In my Honest opinion , i actually never had suicide tendencies , maybe because i am just too happy of a soul to pick such a bug in my brain.
That doesn't mean that i have had an easy life , i have had pretty crap runs in my life and 2010 being the worst on my record ---- but i never thought of killing myself because i guess its just cowardice.
The secret lies in my rebellious nature and highly competitive upbringing , if i am having issues because of someone has been stupid enough to create problems for me , i just simply go and say every god damn thing that strikes my mind in his/her god damn face ! -- and get over it , i do not believe in keeping things in my heart -- i just throw them right in the face of the person who's done it to me.
I have had times when i suffered from chronic stress and depression , to curb that i adopted practices to distract myself, ie going for scuba diving and getting closer to nature , jet skiing , fishing , visiting planetarium every now and then etc
I know Allah SWT puts some people in some really hard tests and situations which they cant handle but at the same time HE gives you courage to stand in the face of it and make your way right through the damn thing !
To those who might be thinking about taking their own life.
"You may be disappointed if you fail - but you would be doomed if you don't try" : Aeronaut
Enough testimony for today -- lets leave the rest for some other day -- take care & God bless.