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Dirty war on LoC preceded deadly Poonch ambush

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My heart goes out for the soldier's family. I salute this woman. She has done the right thing. The country is with you but not the Government. Government has done their duty by condemning the Incident....
what bs, what will a north indian do extra. its ridiculous to think an UP guy will have better knowledge of china and pak than kerala guy.

Correct. But least the DM should know the required details.
Go A Head If You Are Soldier Other Wise Sold You Great Back....

Lets get this straight, winning an argument with you is not going to hike my salary, i am telling you what I think/know.

as far as massive retaliation I had worded the following

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...giment-behind-loc-attack-4.html#ixzz2bIMUnJbJ
what you are hanging on to a figure of speech in the heat of the moment.

Links??? no links... cant provide you any links of whatsoever kind of what instructuions flow down the divisional hq, sorry. So let just say you were right all along, Indian army will retaliate, let me know when that happens.... ok

then how did you come to know what instructions flow down the divisional hq ?

talking to you is pointless .... everyone is repeating the same thing i,ve been saying...
I wonder what would have happened if 6 russian/american/british soldiers were killed in their own sovereign land by a neighboring country. Given the fact that India is not comparable to any of the three nationalities mentioned, does that make lives of Indian soldiers less valuable?

India will not go to war against pakistan on this, as suggested by better informed members here, the answer will be localised retaliation, which will draw counter retaliation and the cycle will continue. Does this equation needs to be changed? Is there any scope a heavy deterrence to be introduced that will make such aggressive baiting an extremely expensive exercise for pakistan? is there any scope to discuss that?

Government of India with it's current crop of leaders do not have out of the box thinking, their rapprochement strategy has been sheepish diplomacy which can be easily hijacked by a terrorists, company commanders, even government change in Islamabad. If this path is so fragile and hasn't yielded any incentives in last 9 years, what is point of following such flawed reasoning.

Diplomacy yields - violence in the north, and so does standstill relation, then why invest the human capital in diplomacy?
then how did you come to know what instructions flow down the divisional hq ?

talking to you is pointless .... everyone is repeating the same thing i,ve been saying...

Let what how I know stuff be with me, and the feeling is mutual. Your arrogance is in thinking all of us get our information from www is quite a big fallacy.

as I said, you stick to your convictions, most reading the exchange of conversation between us know what I am talking about, maybe one day you will to.

Government of India with it's current crop of leaders do not have out of the box thinking, their rapprochement strategy has been sheepish diplomacy which can be easily hijacked by a terrorists, company commanders, even government change in Islamabad. If this path is so fragile and hasn't yielded any incentives in last 9 years, what is point of following such flawed reasoning.

What path are you suggesting? Since you have been venting more anger on a more proactive path without identifying a realistic path that could be taken. This suggest more anger(understandable) than objectivity in what you wish to do.
I hate the TTP and would love to see miniature nuclear weapons used against them.. but that isnt a viable or even humane path to follow.
then how did you come to know what instructions flow down the divisional hq ?

talking to you is pointless .... everyone is repeating the same thing i,ve been saying...

Let what how I know stuff be with me, and the feeling is mutual. Your arrogance is in thinking all of us get our information from www is quite a big fallacy.

as I said, you stick to your convictions, most reading the exchange of conversation between us know what I am talking about, maybe one day you will to.

Let what how I know stuff be with me, and the feeling is mutual. Your arrogance is in thinking all of us get our information from www is quite a big fallacy.

as I said, you stick to your convictions, most reading the exchange of conversation between us know what I am talking about, maybe one day you will to.


How you came to know of this is very important....this is a forum....if your claiming something you provide proof... IF you cannot prove proof or any links then you do not speak about it .... Most reading this conversation will go with the person providing credible information .
Dumb suggestion. Mulayam Singh was a defense minister from 1996–1998. He once said India should help Pakistan.
What path are you suggesting? Since you have been venting more anger on a more proactive path without identifying a realistic path that could be taken. This suggest more anger(understandable) than objectivity in what you wish to do.
I hate the TTP and would love to see miniature nuclear weapons used against them.. but that isnt a viable or even humane path to follow.

It's evident, from my posts, I lost it yesterday, but the events that unfolded are to blame for it.

We need to take a break from the diplomatic process altogether, stop the non-sense candyfloss of trade and other paths currently undertaken by both sides.

when you are dealing with quality control in six sigma, you identify the pareto of issues that plague the system, identify the biggest contributor and tackle that first, same applies here, first solve Kashmir, then everything else.

As far as military perspective is concerned, we need to opt out of the 2003 ceasefire, If there is provocation from any side, the other must have the mandate from their respective government to go on the offensive. My fear is these incidents will get common after a while and people will stop paying attention to these, media will sideline it as localized incidents and governments on both sides will get immune to such losses. This is something evident from drone strikes in pakistan, does it draw the same flak that it did say 7 years ago, sure it's a concern, but does it bring the same outrage when there is tacit approval/ignorance from the govt? This is what I fear is going to happen to the border areas.
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