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Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

Russia and iran is fool :disagree: and 75 % Sunni muslim [Are they all Salafi :disagree:]

Real fool are the country who are supporting Terrorist in syria Saudi,qatar,turkey because they are making their fellow arab country weak and helping israhell for big war [Malhama] to occupy the arab land on the pretext of terrorist element amongst them.

China did not have to help the rebels like KSA and Turkey, but at least it could use its influence to persuade Russia and Iran to give up on Assad, because even if Russia and Iran can be fools, China is no fool. Definitely China knows that Assad is not going to last. I think that would have been a more responsible thing to do, instead of going along with Russia and use veto.

What seems to have happened and happening is that Chinese are trying to keep both sides happy, the Russians and Iranians on one side and the Saudi's the other side. Its a delicate balancing game. Saudi's seem to be happy with your explanation, that China is standing with Russian and Iranian ally. I guess Saudi's consider a good relation with China very important for their future, it is a big oil customer and a rising super power.

Why Assad is history? Assad simply cannot control 75% Sunni population without giving political representation to them. Also he does not have unlimited resources like Arab Monarchs and he does not have legitimacy like the Arab Monarchs, who have deep roots in their community. Assad is from 10-12% despised Alawite minorty who used to be called Nusayri's.

Despite all Russian and Iranian efforts (lets say China is not in on this), they will fail, because my feeling is that Turkey and KSA are not going to give up. If Chinese strategists could foresee how this will turn out, they should have put more pressure on Russia and Iran, I think it did not take place.

One thing I think it is difficult for Chinese to understand is that it is not just the US (and its proxy Israel) interest, there is Arab interest here to integrate and consolidate the region, under greater GCC and Arab League. Iran has no or limited role to play in this, Iran is an outsider at least in Syria. Saddam's removal was a boon to Iran, but even a US allied Iraq, even if its Shia, it may still remain closer with Arab League nations than Iran. Shia Sunni sectarianism has its role, but its not the only factor, there are other factors involved that determines the geo-strategic alignment of a nation like Iraq - history, language and ethnic origin and then there is the issue of staying within the Western orbit, which is true for most Arab and Muslim nations. Iraq, even to help Iran, may stay within this orbit, just so it does not become an isolated Pariah state like Iran.

World is increasingly becoming more than the power play between "super powers" or great powers like USA, EU, Russia and China - local interest in some cases will supersede these great power interests. The sooner the great powers realize this, the better it will for them in the long run.
China is just playing Safe .china has nothing to loose in syria .
China is letting the world know by vetoing any draft by US and its Ally his position i.e no external intervention.
China also realise where all these is going and don't what to repeat the Libya mistake in which china company lost lots of money.

Even Gaddafi was our enemy, but we should have vetoed against the no-fly-zone, since this military intervention had cost us billions.
The 1973 War Powers Resolution allows presidents to deploy troops when there's a "national emergency" caused by an attack on the country or its possessions, but then gives the executive only 60 days to get congressional approval or withdraw troops. Presidents in the past have become engaged in conflicts without first checking with Congress and have stretched the definition of "national emergency."

He can Attack without Approval
Thats what i meant,so him going to Congress means he didnt and doesnt want to.
Even Gaddafi was our enemy, but we should have vetoed against the no-fly-zone, since this military intervention had cost us billions.
We agreed the no-fly-zone in Libya,but used by NATO to play regime change game,so we will never pass military intervention plan in any other country,because no country has the right to change another country's governmrnt.If Russia want regime change in UAE,we will against it too.
We agreed the no-fly-zone in Libya,but used by NATO to play regime change game,so we will never pass military intervention plan in any other country,because no country has the right to change another country's governmrnt.If Russia want regime change in UAE,we will against it too.

We will surely against it, but Russia doesn't have the power to play the aggressive proxy wars like USA did in the past decade.
We don't want harm our relation with any country,we have a good relation with Saudi,UAE and Jordan,we also have good relation with Iran and Russia.One thing you maybe don't know,our former leader Hua Guofeng was the last one to visit Shah's Iran
Hua Guofeng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hua was one of the last foreigners to visit the Shah of Iran before he was overthrown in 1979
Iran's New Alliance With China Could Cost U.S. Leverage (washingtonpost.com)
But in recent times, ties between China and Iran have not always prospered. In the midst of the unrest that led to Iran's revolution, one of the last foreign leaders to visit Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi before he was overthrown in 1979 was Chinese Communist Party chief Hua Kuo-feng. "The visit left a very strong negative feeling about China among Iranians," said Abbas Maleki, director of the Caspian Institute, a Tehran research organization.
looks like condolance should be in order for house of saud, bandor bush and their gloating fan base here. Russia and Putin thrown a life line to Obama and US for that matter, to way out of disester waiting to happen. US should be greatful for that. Now US should hunt down real enemy who were and are planning to abuse its might. If US does not someone will and US don't have any interest to protect bandor Bush and his masters clan of house of saud.
looks like condolance should be in order for house of saud, bandor bush and their gloating fan base here. Russia and Putin thrown a life line to Obama and US for that matter, to way out of disester waiting to happen. US should be greatful for that. Now US should hunt down real enemy who were and are planning to abuse its might. If US does not someone will and US don't have any interest to protect bandor Bush and his masters clan of house of saud.

Thank you for the nice entertaining commentary Mr. Pepe Escobar. But I have got news for Assad fan boys:
Report: CIA delivering arms to Syria rebels - CBS News
What disaster? They don't give a **** & most of the brainwashed arabs by Al JEWZEERA think that the JEW USA are good peope helping them & that it's Iran the problem

If it's a disaster, why they're still here making wars?

Only a punch in the face of the JEW USA perverts can stop them

Thank you for the nice entertaining commentary Mr. Pepe Escobar. But I have got news for Assad fan boys:
Report: CIA delivering arms to Syria rebels - CBS News

What a pride to be hated by the JEW USA

Do you have a problem with China? Who said we are a supporter of the Syrian regime?

China is like many other nations who are against more blood in Syria, but we never specifically support the current Syrian regime, not financially nor militarily.

Coward, you're like the guy buying oil in a gas station regularly. You see the store clerk beeing agressed and you do nothing
Let us just assume that this number is correct (different versions) then what about all the THOUSANDS of innocents Syrians who have been killed by the Child-Murderer that you support? How many cities, villages etc. have been destroyed?

We all know how the protests started. First peacefully until the protestors were killed and thus all the decades of frustration and oppression came into surface and they retailed and defended themselves. Only like 1 year after the start of the conflict did it attract foreigners FROM BOTH SIDES. You probably realize that there are a lot of HizbAlShaitan and other Shia extremists fighting in Syria from Iraq, Lebanon, the tiny Houthi controlled parts of Yemen, even KSA and obviously Iran too.

So it all goes back to the lunatic Al-Assad that as the dictator he is has tried to clinch to the power with all means possible and deemed anyone not agreeing with that as a "foreign" terrorists forgetting that over HALF of his army have defected to the Syrian opposition. Pathetic much?

Eh, many sources put it between 500.000-1.000.000. Point is that hundred of thousands died. Many are dying each day due to the after effects of the gas attacks or other health related symptoms.

Eh, I did not say anything about help. But yes, your leadership admitted that they worked together with the USA to remove Saddam Hussein. So did some of the Arab states. And why are you surprised by that? Saddam was a unreliable partner in the middle of the Middle East. Why are you pretending that you care about his plight?

Iraq is totally divided including the politics and 90% of the Iraqi Shia Arabs do not agree with your poisonous "Vali-ye faqih" nonsense.

This clips also says something totally different.


No matter how you spin it then you cannot make a single sane argument about the removal of Saddam Hussein NOT being in the interest of your Mullah's.

Eh, Taliban is already ruling most of the Pashtun areas. The Americans did really not achieve anything in removing them. In fact they are now TALKING together and NEGOTIATING.

Besides I do not support the Taliban. In fact they are not my business or the situation there since that is an internal Afghan matter. Besides I would have to read much more about the conflict from both sides and draw my own conclusion. At the end of the day the Afghans themselves will have to deal with their problems and remove Taliban themselves.


it was from sunnis countries that Iraq was invaded: Kuwait, Saudi, NATO Turkey. NOT FROM IRAN

JEW USA invaded Iraq from wahabit Kuwait, sunni NATO turkeys, wahabit Saudi. You wanted to kill all shias with your JEW USA masters, unfortunately for you shias killed you & 4600 USA pigs

So don't say that the war in Iraq was made by the americans terrorists to install a shia Iraq. The shias just win that's all.
make a war instead of trying to avoid them and shows them the main enemy is somewhere else and it's only friendly fire.

You are no less hateful emotional and savage than those you reprimand. You just set your eyes on a different target to kill and destroy. There would be peace when you would realize that we are all just human being, and when you'll treasure peace and prosperity more than hate and war, whichever is your target.
China did not have to help the rebels like KSA and Turkey, but at least it could use its influence to persuade Russia and Iran to give up on Assad, because even if Russia and Iran can be fools, China is no fool. Definitely China knows that Assad is not going to last. I think that would have been a more responsible thing to do, instead of going along with Russia and use veto.

What seems to have happened and happening is that Chinese are trying to keep both sides happy, the Russians and Iranians on one side and the Saudi's the other side. Its a delicate balancing game. Saudi's seem to be happy with your explanation, that China is standing with Russian and Iranian ally. I guess Saudi's consider a good relation with China very important for their future, it is a big oil customer and a rising super power.

Why Assad is history? Assad simply cannot control 75% Sunni population without giving political representation to them. Also he does not have unlimited resources like Arab Monarchs and he does not have legitimacy like the Arab Monarchs, who have deep roots in their community. Assad is from 10-12% despised Alawite minorty who used to be called Nusayri's.

Despite all Russian and Iranian efforts (lets say China is not in on this), they will fail, because my feeling is that Turkey and KSA are not going to give up. If Chinese strategists could foresee how this will turn out, they should have put more pressure on Russia and Iran, I think it did not take place.

One thing I think it is difficult for Chinese to understand is that it is not just the US (and its proxy Israel) interest, there is Arab interest here to integrate and consolidate the region, under greater GCC and Arab League. Iran has no or limited role to play in this, Iran is an outsider at least in Syria. Saddam's removal was a boon to Iran, but even a US allied Iraq, even if its Shia, it may still remain closer with Arab League nations than Iran. Shia Sunni sectarianism has its role, but its not the only factor, there are other factors involved that determines the geo-strategic alignment of a nation like Iraq - history, language and ethnic origin and then there is the issue of staying within the Western orbit, which is true for most Arab and Muslim nations. Iraq, even to help Iran, may stay within this orbit, just so it does not become an isolated Pariah state like Iran.

World is increasingly becoming more than the power play between "super powers" or great powers like USA, EU, Russia and China - local interest in some cases will supersede these great power interests. The sooner the great powers realize this, the better it will for them in the long run.

Russia is more important ally of China then Turkey and KSA.And China dont have enough power to persuade Russian on that question,they are two great power with identical same power.

And i think that Russia dont give a damn about Assad.They give a damn about Tartus,if rebels say to Russian 2.5 years ago "Look Russians you can keep your base here" I think that war will be over for the same time like it end in Lybia.
You are no less hateful emotional and savage than those you reprimand. You just set your eyes on a different target to kill and destroy. There would be peace when you would realize that we are all just human being, and when you'll treasure peace and prosperity more than hate and war, whichever is your target.

yes i set my eyes on targets that are trying to hurt us. the targets that to name of human right and peace hurting people in our region. taking slaps, shots and then bow to the offender and talking about peace is a crime to humanity.
plunder and occupy other countries only because they have different opinion or they have not enough power is human being? and if someone gonna defend itself against this savage offenders means they dont want peace .
I respect everyone and i expect respect too, but if anyone try to hurt us, we will defend ourselves.
and beside it i try to share my opinion about peace to those savage offenders may understand war only force us to defend and more people die. so please dont threat us and respect us to we all live in peace. we are all just human being..

This is not human being:

yes i set my eyes on targets that are trying to hurt us. the targets that to name of human right and peace hurting people in our region. taking slaps, shots and then bow to the offender and talking about peace is a crime to humanity.
plunder and occupy other countries only because they have different opinion or they have not enough power is human being? and if someone gonna defend itself against this savage offenders means they dont want peace .
I respect everyone and i expect respect too, but if anyone try to hurt us, we will defend ourselves.
and beside it i try to share my opinion about peace to those savage offenders may understand war only force us to defend and more people die. so please dont threat us and respect us to we all live in peace. we are all just human being..

This is not human being:


Cheap propaganda while you are supporting Assad the butcher.
No need to take Kalu miah seriously guys. He's a shia hater and just mad cause he was expecting to see a lot of dead shias. Let him calm down.
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