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Did Two Nation Theory Die in 1971 After Creation of Bangladesh?

Basically you are stating that the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists who are asking the Indian government to grant them separate religious status are fools. What you also are stating that those Indians who are members of Indian Lok Sabha, and represent the people of these three religions do not understand the Indian constitution and have wrongfully moved a bill in the Lok Sabha to amend the Indian constitution and are therefore idiots. What you are also implying that the Indian Hindus are correct and others are stupid.
Nope. Try again.
Another fool….

< snip >
'Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true' – Demosthenes

It is amusing, though, how you are completely avoiding to acknowledge the Government document, that unambiguously declares Sikhs and Buddhists as minorities, and resorting to argumentum ad verecundiam.
Nope. Try again.

'Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true' – Demosthenes

It is amusing, though, how you are completely avoiding to acknowledge the Government document, that unambiguously declares Sikhs and Buddhists as minorities, and resorting to argumentum ad verecundiam.

The objectionable article of Indian constitution which identifies Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists as a sect of Hinduism has not been amended as yet. Amending the minorities act of 1992, on 23/10/1993, which you have posted, did not ameliorate the main objection of these minorities. That is why they tabled a bill in Lok Sabha which is still pending and the Sikh scholar Ms Kaur moved a petition in Indian Supreme Court in Nov 2012. It is not me who is not understanding, it is you who is either not in know of the main problem or are fooling everybody else.

According to the Indian constitution, the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists feel that they are still categorized as a sub-sect of Hinduism and that is what they are fighting to change. Till the Indian constitution is amended, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists are Hindus in India and do not have a separate religion. I hope that you understand this fact.
The two nation theory died on 15 Aug 1947.

This was when Muslims in equal if not more numbers decided to stay on in India & chose not to go to Pakistan.
The two nation theory died on 15 Aug 1947.

This was when Muslims in equal if not more numbers decided to stay on in India & chose not to go to Pakistan.

Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of British India. It was created for those contiguous areas that had Muslim majority. The Two Nation Theory comprised many factors, including the religious factor which for reasons became more pronounced.

Therefore, it is still alive and is being further consolidated.
Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of British India. It was created for those contiguous areas that had Muslim majority. The Two Nation Theory comprised many factors, including the religious factor which for reasons became more pronounced.

Therefore, it is still alive and is being further consolidated.

Just for the record, which were those ' contiguous areas' ?..and which were the areas outside British India whom Pakistan was meant for ?

Where are they now ?
Just for the record, which were those ' contiguous areas' ?..and which were the areas outside British India whom Pakistan was meant for ?

Where are they now ?

Please ask a straight question or make a statement instead of going around in circles - I am sure you know which were those contiguous areas were.

Which areas outside British India whom Pakistan was meant for? - I did not understand this query. Could you please elaborate. Thanks.
Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of British India.

Pakistan Muslim League considered itself as the representative of all Indian Muslims. The UP Muslims were front runner in leading Pakistan movement while Punjab and Sindh were busy with their unionist politics of Punjab Unionist Party and Sindh Ittehad Party.

It was created for those contiguous areas that had Muslim majority. The Two Nation Theory comprised many factors, including the religious factor which for reasons became more pronounced.

Therefore, it is still alive and is being further consolidated.

Pakistan was desperate to get non-Muslim and non-contiguous Junagadh and Hyderabad into Pakistan. :cheesy:
I only quoted Indian references and what Indians themselves are saying and did not conjure up anything from my side. If you do not know what your own people are saying, please go and ask them to clarify. Why are you fighting with me. 

Nope, I am not a cow-poke shoveling manure as that is what you people do because cow is sacred to your people not mine. Go and ask the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists if religion is more important to them. I am just referring to what they say. You don't like what I am saying - please don't.

Who has to like what you say? Even you don't have to! If you at all do; then you have to do some serious re-thinking. But that will be circumscribed by both your intentions and abilities to do so. But you undoubtedly display greater familiarity with manure; since some of your intemperate rantings here reek of that.

Otherwise; I find it so intriguing, not to mention amusing: that your ilk so easily regresses back in to pitching up "religion, religiosity and religious based bunkum" at the drop of a pin. Do you really think that I feel insulted by your doing that? I love to eat Steaks for Musa's-sakes, dude!! Why do people remain grounded in Medieval Thinking; still beats me!

Anyway you can cavort with the Meluhahahas and other likewise mythical creatures from the World of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

As for me; I might seek out some Meluheeheehees; they just might be people endowed with the right things in the right places----among that some Sense and Sanity.
And they might even be female !

Edward Lear is more interesting to read than you are.
Please ask a straight question or make a statement instead of going around in circles - I am sure you know which were those contiguous areas were.

Which areas outside British India whom Pakistan was meant for? - I did not understand this query. Could you please elaborate. Thanks.

Which part of my post was unclear ?

The genesis of Pakistan was the two nation theory, in implementation areas which had high Muslim population went to Pakistan and Muslims who belonged to areas outside these areas of high Muslim density migrated to Pakistan.

Are we in agreement on this ?
Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of British India. It was created for those contiguous areas that had Muslim majority. The Two Nation Theory comprised many factors, including the religious factor which for reasons became more pronounced.

Therefore, it is still alive and is being further consolidated.

Here, you say Pak was not created for all Muslims but those who either belonged to these contiguous areas or who chose to migrate to these areas.

Now, since the option to migrate to the Muslim nation existed with all Muslims even for years after 1947 and they chose not to exercise their option and stayed on in India to my mind undoes the two nation theory.

Unless Pakistan was created for a select few.
Who has to like what you say? Even you don't have to! If you at all do; then you have to do some serious re-thinking. But that will be circumscribed by both your intentions and abilities to do so. But you undoubtedly display greater familiarity with manure; since some of your intemperate rantings here reek of that.

Otherwise; I find it so intriguing, not to mention amusing: that your ilk so easily regresses back in to pitching up "religion, religiosity and religious based bunkum" at the drop of a pin. Do you really think that I feel insulted by your doing that? I love to eat Steaks for Musa's-sakes, dude!! Why do people remain grounded in Medieval Thinking; still beats me!

Anyway you can cavort with the Meluhahahas and other likewise mythical creatures from the World of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

As for me; I might seek out some Meluheeheehees; they just might be people endowed with the right things in the right places----among that some Sense and Sanity.
And they might even be female !

Edward Lear is more interesting to read than you are.

Hey Jerry Springer, why is it that you Indian Hindus have to prove your secularist modernity with beef eating examples. When Sita was returning from Lanka 200 cows were sacrificed to celebrate her return. Eat your heart out along with your cow's manure gulped down with its urine as one of your Prime ministers did, for all I care. It is not we who are grounded in medieval moorings, it is you people who can not get out of it.

Ask the great Joe Shearer to teach you the correct use of the word bunkum and go back to shoveling cow manure, which is more suited to you and your ilk. Idiot.
lol, what funny thread.

With creation of Bangladesh, two-nation theory got even more credible. Much, much more credible.

Bangladeshis (Muslims) were treated very badly by W.Pakistani (Muslims,too). So they started their movement..and West Pakistan resorted to bloody military operation. Thousands died, rapes, family destroyed...In such desperate conditions, Indians (Hindus) helped Bangladeshis to get themselves saved by Pakistanis....

And then, Bangladeshis were culturally similar people to Indians of West Bengal..Same language, Same race, same dresses etc etc...

Even with all this history, Bangladeshis (Muslims) still refused to merge and live together with Indians (Hindus).

It only shows that even though Bangladeshis had great grudges against Muslims of W.Pakistan, but they still did not mix/merge with Hindus. Why? Because as The Two Nation Theory states..Hindus and Muslims ARE infact two different nations, different peoples!

I'm proud of Bengali Muslims to have validated two nation theory beyond any doubt...

lol, what funny thread.

With creation of Bangladesh, two-nation theory got even more credible. Much, much more credible.

Bangladeshis (Muslims) were treated very badly by W.Pakistani (Muslims,too). So they started their movement..and West Pakistan resorted to bloody military operation. Thousands died, rapes, family destroyed...In such desperate conditions, Indians (Hindus) helped Bangladeshis to get themselves saved by Pakistanis....

And then, Bangladeshis were culturally similar people to Indians of West Bengal..Same language, Same race, same dresses etc etc...

Even with all this history, Bangladeshis (Muslims) still refused to merge and live together with Indians (Hindus).

It only shows that even though Bangladeshis had great grudges against Muslims of W.Pakistan, but they still did not mix/merge with Hindus. Why? Because as The Two Nation Theory states..Hindus and Muslims ARE infact two different nations, different peoples!

I'm proud of Bengali Muslims to have validated two nation theory beyond any doubt...


They did not merge, because in the final analysis India got what it wanted, and did not want the baggage that came with it.

Do not kid yourself that a defeated people ravaged by rape and genocide by their own army, had a semblance of a choice when an overwhelming foreign military force was camped as victor on its soil.
Which part of my post was unclear ?

The genesis of Pakistan was the two nation theory, in implementation areas which had high Muslim population went to Pakistan and Muslims who belonged to areas outside these areas of high Muslim density migrated to Pakistan.

Are we in agreement on this ?

Here, you say Pak was not created for all Muslims but those who either belonged to these contiguous areas or who chose to migrate to these areas.

Now, since the option to migrate to the Muslim nation existed with all Muslims even for years after 1947 and they chose not to exercise their option and stayed on in India to my mind undoes the two nation theory.

Unless Pakistan was created for a select few.

The Lahore resolution of 1940 was clear in its proclamation when it stated that in the areas which were not contiguous, different independent entities for Muslims were to be created. So when Bangladesh was created in 1971, through Indian sponsoring of terrorism in East Pakistan, it still retained its independent entity as proclaimed in the 1940 Lahore resolution.

Therefore, the Two nation Theory did not die down after creation of Bangladesh.

Those Muslims who wanted to come to Pakistan were welcome till a particular time period, after which it was not allowed. Supporting the creation of Pakistan and creating a separate entity for themselves are two different things. And if the people of UP etc could not create a separate entity for themselves - bad luck.
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The Lahore resolution of 1940 was clear in its proclamation when it stated that in the areas which were not contiguous, different independent entities for Muslims were to be created. So when Bangladesh was created in 1970, through Indian sponsoring of terrorism in East Pakistan, it still retained its independent entity as proclaimed in the 1940 Lahore resolution.

Therefore, the Two nation Theory did not die down after creation of Bangladesh.

Those Muslims who wanted to come to Pakistan were welcome till a particular time period, after which it was not allowed. Supporting the creation of Pakistan and creating a separate entity for themselves are two different things. And if the people of UP etc could not create a separate entity for themselves - bad luck.

Lets agree to leave it here.

BTW..BD was created in 71.
They did not merge, because in the final analysis India got what it wanted, and did not want the baggage that came with it.

Do not kid yourself that a defeated people ravaged by rape and genocide by their own army, had a semblance of a choice when an overwhelming foreign military force was camped as victor on its soil.

hahaha...retardo, india didn't defeat 'E.Pakistan'....it intervened to help E.Pakistan in defeating ' W.Pakistan'

All those rebels fought for independence from W.Pakistan, NOT to re-join india...

Again, 71' validates Two-Nation Theory like nothing else does.

And even if India had forcefully annexed E.Pakistan (which was impossible), even THEN 71' validates two nation theory. Muslim Bengalis chose to stay separate from their OWN people (W.Bengalis) because Muslim Bengalis saw themselves as a separate peoples from Hindu Bengalis.

You see, in International Relations and modern political theories, coercion does not validate or invalidate anything...consent does. And the consent of Muslim Bengalis was to stay separate from Hindu Bengalis.

Thats 100% validation of two nation theory right there...
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