the nationality upon indian request but not from back dates.
It is not possible to alter NADRA record but if any one try to do so than there exist a backup record as well.
Pakistan and indian govt.s need to do more to sell the idea to my common sense.
I failed to understand why Pakistan govt. officials refrain to comment on the indian UK embassy official captured (red handed) in Lahore!
Neither is media interested to quiz both govts. over an issue of similar value and neither any govt. is interested to discuss on the issue of indian nationals operating in Pakistan.

@ Omar 1984:
After watching the vedio I don't understand how does it link GEO with any Jew?
In vedio villiagers also said that even state investigators have been told same by villagers! than as to on what grounds govt. came up with confession?
Going by your formulae, isn't Pak govt. also falls under similar classification!

Any how in recent past we have witnessed that GEO and many journalists had a great share in destabalizing Pakistan. whereas destabalized Pakistan serve indian objectives, more than any other country.
IMO, It sound stupid to blame those who may have any indirect and covert connection and ignoring those who are directly and overtly linked.
I always find geo new favoring Indian and Taliban’s. Express news and geo got the same story but geo always completely changes the news in favor of Taliban Indians and Americans.
I think let them play the news. The people are not that dumb which cant recognize the difference .
How-Ever instead of banning it. The SOPs of the Channel should be changed and such people should be installed among the top slot who have a firm grip upon the whole decision weather to make that news on-Air or weather to authorise such kind of Investigative Journalism which may deduce results perticularly against the state or not. Once that is controlled then theres no issue .
How-Ever i personally watch Dawn-News and Express - News. I found them very good .
Well I think that Geo is a bit more of a emotionally attached channel, I know someone who works their he says that their is absolutely no such an influence given to us when we are scripting anything and genuinely employees in GEO feel that they are doing a patriotic duty by giving people the news up to date all the time.
well, i personally also think some other powers who want to use Geo, sometimes against pakistan i.e. Jew (I think most of the pakistanis think Jew are anti-pakistan, thats why TS used Jew). But i always feel strange what Dr. Shahid Masoud doing there. Sometimes i think may be they (geo) are trying to do thinks just for publicity (like initially Geo siad there are no evidences that Ajmal Kasab is an pakistan, but 2 days after when NS said i personally investigate bla bla, then same day Geo shows a new headline like "Geo initially don't investigation and found him as pakistan").

So my stand is, Geo a.k.a Jew only belong to a businessman, and the administration works where ever they find something as "Headline". And do use everyone such as Hamid mir, Dr. Shahid masoud, Amir liaquat or ghamdhi for publicity. which sometimes turned to be anti-pakistan and/or sometimes pure false. And they need to be shut-up pretty soon.
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One thing is for sure Geo is projecting more negative things than positives about Pakistan. Viewing the channel should be individuals own decision.
Geo should be banned. The channel Geo, that claims to be a Pakistani channel is more pro-india, and always shows the negative side of Pakistan.
Free media is necessary for modern society. If GEO is reporting false news, other channels should investigate and put GEO in the spotlight. If it is reporting the truth, then policies should be made to address those facts.

I have found some really hard hitting journalism from GEO staff. The most recent one was the interview with the captured suicide bomber on JIRGA.
Also, I have seen a lot of pro pakistan and anti Indian reports on GEO so I don't see why you would consider it as a "jew channel" or "pro-India"
I also shifted from The News to Dawn newspaper.
I think let them play the news. The people are not that dumb which cant recognize the difference .How-Ever instead of banning it. The SOPs of the Channel should be changed and such people should be installed among the top slot who have a firm grip upon the whole decision weather to make that news on-Air or weather to authorise such kind of Investigative Journalism which may deduce results perticularly against the state or not. Once that is controlled then theres no issue .
How-Ever i personally watch Dawn-News and Express - News. I found them very good .

Sorry brother I tend to disagree with you on this as people are dumb and you know why, cause 60% of our population are illeterate.

GEO is clearly working on somebody else's agenda, do you have any Idea why so many employees of GEO have left and joined other channels. One of the reason is there biased policies against Pakistan.

Now you might ask me to give you a prove on this, obviously I cant.:coffee:
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