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Dhaka seeks Islamabad's official apology for its 1971 genocide

Doosro se kya gila? Bengalis were not our own by then.

But the Pakistan army was our own. How it left the Biharis to be killed like animals?

@pakpride00090 @PaklovesTurkiye this is why I say we must not be footmen to someone else's fight. The Biharis were foolish who believed in the myth of Pakistani unity and got played by the martial races.

In the case of a civil war the Sindhis might just do the same to us. We need to make our arrangements and not depend on the Pakistani people to save us. Whether we make alliances with Afghans and other non Muhajir Karachiites or arm ourselves, remember never again to be fools like the Bihari. A plague of bootlicking still grips the Muhajir today with people like @Areesh being prime examples

Musharraf should have opened an ISI office in Dhaka to **** Bangladesh up.

Your assessment about Sindhis is correct. G M Syed , the founding father of sindhi nationalism and a revered figure among Sindhis said that , Muhajirs should be thrown into arabian sea.

Read his book , http://www.sanipanhwar.com/A Nation in Chains by G M Syed.pdf

and search by the term Muhajir. You will be fascinated.

Americans thrived because they practiced machiavellism .. Contemporary best example of machiavellism is the state of Israel and Israeli Zionists... I mean , we can learn a thing a two from them.
If apology makes them happy, than we should. Otherwise, we will be carrying that baggage for next 50 years.
If Pakistan is the "bara bhai" then we should be the first one to apologize
Apology will not belittle us. Apologizing on that issue will not be as humiliating as surrendering your army.
If apology makes them happy, than we should. Otherwise, we will be carrying that baggage for next 50 years.
If Pakistan is the "bara bhai" then we should be the first one to apologize
Apology will not belittle us. Apologizing on that issue will not be as humiliating as surrendering your army.

This bara bhai garbage only works in personal relations.. Not state level relations.

If Pakistani leaders had any balls , they would have ordered Bangladesh to apologize and set a different narrative.

Filthy low IQ and coward Pakistani leaders can't do anything.
This bara bhai garbage only works in personal relations.. Not state level relations.

If Pakistani leaders had any balls , they would have ordered Bangladesh to apologize and set a different narrative.

Filthy low IQ and coward Pakistani leaders can't do anything.
Okay then let Bangladesh stay in Indian lobby. Why bother if they support India over Pakistan.
Okay then let Bangladesh stay in Indian lobby. Why bother if they support India over Pakistan.

I don't think Pakistani Govt. is in a situation where they can (or want to) decide the foreign policy of Bangladesh.

I'm sure it feels wonderful and snug/cozy to think it does. But reality is otherwise.

And in any case, Bangladesh has long been outside of India sphere for a while now. Indians may boast otherwise - but its not true, far from it.

If India had any say, how are the Chinese building Sub-bases in Cox's Bazaar, big enough to fit and service a dozen subs (maybe even host Chinese subs)?

How are 90% of all Bangladeshi Army, Navy, AF assets are supplied by China?

How are almost all Bangladesh infra investment projects (including the humongous Padma Bridge) being conducted by Chinese state organizations (China Major Bridge Engineering Co. Ltd.) if "Bangladesh stay in Indian lobby"?
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Brother, you are mistaken about what ZA Bhutto said in a public speech. An apology must be formal. The National Assembly must discuss the issue in a special Session and vote for the GoP to apologize for the crimes committed by the PA troops in 1971.

On the other hand, the GoP or the NA may also ask reciprocal apology from the GoB for the loss of lives and properties in the East perpetuated by the then PAL hooligans that happened even before 26 March.

To me, it seems, BD is now willing to move and patch up the old wound only because of Modi's anti-Muslim stance. It is a good opportunity for both the former wings of Pakistan. The GoP should not give an excuse to BAL leadership to waste this opportunity.

People at the top in both the countries must find out a middle path solution of the issue. Now is the time when BAL is in power. Other Parties in power would be unable to do the same because BAL hooligans would start street agitations.

First of all, there's no genocide of 3 million people. Why should Pakistan recognise such a lie that an average of 12,000 people were killed a day during Operation Searchlight. It's daft.

Secondly, why doesn't Bangladesh recognise Mukti Bahini as terrorists and hang their leaders for massacres, genocide and war crimes?

Thirdly, millions of Pakistanis and Indians died during the creation of Pakistan and India in 1947. Do you ever hear Pakistanis or Indians asking each other or waiting for an apology from each other?

Finally, Bangladesh being thousands of miles away is not important to Pakistan in any way or form. It never was between 1947 - 1971 (that's why it separated so quickly, just 24-years later) nor it is today. Just some symbolic friendly meetings every now and then on ambassador level is all that Pakistan is interested in.
Actually I also demand formal apology now from Pakistan, not because of mass murder , but because they betrayed their majority, screwed democracy and responsible to break joint Pakistan.

So actually west Pakistanis ( read Pakistani) were the real traitor and responsible of breaking a Muslim country and by destroying the democracy .

Why in this earth majority will betray minority? It's always minority who make treason and west Pakistanis ( read Pakistani) are the main traitor ,who destroyed the Muslim unity of two nation theory !
And Pakistan ppl should apologize for bias, economic disparity and not accepting election results
Traitors have thousands reasons but reality is that you people became traitors and terrorists and now became slaves of Hindus....period
Yes i read it. but how does that tie with 71atrocities ? what is ur point?

Most of East Pakistan deaths occurred due to Cyclone Bhola in 1970 which killed 500000 and displaced 4.5 million. Very conveniently all the deaths due to the Cyclone have been dumped on West Pakistan.
First of all, there's no genocide of 3 million people. Why should Pakistan recognise such a lie that an average of 12,000 people were killed a day during Operation Searchlight. It's daft.

Secondly, why doesn't Bangladesh recognise Mukti Bahini as terrorists and hang their leaders for massacres, genocide and war crimes?

Thirdly, millions of Pakistanis and Indians died during the creation of Pakistan and India in 1947. Do you ever hear Pakistanis or Indians asking each other or waiting for an apology from each other?

Finally, Bangladesh being thousands of miles away is not important to Pakistan in any way or form. It never was between 1947 - 1971 (that's why it separated so quickly, just 24-years later) nor it is today. Just some symbolic friendly meetings every now and then on ambassador level is all that Pakistan is interested in.

Wow your narrative is same as Indian. By your own definition Kashmiris are terrorist as well isn’t it?

On topic Mukti Bahini formed well after genocide started by Pakistani army. This is not the other way around.

All responsibilities lies with Pakistan and it’s army regarding the genocide and massacre. So an sincere and official apology is long overdue and your PM Imran Khan promised to fulfill that commitment.
Pakistan removes all visa restrictions for Bangladeshis

Pakistani envoy says they hope Dhaka will reciprocate friendly gesture
Md. Kamruzzaman |07.01.2021

Pakistan removes all visa restrictions for Bangladeshis

DHAKA, Bangladesh

Pakistan's envoy to Bangladesh confirmed Thursday that Islamabad has lifted all restrictions on visas for Bangladeshi citizens.

“Pakistan has already removed all restrictions on Pakistani visas for Bangladeshi citizens,” said a statement issued by the Pakistan High Commission in Bangladesh after a meeting between Pakistani High Commissioner Imran Ahmed Siddiqui and Bangladesh’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam.

"The two sides agreed to intensify bilateral contacts at all levels,” the statement added.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency after the meeting, Siddiqui said they are waiting for the same response from the Bangladeshi side.

“Bangladesh's restrictions on Pakistani nationals are still in place, and that is why I informed the state minister that we have already lifted all bars from our side,” he said.

The move is being seen as an ice breaker in the frosty relations between the two South Asian countries. Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan after a bloody war in 1971.

Bilateral relations between the two countries turned sour once again in 2016 surrounding Bangladesh’s trial for crimes against humanity in 1971 in a newly formed controversial tribunal.

The Bangladesh government formed the domestic tribunal, called the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), in 2009 for the trial of crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971 between Bangladesh [then East Pakistan] and Pakistan.

Bangladesh seemed interested in establishing closer relations with China and Pakistan due to India’s years-long partial attitude, including monopoly control over common rivers, ignoring international rules and norms, killings of unarmed Bangladeshi civilians on borders and the more recent enactment of the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC).

Ties between Bangladesh and Pakistan began to turn positive, however, following a rare phone call last July by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina.

The top Bangladeshi leader also declared the country’s foreign policy of “friendship to all and malice to none” and assured Siddiqui of providing all necessary cooperation.

The Pakistani envoy also called on Premier Hasina and Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen in Dhaka and reportedly discussed various bilateral issues in a cordial environment.

Engage with Pakistan

In a separate statement issued by the Bangladeshi Foreign Ministry, Alam was quoted as saying: "We look forward to engaging with Pakistan.”

Both sides agreed on the need to hold long-pending foreign office consultations, which were last held in 2010, it added.

Alam also urged Pakistan to grant access to more Bangladeshi products by utilizing the existing South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) provisions, relaxing the negative list and removing trade barriers.

“The current trade balance tilts towards Pakistan,” he said.

During the meeting, the Pakistani side emphasized addressing all non-trade barriers in order to establish “productive commercial relations.”

Official apology from Pakistan

Alam also urged Pakistan to offer an official apology "for the genocide committed in the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971.”

The Pakistani envoy also handed over a signed copy of the Tripartite Agreement of 1974 to the Bangladeshi state minister “which had addressed all the outstanding issues between the two countries.”

“The agreement should serve as a foundation for further strengthening of the existing fraternal relations,” the statement quoted Siddiqui as saying.

The April 1974 agreement signed by Bangladesh, Pakistan and India in New Delhi says: “The Prime Minister of Pakistan had declared that he would visit Bangladesh in response to the invitation of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and appealed to the people of Bangladesh to forgive and forget the mistakes of the past, in order to promote reconciliation. Similarly, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh had declared with regard to the atrocities and destruction committed in Bangladesh in 1971 that he wanted the people to forget the past and to make a fresh start, stating that the people of Bangladesh knew how to forgive.”

The agreement also says: “The Foreign Minister of Bangladesh stated that the Government of Bangladesh had decided not to proceed with the [1971 War] trials as an act of clemency. It was agreed that the 195 prisoners of war may be repatriated to Pakistan along with the other prisoners of war now in the process of repatriation under the Delhi Agreement.”

“The Ministers [the then foreign ministers of Bangladesh, Pakistan and India] expressed their conviction that the above agreements provide a firm basis for the resolution of the humanitarian problems arising out of the conflict of 1971,” said the agreement.

Traitors have thousands reasons but reality is that you people became traitors and terrorists and now became slaves of Hindus....period
Yes right , traitors have thousands of reasons and the most shameless reason is , "We don't care about Bangladesh" and then keep spamming in every thread in Bangladesh defence forum. Please buy a mirror first , see your face and return.

Otherwise keep serving (some of) your old Indian Hindu master in other sections.
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Yes right , traitors have thousands of reasons and the most shameless reason is , "We don't care about Bangladesh" and then keep spamming in every thread in Bangladesh defence forum. Please buy a mirror first , see your face and return.
Do you identify as Muslim? How is it to be ruled by Hindu India? Especially Bengali Muslims with their strong Islamic identity - literally half the country has "Islam" in their names - should feel the pain of being a semi-independant Hindu client state.

bUt InDiA aLlOwS uS tO bUy ToYs FrOm ChInA!!!!

Congrats to your independance then.

Stop worshipping the demise of Muslim brotherhood, stop portraying Pakistan as Nazi Germany, stop sucking up to Hindu India.

We are both Muslims, there will be a deep connection for the rest of our lives just due to this very fact. Pakistan made mistakes, yes, this doesn't mean that Bangladesh can ally with Hindus and become their client state.

Enjoy your GDP numbers and buy some nukes.

All the best for Bangladesh.
I don't think Pakistani Govt. is in a situation where they can (or want to) decide the foreign policy of Bangladesh.
Of course we are not. My reply to that gentleman was that few actions are required on our part. Apology in one. I am of the view we did not kill 3million. But people were killed and we did not gave govt. to AL. Which in my view was racism. So there should be an apology.

I'm sure it feels wonderful and snug/cozy to think it does. But reality is otherwise.
There should be a fresh start. We can not stay hating each other for ever.

And in any case, Bangladesh has long been outside of India sphere for a while now. Indians may boast otherwise - but its not true, far from it.

If India had any say, how are the Chinese building Sub-bases in Cox's Bazaar, big enough to fit and service a dozen subs (maybe even host Chinese subs)?
They stay in Indian sphere is BD to decide. But its our right to get it out from that sphere.

How are 90% of all Bangladeshi Army, Navy, AF assets are supplied by China?

How are almost all Bangladesh infra investment projects (including the humongous Padma Bridge) being conducted by Chinese state organizations (China Major Bridge Engineering Co. Ltd.) if "Bangladesh stay in Indian lobby"?
Good for you. But I still think there is nothing wrong with apology.

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