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DF-41 is back on the road!!

I think the best answer is: China has zero nuke. :coffee:

According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations. Of course that statement causes some Chinese members here feel a bit small in their pants, but perhaps one day they realize there is no reason for such feelings since small arsenal gives PRC moral superiority over countries like Russia and USA.

I don't see any reason to doubt PRC's statements when it comes to nuclear weapons.
Dong fong/Dong Feng For the Motha fcukin win Carrier air wing killer of all types

thank you come again
According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations. Of course that statement causes some Chinese members here feel a bit small in their pants, but perhaps one day they realize there is no reason for such feelings since small arsenal gives PRC moral superiority over countries like Russia and USA.

I don't see any reason to doubt PRC's statements when it comes to nuclear weapons.

The Chinese government never stated officially about their nuclear stockpile.

If you believe that China has the smallest nuclear stockpile among the P5, then it is your personal freedom to believe it.

But why you are so urging to convince other people? Other Chinese members also have their freedom to not take your statement, they don't enforce their belief on you, so don't try to enforce your own belief on others. :coffee:
According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations.

When has the Chinese government made any comments regarding the actual size of the nuclear arsenal? Back your statement up with some links. :lol:

February 11, 2013, 7:10 p.m. ET

Obama's Nuclear Fantasy

The president is setting the stage for a world with more nukes in the wrong hands.


As a young Soviet military officer, Viktor Esin was stationed in Cuba during the October 1962 crisis, where he had release authority over a nuclear-tipped missile targeting New York. On his first visit to Manhattan in December, I made sure to thank him for not obliterating our city.

Gen. Esin rose to become chief of staff for the Strategic Rocket Forces, and he is now a professor at the Russian Academy of Military Science. So what's been on his mind lately? Mainly the stealthy rise of China to a position of nuclear parity with the U.S. and Russia. "All in all, they may have 850 warheads ready to launch," he says. "Other warheads are kept in storage and intended to be employed in an emergency." He estimates the total size of the Chinese arsenal at between 1,600 and 1,800 warheads.

That is something to bear in mind as the Obama administration seeks to slash the U.S. arsenal to about 1,000 strategic warheads. That would be well below the ceiling of 1,550 warheads stipulated by the 2010 New Start Treaty. The administration also wants to spend less than the $80 billion it promised on modernizing America's rusting nuclear-weapons infrastructure.

On the strength of that promise 13 Republican senators gave President Obama the votes he needed to ratify New Start. Suckers! Now the president means to dispense with the Senate altogether, either by imposing the cuts unilaterally or by means of an informal agreement with Vladimir Putin. This is what Mr. Obama meant in telling Dmitry Medvedev last year that he would have "more flexibility" after re-election.

But what, you ask, is so frightening about having "only" 1,000 nuclear weapons? Surely that is more than enough to turn any conceivable adversary Paleolithic. Won't we remain more or less at parity with the Russians, and far ahead of everyone else?

It all depends on China. It is an article of faith among the arms-control community that Beijing subscribes to a theory of "minimum means of reprisal" and has long kept its arsenal more or less flat in the range of 240-400 warheads. Yet that is a speculative, dated and unverified figure, and China has spent the last decade embarked on a massive military buildup. Isn't it just possible that Beijing has been building up its nuclear forces, too?

When I broached this theory in an October 2011 column—noting that the U.S. had, in fact, underestimated the size of the Soviet arsenal by a factor of two at the end of the Cold War—I was attacked for being needlessly alarmist. But one man who shares that alarm is Gen. Esin. In July 2012, he notes, the Chinese tested an intermediate-range DF-25 missile, which Russia carefully tracked.

"In the final stage the missile had three shifts in trajectory, dropping one [warhead] at each shift," he notes. "It's solid evidence of a MIRV [multiple warhead] test." A month later, the Chinese launched a new long-range, MIRV-capable missile, this time from a submarine.

The general runs through additional evidence of China's nuclear strides. But what should really get the attention of U.S. military planners are his observations of how Russia might react. "If China doesn't stop, Russia will consider abandoning the INF Treaty," he warns. "Russia cannot afford not taking this factor into account."

Stephens: Obama's Nuclear Fantasy - WSJ.com
The Fin smoked too much cannabis if he thinks he can back up his statement. Which Chinese official (and when) has released a press statement that China has the smallest nuclear arsenal among the P5?
According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations. Of course that statement causes some Chinese members here feel a bit small in their pants, but perhaps one day they realize there is no reason for such feelings since small arsenal gives PRC moral superiority over countries like Russia and USA.

I don't see any reason to doubt PRC's statements when it comes to nuclear weapons.

Stick to Nokia phones and leave the nuclear stuff to countries that actually have nuclear weapons son. Finland is a country that is just a mere footnote on this planet.
According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations. Of course that statement causes some Chinese members here feel a bit small in their pants, but perhaps one day they realize there is no reason for such feelings since small arsenal gives PRC moral superiority over countries like Russia and USA.

I don't see any reason to doubt PRC's statements when it comes to nuclear weapons.

I apologize for other users' comments to you, but I have to say I disagree with you. The Chinese didn't build the underground command center for those reasons.

This is very likely his majesty DF-41, the canister size is just the same.
we can see that the canister head is now different from 2007, not flat but rounded (like the soviet SS-20 or russian SS-25 ), and clearly goes above the cabine and protrudes. (this is specially dedicated to mr. Broccoli ;) )

DF-41, the Beast from the East. King of chinese ICBMs.
At first sight this 16x16 monster truck looks the well known DF-41, but the second picture tell us that the canister is shorter. So this could be a shorter variant of DF-41 or, more likely, it could be DF-31A finally getting a better TEL.

It seems China is building a formidable TOTALLY MOBILE land nuclear force.

And there are more surprises coming very soon, including our new IRBMs and new cruise missiles!!
India and japan will literally rattle like little scared mice. :lol:

"China has the world most active missile program"? YES, IT'S TRUE!:china:


According to the Chinese government they posses smallest operationally deployed nuclear weapon force out of the P5 nations. Of course that statement causes some Chinese members here feel a bit small in their pants, but perhaps one day they realize there is no reason for such feelings since small arsenal gives PRC moral superiority over countries like Russia and USA.

I don't see any reason to doubt PRC's statements when it comes to nuclear weapons.

No country discloses openly how many nuclear warheads they have. Its better not to pull such crap out of your arse.
No country discloses openly how many nuclear warheads they have. Its better not to pull such crap out of your arse.

You mean PRC is pulling crap out of their arse? Because they are saying that PRC has smallest arsenal of deployed nuclear weapons among the P5 nations. That would mean PRC has deployed less than 200 nuclear weapons.

Why you think that's not enough? It was calculated that US could deter China and Russia with 311 weapons.
In fact, the United States could address military utility concerns with only 311 nuclear weapons in its nuclear force structure while maintaining a stable deterrence… it does not matter if Russia, who is America’s biggest competitor in this arena, follows suit. The relative advantage the Russians might gain in theory does not exist in reality. Even if one were to assume the worst—a bolt from the blue that took out all of America’s ICBMs—the Russians would leave their cities at risk and therefore remain deterred from undertaking the first move.
Air Force Strategists Say US Should Unilaterally Cut Nukes By 90 Percent | ThinkProgress

DF-41, the Beast from the East, is back on the road again!! :lol:

This time we can see the right side of the truck. The canister goes above the cabin (that's why the lack of external rearview mirror on this side; you can compare with old 2007 pics). On this side the canister has a long pipeline throughout its length (similar to DF-21C canister). The camouflage painting is different from another recent pic, this means that China has certainly more than just one DF-41 (that's good news!! only GOD knows how many ones we've already built!!).

Go China Go!:china:

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