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Differences between Bengali Hindu and Bengali Muslim

Nimrit Kaur has too longish a face and is too much on the thinner side. In the 2nd pic though, she looks good. I recognize her from Airlift.



She's gorgeous man.

Those cheekbones are so elegant.
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Our ancestors made a conscious decision leave Hinduism to become Muslim.
Now, Bengali culture blends in perfectly with Hindu belief. In those case Bengali Muslim looks out of place. I think it is time to stop looking to the west for "Bengali" validity.
Let's face it Bengali Muslim and Bengali Hindus are two different thing.
We should welcome that and stop trying to be "Bengali Hindu", which we are not.
*Excuse my Engrish
*this is my personal thought, i don't represent anybody. I am open to learn.

Bangladeshi muslims are becoming more Arabized day by day. Since 2011 onwards, petro dollar Islam from Saudi Arabia entered Bangladesh and is Arabizing the Bangladeshi muslim population.

Salafi preachers currently have huge power in Bangladesh. They have high fund and media power and most of the Salafists in Bangladesh have backup from the middle east.

Bengali culture is somewhat looked down upon in Bangladesh. I know people who say muslims cannot say the word 'Mangso' which means meat in Bengali. Instead muslims should say 'Gosht' because it sounds more islamic.

There are many things I can say but it will be too long.

However the picture has shown burqa wearing women who are a minority in Bangladesh. Most women in Bangladesh don't wear Burqa but yes you can find a large number of hijab wearing girls.
Bangladeshi muslims are becoming more Arabized day by day. Since 2011 onwards, petro dollar Islam from Saudi Arabia entered Bangladesh and is Arabizing the Bangladeshi muslim population.

Salafi preachers currently have huge power in Bangladesh. They have high fund and media power and most of the Salafists in Bangladesh have backup from the middle east.

Bengali culture is somewhat looked down upon in Bangladesh. I know people who say muslims cannot say the word 'Mangso' which means meat in Bengali. Instead muslims should say 'Gosht' because it sounds more islamic.

There are many things I can say but it will be too long.

However the picture has shown burqa wearing women who are a minority in Bangladesh. Most women in Bangladesh don't wear Burqa but yes you can find a large number of hijab wearing girls.

Saudi Arabia is trying to teach us, how to be Muslim.

Our form Islam is what helps us all peacefully coexist, I hope Hasina bans all these Madrasas that preach hate.

No one is telling little girls how to dress. You are just generalizing too much now.

If you say so, there clearly haven't been multiple studies on this issue but okay.
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Bangladeshi muslims are becoming more Arabized day by day. Since 2011 onwards, petro dollar Islam from Saudi Arabia entered Bangladesh and is Arabizing the Bangladeshi muslim population.

NOTE: Arabization means adopting cultural practices which are present all across the Muslim World.
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No, please do join in but without comments you "Are you gay because you have provided too much detail ?". :)

I have met certain people who were gay and liked to discuss stuff like that in detail so that's what I made that presumption.

It's okay, my bad maaf kardo
Saudi Arabia is trying to teach us, how to be Muslim.

Our form Islam is what helps us all peacefully coexist, I hope Hasina bans all these Madrasas that preach hate.

If you say so, there clearly haven't been multiple studies on this issue but okay.
For Bangladesh both liberal and religious extremism is a problem. Before 2013 there was no such thing as liberalism and radicalism in Bangladesh.

Suddenly after 2013, Atheist bloggers, LGBT groups, religious fanatics everyone became hyperactive
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Funny part is Bengal muslims are mostly converts from Buddhism, Persian and Turkic settlers... Bengali Hindus remained Hindus and had no reason to convert when they were the top 1 percent of society. anyways who cares what a woman wears, ive seen burqa clad women get fucked by non Muslims and those revealing women often protecting their dignity by avoiding extramarital relations... so I don’t understand the point of your post

Bihari and Assamese are scums. Worse than bengalis... trust me you’ll not want them once you interacted with one

Is this arab woman? Seeing that your in the m/e
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it is apparent from the thread that women hold the central role in society in both India and Bangladesh.

Don't know about India, but in Bangladesh women are more dominant in household.

This is more true after 2000, now women do everything independently and the father is simply the man of the house in name.

Because both man and women earn, the man can't ignore the wife's opinion anymore.

Women in villages are now forcing their husbands to send the daughters to school, some even pay for the school fees themselves when father doesn't permit.

In my own family, my mother used to be the boss and I hundreds of bangali families like this.
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