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Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

the article is bullshit no comments i will only believe if the chinese will say that they have provide the nukes to pakistan
the article is bullshit no comments i will only believe if the chinese will say that they have provide the nukes to pakistan

Well, its not the India, but AQ Khan himself admitted that China sent the Uranium to Pak and also the know how of a nuclear bomb.

Also AQ Khan's misadventure in Netherlands is quite famous now. So one cannot deny it. He has been charged and is facing the penalty too.
There is no harm in discussion. We all are here for discussion and debate. if we can discuss 1984 riots twice a month. Babri demolition once a week then no other topic is immune for not to be discussed.
However the whole nuclear technology has been proliferating from developed nations to less developed nations till today and is still going on. India is not an exception.
There is no harm in discussion. We all are here for discussion and debate. if we can discuss 1984 riots twice a month. Babri demolition once a week then no other topic is immune for not to be discussed.
However the whole nuclear technology has been proliferating from developed nations to less developed nations till today and is still going on. India is not an exception.
Because those are true with all evidences. What is your evidence on blue print transfer. A cheap journalist ??
yes india REINVENTED the NUCLEAR BOMB! as well as the NUCLEAR SUBMARINE!!! everyone else just got blue prints from aliens or chinese but it was actually an indian that invented the nuclear bomb! the cold war was a lie! neither does the US or russia have nukes!!!

they also bought it of india!!! (I HOPE YOU SEE THE SARCAISM IN MY TONE)

and look at the source of the news INDIA TIMES!!!!! end of story!
Well, I'm totally against nuclear proliferation and do not think any country outside the permanent UN security council should develop any WMD...

Madam or sir whoever you are. do you think nuke is like hand grenade. that its will be taken over and those rag tag taliban will be smart enough to use it. ...

Anti-Pakistan propaganda. I am not against Pakistan or people there. Nuke safety in Pakistan is biggest concern everywhere. As u might know how nuclear technologies been sold by Pakistan scientist in black market. Then whyn't bomb. Point is Taliban or whoever will use or can use, after 9/11 this everyone knows their tech expertise.

Hypothetically, may be ISI will train them to use against their enemy later... This had happened and happening in Pakistan.

topjumper, India and Pakistan are two different kind of states. So comparing them its wastage of time. "Pakistani government prepared to support terrorists with nuclear weapons." I am sure they will not supply nuke to wrong hands. But others may transfer i.e ISI some pro Taliban military personnel or scientists who knows.

But are u sure Pakistani government is controlling Pakistan?

My idea is Pakistani government should take step by themself or under external supervision may be USA. To make sure their nuke is safe. No need to get it personnel here just an opinion. This will make not only all of us but pakistan too more secure in future.
Because those are true with all evidences. What is your evidence on blue print transfer. A cheap journalist ??
I can not understand what you are saying.
I think i was easing pressure here. I was saying ''hamam main sab nange hai''

Anyhow i am on to this topic for last two year and have had the privilege to discuss this issue to death with many experts. Don't try to tell me how Pakistan was developing nuclear technology at home in isolation. There are many ways of nuclear proliferation and getting nuclear technology on the other hand. Few of those types are horizontal, vertical, smart, dirty etc.

It was after your own Pakistani citizen when world come to know how conventional and non conventional methods where used get nuclear technology. Snubbing him is not going to make a difference here. He was a Pakistani hero, whether he was telling a lie or not but whatever he was revealing fits well into the equation for those who were seeking opportunity to bash Pakistan and allege China. Be brave and face the music, there are many genuine justifications for Pakistan to make. Rather ranting and abusing others and your own hero, a damage control would have been more admirable.

We Indians know how we have developed our technology from the scratch and with the help of our friends. We have never offended our heroes and friends.
If your own people are spilling the beans then you guys should go to back foot and prepare to defend than bullying people making faces on your exposure.

I am late on this tortured thread. Before making comments on blue prints i am trying to change perception of many like you avoiding discussion which is essence of PDF. I wont mind merger of this thread on previously discussed threads to discuss this hopeless topic with you.
Please be clear.
On the topic, can someone provide details into the evidence Albright uses to arrive at the conclusion that China provided the blueprint?
i could not find the evidence which suggests that China provided nukes blue prints to Pakistan, but i found that Pakistan used massive resources to acquire nuclear technology,& people here will have some answers that China & AQ Khan are not the only actors.

1. A West German Business man Albrecht Migule was convicted in 1985 for supplying a 6 million Nuclear plant to Pakistan in 62 truck loads & he had provided a team of engineers to supervise its construction. that facility is a key installation for processing natural uranium into uranium hexa flouride so that it can be enriched for use in nuclear arms. This was regarded as a critical building block of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, In the words of One German official " it was yeast for cake"

2. In 1976 to 77 the Dutch automobile transmission manufacturer Van Dornee Transmissie exported 6,500 tubes of specially hardened steel to Pakistan, the tubes were intended to encase high speed centrifuges- one method of the isotope separation must for enrichment

3. Two more prosecutions in Netherlands also resulted in acquittals and one was convicted who Dutch officials believed was helping Pakistan's Nuclear program

4. In 1981 Albert Goldberg in USA while trying to smuggle 5,000 pounds of zirconium metal to Pakistan and he was never prosecuted.

5. In 1985 ABC News reported that Pakistan has detonated a dummy nuclear weapon that is one without a core nuclear material using a US made krytron( these are high speed electronic switches used to trigger an atomic bomb)

So i hope this will satisfy certain members that China and AQ Khan are not the only actors who are responsible for Pakistani Nukes, and as for some Indian member's who love to speak about AQ Khan's proliferation need to understand that all these people were not even Pakistani's & please don't let me go off topic regarding how Israel got Nukes. But like i said earlier Pakistan has Nukes ( a number far beyond enemies comprehension) so Pakistan's adversaries must learn to deal with it :pakistan:
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american nukes russian nukes all made in TAIWAN!!!!:rofl:

sorry couldn't resist the line from Armageddon:P
What I know:

1. AQ Khan did nuclear proliferation , made numerous trips to countries like N.Korea , Iran etc because of which the world is facing a kind of diplomatic crisis.

2. Pakistan stole/bought/bribed/cried its way to the nuclear bomb (which aint bad) and allowed certain not so credible parties (Al-Qaeda etc) get a taste of it.

3.Pakistan deems her nuclear assets as Islamic bomb and is proud of them.( No other nuclear nation is so beligerent about use of its nuclear assets)

4. Pakistan lost more than it gained by creating so called nuclear assets.

5.Pakistan's nuclear doctrine is aggressive.

6. Pakistan's nuclear assets are safe and their yield limited.

All in all Dr AQ Khan did what was good for his country but ended up doing a lot bad for this World .

What I never heard:

1. India proliferating

2. Indian scientists being treated as heros

3. India buying nuclear techs/equipments from the black market
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What I know:

1. AQ Khan did nuclear proliferation , made numerous trips to countries like N.Korea , Iran etc because of which the world is facing a kind of diplomatic crisis.

2. Pakistan stole its way to the nuclear bomb (which aint bad) and allowed certain not so credible parties (Al-Qaeda etc) get a taste of it.

3.Pakistan deems her nuclear assets as Islamic bomb and is proud of them.( No other nuclear nation is so beligerent about use of its nuclear assets)

4. Pakistan lost more than it gained by creating so called nuclear assets.

5.Pakistan's nuclear doctrine is aggressive.

6. Pakistan's nuclear assets are safe and their yield limited.

All in all Dr AQ Khan did what was good for his country but ended up doing a lot bad for this World .


2) ofcourse india is proud of its bomb so are we pakistanis & so are the israelis!!

3) pakistan lost nothing by becoming a nuclear state! it earned itself a right to exsist next to an enemy 6 times its size!

AQ khan did what was good for his country period! every nuke be it indian.russian,chinese is EQUALLY BAD FOR THE WORLD!!!!

2) ofcourse india is proud of its bomb so are we pakistanis & so are the israelis!!

3) pakistan lost nothing by becoming a nuclear state! it earned itself a right to exsist next to an enemy 6 times its size!

AQ khan did what was good for his country period! every nuke be it indian.russian,chinese is EQUALLY BAD FOR THE WORLD!!!!

I have just a few questions for you:

1) Did you ever hear India buying/stealing techs like the case is with Pakistan? ( Give me one media report)

2) Did you ever hear that India is proliferating?(The fruits of which is the nuclear deal)

3) Did you ever hear Indian armed forces bragging about their nukes and issuing statements like : Terrorism must stop or Pakistan will be nuked?

4). If India were desperate to use nukes , she would have done in early 80's . But India never wanted that . Do you believe Pakistan even stands a chance against what nuclear power India has today?
Anti-Pakistan propaganda. I am not against Pakistan or people there. Nuke safety in Pakistan is biggest concern everywhere. As u might know how nuclear technologies been sold by Pakistan scientist in black market. Then whyn't bomb. Point is Taliban or whoever will use or can use, after 9/11 this everyone knows their tech expertise.

Hypothetically, may be ISI will train them to use against their enemy later... This had happened and happening in Pakistan.

topjumper, India and Pakistan are two different kind of states. So comparing them its wastage of time. "Pakistani government prepared to support terrorists with nuclear weapons." I am sure they will not supply nuke to wrong hands. But others may transfer i.e ISI some pro Taliban military personnel or scientists who knows.

But are u sure Pakistani government is controlling Pakistan?

My idea is Pakistani government should take step by themself or under external supervision may be USA. To make sure their nuke is safe. No need to get it personnel here just an opinion. This will make not only all of us but pakistan too more secure in future.
Defaming Pakistan and Pakistani forces without any knowledge ....i will count that as propaganda. Nuclear technologies which the whole world is saying we sold and blah blah blah. Why dont you guys just go to international court or use interpol to get that guy.? Pakistan politicians are never been a problem. Especially when we are receiving aid. But why cant you.? because That guy is clean and their are no sufficient evidence. He was put on house arrest by a dictator on international pressure. Now he is a free man.

Hypothetically, may be ISI will train them to use against their enemy later... This had happened and happening in Pakistan.

I dont know if you are sitting in a panic room or what. Or your news channels are not working. whatever is the reason let me give you some bold point.
Pakistan is fighting a war against terror. Not only for Pakistan but for the whole world. The number of causalities of our troops died is more than US and NATO. Did US or NATO lost any Maj. Gen. Nope we did. On what grounds you are saying that we will help them. Those New york time and Washington post. According to which we were suppose to divide in 2008. THe fact is There are number of leaders captured by us. we killed the maximum, we captured the maximum. why would we train them?>. why whould ISI train them? If you are talking about past.

ISI did not trained terrorist. ISI trained Jihadis with the help of US. Training terrorist is RAW who help terrorist in 1970's in bangladesh. In srilanka Tamil tigers ring a bell. ?? So its quite possible that RAW will train terrorist again just like he did in 1970 and is training them to fight against Pakistan. Only enemies of Pakistan will train and might also give nukes to taliban. NOT ISI. So i think instead of worrying about ISI you guys should thank them . Its because of ISI that mullah baradar and MANY MORE is in custody.
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1) Did you ever hear India buying/stealing techs like the case is with Pakistan? ( Give me one media report)

Sir, just because a country steals nuclear technology, you are unable to generalize it as its inability to protect its assets.

2) Did you ever hear that India is proliferating?(The fruits of which is the nuclear deal)

Sir, USA proliferate its nuclear weapons during cold war, Russia proliferate its nuclear weapons during cold war, and they both have not drastically reduce their stockpiles, why can't Pakistan proliferate its nuclear stockpile?

3) Did you ever hear Indian armed forces bragging about their nukes and issuing statements like : Terrorism must stop or Pakistan will be nuked?

Sir, India has a very strong conventional army in the region other than China, why would it need to nuke Pakistan? It has enough ammunition to sustain it in a long term war, so Pakistan is at the disadvantage here.

Sir and of course Pakistan has the right to brag. I am very sure that all Pakistani on this Forum are proud of Pakistan and about Pakistan acquiring nuclear weapon, and all Pakistanis should be proud cause its our best achievement after the Independence in 1947.

Nuclear weapons is our only sheer deterrence against India, and honestly, this is what keeping them at bay.

Terrorism must stop or Pakistan will be nuked?

May I know which article you got that quote from?

4). If India were desperate to use nukes , she would have done in early 80's . But India never wanted that . Do you believe Pakistan even stands a chance against what nuclear power India has today?

If India has used nuke against Pakistan in the 1980s, it probably would not be standing where it is today, as the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world.

And with due respect sir, you know the consequences of a nuclear war, I do not have to explain to you, Both countries would probably be wiped out of the map if that happens, so claiming that India would win a nuclear war is a total big NO.

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