I know don't worry, I like a bit of sarcasm.
Many People misunderstand that "können nicht zwischen den Zeilen lesen".
Do you believe that I look through "PINK Glasses" and a AKP Follower ? I can assure you NEIN!
But if I read that People I get in crisis, those who deniy their ethnic roots; do you expect Lobby from them ?
CEM Özdemir :
1. He is in Holidays in Türkiye ( like Claudia Roth was in Bodrum before)
2. He Claims that Türkiye is a risk for German Patriot bataillion
3. He Claims refugee flood STOP to Germany is only possible if Türkiye fights IS (Most Flood is from Africa !)
4. He wants to lift in future PKK- VERBOT
This guy was a drug consument ( remember his Cannabis plants on the Roof), but not only that, he is a bad womanizer visiting in Turkish Discos and was taking cocaine. THATS my truth ! A typical TÜRK
If you have a private contact mail you can get real PHOTOS.
"Türkiye askerleri tehlikeye atıyor"