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Dangerous moves in the East China Sea could bring Japan, China to armed conflict
OVER THE EAST CHINA SEA — The Globe and Mail

Last updated Tuesday, Dec. 04 2012, 4:13 AM EST



A member of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force looks out the window of a PC3 reconnaissance plane on to the East China Sea. “We’re watching the Chinese closely, they’re watching us closely. It’s a standoff,” explained one crewman. (Sean Gallagher for The Globe and Mail)

The Japanese surveillance plane is an hour into its flight when it spots the first Chinese flags of the day, red banners atop a quartet of fishing boats deep in Japan’s territorial waters.

The P-3 Orion aircraft, designed for hunting submarines, banks for a closer look at the bobbing blue and white ships. From a seat in the plane, high above the East China Sea, the boats look like chess pieces, being advanced up an endless board of black water and white-capped waves.
stand with india = suicide
stand with usa = defeat
give in to china = win win

stand with india = will become a strong alliance both militarily and economically (recent visit of IA chief to Japan). This will help to confront China in future and best bet.
stand with usa = Will stop Chinese from interfering in Japanese territory and make them run but for a decade or so.
give in to china = Japanese do not want to become another Tibet
8 F-15s?:cheesy:

I hope the chinese pilot was supplied adult diapers before the flight!

Why did Japan sent 8 F15 to meet one small Chinese Y12 surveillance plane?

Why? the Japanese thought China sent more than one!
China should know that Japan sees that as serious provocation.

Japan's defence ministry said it was the first intrusion into Japan's air space by a Chinese government aircraft since the military began keeping records in 1958.

The ministry further says 8 F-15 fighters and an early warning aircraft from the Air Self-Defense Force base in Naha, Okinawa scrambled to the scene. But when they arrived there, the Chinese plane had already left Japanese airspace.
I believe this was the first time China has had any kind of aero present over Diaoyu airspace. It's a good move to set a precedent :tup: and should do it on a regular basis in the future.

The pilot must had some set of balls though when 8 intended for intimidating fighter jets hovered around him.

Japan sent 8 F-15 fighters and 1 early warning aircraft to the scene!
The time has come when all the small nations threatened by China should stand with India shoulder by shoulder.

The time has also come for those small nations facing the indian hegemony to stand shoulder to shoulder with China.
China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters


(Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Japan should halt entries into seas and airspace near disputed islets in the East China Sea, after Japan protested a flight over the islands by a Chinese plane.

The Chinese plane's flight, which prompted Japan's military to scramble eight F-15 fighter jets, was "completely normal" Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said during a regular news briefing.

Sino-Japanese relations have been strained since Japan bought the tiny islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from a private Japanese owner in September.

China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters | Reuters
The Senkaku Islands Constitute
an Intrinsic Part of Japan
By Hiromichi Moteki,
Director of the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


The Xi tai hou Rescript (granting islands to Sheng Xuanhuai)

5) The Xi tai hou rescript is definitely a fake. The rescript stems from a story
about Sheng Xuanhuai (Chinese: 盛宣懷; a businessman and politician during the
Qing Dynasty) who is said to have ventured to three islands--Uotsuri, Kobisho
and Sekibisho--to harvest Chinese wormwood, manufacturing the herb into tablets
and presenting the tablets to Cixi tai hou (Chinese: 慈禧太后, aka: Xi tai hou). In
appreciation of the herb‟s efficacy, the empress ordered the issuance of a rescript
to bestow the three islands on Sheng Xuanhuai in 1893.
The reasons why the rescript is a fake are as follows.
Sekibisho Island is a barren rock where virtually nothing grows. As for Kuba
and Uotsuri islands, Koga was there undertaking his development projects around
that time. And, not only are there no records of activities of a wormwood harvest
by Chinese, there are no records of any herbs being produced in the islands.
If the Qing Dynasty considered these islands to be its territories, why did it not
object to the continuous activities by the Japanese starting in the early Meiji era
and continuing for 28 years to 1895, which included explorations and surveys,
along with depicting the islands as Japanese territory on maps? There was also
the matter of Japanese occupation dating from 1895. How is it possible the
dynasty never objected?
There are irregularities in the format of the rescript. It is dated with month of
October only, lacking a day of the month. And, the privy seal embossed on the
rescript is the wrong one.
Furthermore, it has been confirmed that Sheng Xuanhuai was not the minister
of ceremonies (Chinese: 太常寺正) in 1893 contrary to that specified in the
rescript. This means mistakes were made in making the fake. This alone leads to
a conclusion that the rescript was fabricated.
The bestowment of the islands was not recorded in any documents, including
the Qing Shilu (Chinese: 清実録), Donghualu (Chinese: 東華録), and Donghua
xulu (Chinese: 東華統録). And yet, it would be unheard of for the bestowing of
lands to go unrecorded.


China faking evidence.
the best joke of the day :lol:

It aren't no joke man. It's geo-diplomacy and I think China's finally get dividends for her spending a vast sum on educating the younger generations in the past few decades. As you can see every move by China is calculated to the T and all she needs now is a few good 'big mouths' that can give big talks in the international arenas.

Oops I found this and I wonder it'll help anybody....


A Qing map
you cheerleaders can never accept the voice of peace from China

I am not cheerleading the Japanese, but laugh.

As per article China's Foreign Ministry demands Japan to cede the islands to China, voluntary. I think China must send more aircrafts and warships in order to impress the Japanese. This one event of civil aircraft does not count.
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