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I wish Pakistan also follow path of Turkey and other developed modern countries like Malaysia etc and become developed and liberal country.It'll take 2-3 decades though.
Azərbaycan;960570 said:
1. My brother, we were not fighting and we are not fighting with Armenia. It was and it is russian army who support armenians.

I have not heard this before. Armenians claim that they defeated Azerbaijanis. There are 3 million Armenians and have their own army. While Abkhazia has 100,000 people and South Ossetia 50,000 against Georgia's huge army. So Russia intervened against Georgia.

Then how come Azerbaijanis have good relations with Russia ? Azerbaijan is selling cheap gas to Russia. Then Russia resells that gas to Europe with huge profits. Why not just export it to Europe through Georgia and Turkey.

Azərbaycan;960570 said:
2. Yes we have a good relationship with Israel. We get military support from them. But it does not mean that we support their crimes. We have just business with them.

That complicates relation with other Muslim countries including Iran. If Karabagh is occupied by Armenia then Palestine is also occupied Zionazis. They keep Palestinians in concentration camps. Even then you have relations with them . Learn something from Turkey !

Azərbaycan;960570 said:
And second, Iran supported and is supporting our enemy Armenia always despite the biggest minority in Iran is azerbaijanians. Iran always hurts azerbaijanians in Iran. Iran does not give rights them and etc. That is why we have a good-bad relation with Iran. And Iran scares that if they keep good relation with Azerbaijan, then 30 million azeri turks in Iran will demand to join Republic of Azerbaijan.

It is upto Azerbaijan to resolve issue with Iran. I don't see why Iran and Azerbaijan cannot be close. Both Iran and Turkey are kin of Azerbaijan. It is up to Azerbaijan to change its policies and have close relations with Iran. Since close Iran-Azerbaijan relations will help Azerbaijan more than Iran.

Azərbaycan;960570 said:
And we didnt demolish any mosque. It was just some prepared propaganda against Azerbaijan government for a while. Nowdays you cant see such news.

That news had its impact and now many Muslim see Azerbaijan as puppet of Zionazis.

Azərbaycan;960570 said:
3. We try to be close with Russia, because they support armenians. We want to build good relation with Russia to effect armenians.

Russia is double crossing Azerbaijan getting cheap gas and supportin Armenia. There is no solution in sight. Azerbaijan needs more friends. Azerbaijan has to get close to Iran and other Muslim countries. Russia and Western countries will always support Armenia.
Iran is a backstabber.Azerbaijan would be stupid to ally with Iran and Arab's who can't do jack **** except calling OIC meetings.It is interest of Azerbaijan to have good relations with Turkey and other liberal muslim nations and keep good relations with Russia which has plenty of influence in that area - You don't want to be enemy of Russia if you're this close to bear and What's wrong with having relations with Israel - Israel has not done anything wrong to Azerbaijan has it ?International Relations are not unilateral.
Beautiful pictures, never been. Perhaps after viewing these pictures i may have to consider a trip.
please dont bring politics in the middle and certainly Israel!! keep on enjoying the nice pictures. please post more of these images.

Last time I checked this forum is to discuss geopolitical-strategic issues. If you like photos of girls then there are other forums dedicated for that. I am not criticizing your posts it is just that if you don't like my posts you can always skip them over. Besides it gives me an opportunity to discuss Azerbaijani issues with an Azerbaijani.
Last time I checked this forum is to discuss geopolitical-strategic issues. If you like photos of girls then there are other forums dedicated for that. I am not criticizing your posts it is just that if you don't like my posts you can always skip them over. Besides it gives me an opportunity to discuss Azerbaijani issues with an Azerbaijani.

what are you talking about my friend? what girls' pictures? i see/meet/greet many lovely girls every day, i dont need any pictures to watch, even if i wanted to watch girls' pictures, there are alot of them on the net that i can see. there are alot of other type of pictures taht is coming from the starter of the thread. Yes, you can discuse issues of azarbiajan with him, but it was best to do it in a separate thread.
I have not heard this before. Armenians claim that they defeated Azerbaijanis. There are 3 million Armenians and have their own army. While Abkhazia has 100,000 people and South Ossetia 50,000 against Georgia's huge army. So Russia intervened against Georgia.

Then how come Azerbaijanis have good relations with Russia ? Azerbaijan is selling cheap gas to Russia. Then Russia resells that gas to Europe with huge profits. Why not just export it to Europe through Georgia and Turkey.

That complicates relation with other Muslim countries including Iran. If Karabagh is occupied by Armenia then Palestine is also occupied Zionazis. They keep Palestinians in concentration camps. Even then you have relations with them . Learn something from Turkey !

It is upto Azerbaijan to resolve issue with Iran. I don't see why Iran and Azerbaijan cannot be close. Both Iran and Turkey are kin of Azerbaijan. It is up to Azerbaijan to change its policies and have close relations with Iran. Since close Iran-Azerbaijan relations will help Azerbaijan more than Iran.

That news had its impact and now many Muslim see Azerbaijan as puppet of Zionazis.

Russia is double crossing Azerbaijan getting cheap gas and supportin Armenia. There is no solution in sight. Azerbaijan needs more friends. Azerbaijan has to get close to Iran and other Muslim countries. Russia and Western countries will always support Armenia.

1. Come on dont be so radical. Yes they defeated us by the power of Russia. Without Russia they cant do anything. There is a huge gap between Armenian and Azerbaijanian military. We have most developed and modern military, we have more troops than they do. So there is a huge military balance between these countries. So in this case Armenia has to ask Russia for help, just like before.
Goergia does not have a huge army. They have like 50 000-60 000 troops. Goergia was in US, Europe side that is why Russia intervened war. From long time Russia was looking for a good chance to do Goergia to hold them in his hands. And that is done. With help of Russia, Georgia lost it's lands. And those lands recognized themselves as independent country and Russia recognized them. We dont want this situation in Karabakh.

2. Azerbaijan is selling gas and petrol to Russia, Turkey and to Georgia. In a further it will go to Europe also. There is pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. We have to get along with Russia to solve this problem. The solution of this problem is in Russian hand, because they made this problem. So we have to more close to Russia to effect armenians, at least to get acceptance from Russia to start local war in Karabakh.

3. The thing is Iran does not want close relation with Azerbaijan. Why?... I told you why. Second, they supported and still supporting Armenia. So of course in this situation Azerbaijan will not be good with Iran. By the way there is no visa for Iranian citizens to come Azerbaijan but we need visa to go there.

4. Dont tell me Arab world. First of all the arabs dont support each other. The most religious arab country S. Arabia allowa Israel to use it's air to bomb Iran or somewhere else.
And arabs, specially Palestenians recognize armenian occupation legally. They are against us. Then why do we have to support them?!.. Believe me no one cares about Muslim world, specially muslims.
And you dont compare Turkey with Azerbaijan. Turkey Republic is 87 years old. They have got big area, they have 80 million population. They have influence and they have one of the powerful military in the world. So Turkey is important for world. Ottomans ruled Middle East for a long time.

5. Some propaganda prepared these mosque news to put Azerbaijani government under pressure. Because our government is just like Ataturk's government. We are not too religious.
Azərbaycan;961182 said:
Azerbaijan is selling gas and petrol to Russia, Turkey and to Georgia.

That is the question: Why are you selling oil and gas to Russia ? Russians just buy cheap oil and gas from Azerbaijan and resell to Europe at high prices. Why not ship all oil and gas to Turkey through Georgia and earn more money ?

The thing is Iran does not want close relation with Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan may have to bend backwards to earn trust and friendship of Iran. There are 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran compared to 8 million in Azerbaijan itself.

Azerbaijan has to do the right thing and support Palestinians against Zionazis. If Karabagh is occupied so is Palestine.

Some propaganda prepared these mosque news to put Azerbaijani government under pressure. Because our government is just like Ataturk's government. We are not too religious.

Then they should be more sensitive next time.
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That is the question: Why are you selling oil and gas to Russia ? Russians just buy cheap oil and gas from Azerbaijan and resell to Europe at high prices. Why not ship all oil and gas to Turkey through Georgia and earn more money ?

Azerbaijan may have to bend backwards to earn trust and friendship of Iran. There are 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran compared to 8 million in Azerbaijan itself.

Azerbaijan has to do the right thing and support Palestinians against Zionazis. If Karabagh is occupied so is Palestine.

Then they should be more sensitive next time.

My brother, my dear you have to understand the situation. Russia is powerful country and has too much influence in former Soviet republics. Azerbaijan agrees most of the things with Russia, because we are looking the solution of Karabakh. Like I told you, the solution of this issue is in Russian hand. So we have to be careful with them. In other hand Russia needs Azerbaijan petrol. That is why we sell them a petrol. Let me remind you something my brother. In a Second World War, 78% of oil came from Azerbaijan which Soviet military used it. 12% for other countries. So we have got a big oil and gas recourses and we want use them in a good way. We want to show that we are more important for Russia than Armenia. May be after some time Russia will change it's politic.
And we also ship oil and gas to Georgia and Turkey to earn money. And also there is a new project "Nabucco". Which Azerbaijan will supply petrol to Europe, till the Austria.

Actually we are more culturally, historically close to Iran than any other country. There only 2 country that officially full of Shia Muslims: Azerbaijan and Iran. There were only 2 country Azerbaijan and Iran that had the same religion, which was Zoroastrianism and so on.
But I dont know why Iran supporting Armenia and it's occupation over Karabakh. We are muslims, Armenians are christians. Armenians killed and did genocide to muslim people, specially in Ottoman time. So Iran is also muslim country. But just like you I dont understand why still Iran supports them. May be the reason can be only the 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran. Like I told you, Iran does not want any communication between these 2 Azerbaijani community.

We never support Israel in Palestine issue. We always claim Israel occupation over Palestine. But Palestine didnt do same thing. The supported and recognized Armenian occupation over Azerbaijan, which muslims were killed by armenians. By the way Pakistan is the only country does not recognize Republic of Armenia (which recognized by all over the world) due to Azerbaijan. I am glad for that and thanks Pakistan for that.

Anyway my brother, I dont want to go into this discussion. Because I opened this thread just to enjoy the beauty of Azerbaijan and show this beauty our Pakistani brothers. From now on here are will be only the pics and discussion about beauty of Azerbaijan.:welcome:

Lankaran is a city in Azerbaijan, on the south coast of the Caspian Sea. Has a population of 50,244.
The city is rather recent, dating from the 16th century. Lankaran was for a long time the capital of the Talysh Khanate, which enjoyed variable degrees of independence throughout history. It was first held by Russia from 1728 to 1735, but only fell definitively to Russia's General Kotlyarevsky in 1813, that status having been confirmed by the Treaty of Turkmenchay in 1828.
Lankaran has many interesting places to visit. The main square where most of administrative buildings are located is "Dosa". There are a dramatical theatre, new closed stadium of "Khazar-Lankaran" FC for 15 000. Lankaran has newly built internetaional airport and sea port.
The region has a vast area of national parks, where a variety of fauna and flora are preserved. Kizilagach national park hosts over 250 kinds of plants, 30 species of fish and more than 220 kinds of birds. Gircan national park is famous for its iron-trees, "Demir-agach".

Pictures of Lankaran:




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