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Devyani Khobragade case: Past experience to determine the way forward with US, India says

As the articles have outlined ...the Devyani episode have exposed fault lines within Indo-US relations ...

This all likely begun last year ...when US was shocked to see itself out of competition in MMRCA deal ...Despite the political good will invested by US president when he personally wrote letter to Man Mohan Singh ...

The immediate resignation of US ambassador that followed was the first appearance of that US shock although it went un noticed in our media..

That is also when the focus in CNN and all other assorted newspapers turned from Indian economy to rapes, slums, violence, etc. week after week. It has not gone unnoticed in the IFS.
As the articles have outlined ...the Devyani episode have exposed fault lines within Indo-US relations ...

This all likely begun last year ...when US was shocked to see itself out of competition in MMRCA deal ...Despite the political good will invested by US president when he personally wrote letter to Man Mohan Singh ...

The immediate resignation of US ambassador that followed was the first appearance of that US shock although it went un noticed in our media .

US expected India to play role that Pakistan played so long in Asia quite faithfully till last decade ( barring Pakistani double cross charted by Musharraf )... Unfortunately Indian's refusal to give up independent foreign policy to align itself with US interests was too much for US .

I am still not able to understand why US allowed this episode to happen ...and that is really bothersome .

We know the background ...but we don't know the exact direct reason why this episode was enacted by US ....

Indian PM bending over to US might have send some wrong signals to United states that Anti china , and New Yes man for US has arrived But US failed to gauge understanding of common man and also of other politicians who are anti US and have experienced cold war tactics of United states .

Under obama Unites states has lost more friends then it made , and Recent Iran Nuke deal is one prime example of that , US was forced to go for a deal with Iran against Israeli and Saudi opposition , NSA snooping scandal also meant Intelligence sharing with United states is also all time low now .

Many in US congress with their own personal economic interest wanted huge deals from India on pretest of strong usa support to India on so called issues , when it didn't workout frustrated americans wanted to show India its place and i am sure they expected India to take it lying down without a fuss but India's response was not only shocking to them but now they will fear that other so called allies who have been bullied in past by US will stand up to them next time .
That is also when the focus in CNN and all other assorted newspapers turned from Indian economy to rapes, slums, violence, etc. week after week. It has not gone unnoticed in the IFS.

I know US Media is totally biased against India and are quick to talk about Rapes , Poverty and other issues , but will never talk about Indian advancement in technologies . I was surprised to see a building collapse in Goa making headlines in CNN , but GLSV launch was not even mentioned any where .

I am also ashamed of many Indians in United states who actually write this articles and want to show How Americans they are , Similar tone i find in some US based Pro Khalistan Sikh organisation who have made it an agenda to show India in bad light and go to any length to keep highlight on themself , recent summons to Punjab CM and Sonia Gandhi by US courts shows local US support to them to humiliate India .
It started much before with Indians support of denial of US visa to Namo as well as expulsion of Dr. Subramanium Swamy from Harvard.
I know US Media is totally biased against India and are quick to talk about Rapes , Poverty and other issues , but will never talk about Indian advancement in technologies . I was surprised to see a building collapse in Goa making headlines in CNN , but GLSV launch was not even mentioned any where .

I am also ashamed of many Indians in United states who actually write this articles and want to show How Americans they are , Similar tone i find in some US based Pro Khalistan Sikh organisation who have made it an agenda to show India in bad light and go to any length to keep highlight on themself , recent summons to Punjab CM and Sonia Gandhi by US courts shows local US support to them to humiliate India .

Only antidote for this anti India poison can be strong India .

Might recognizes might ....

India has to strengthen itself to get rid of this constant ridicule ...

I feel sorry however about some of the India-Americans who have cut its cords so easily ...

I hope they will find what they have been looking for ...and will be happy with it .

I also work overseas but India is always in my thoughts ,dreams and my heart and soul ....

I can never take undue insult heaped on India.

I am not chauvinist nationalist ...if there is something wrong in India I will not dither to point it out ...but at the same time I will not take undue insult towards my country ...no matter where I am what I do....

It started much before with Indians support of denial of US visa to Namo as well as expulsion of Dr. Subramanium Swamy from Harvard.

we all should work hard to make our country stronger and better place ...
That's the only answer to all questions raised against India !!!
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