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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

Since, English Comprehension is beyond you, may I recommend ba ba black sheep, have you any wool. Start there and climb up. Maybe your kids may pick up and we could explain it to him/her in plain English.:P

Besides that, yes we are stealing and you can do zilch about it. Any other opinion?


Start with A, B, C...this is in CAPS. Then a, b, c...in small. Proceed to A for Apple, B for Bat. You are 24 years beyond his comprehension capability.

good one ..
you are talking to guy who have better understanding than head of state who singed WTO treaties which allowed CL legally..
He have comprehensions ability but he lack vision.. he only see only those link/reply which as per his logic..
he still cant understand how world trade works..
but yes .. A for apple may result in IPR violation

Comprehension is written with a small starting letter if not at the start of the a sentence. Just a thought for you to ponder on before you start teaching anyone anything. :lol:
can you tell me why your head of state accepted CL in WTO? can you explain?

Comprehension is written with a small starting letter if not at the start of the a sentence. Just a thought for you to ponder on before you start teaching anyone anything. :lol:
can you explain this?
WTO | intellectual property (TRIPS) - TRIPS and public health: Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals and TRIPS
Does there have to be an emergency?

Not necessarily. This is a common misunderstanding. The TRIPS Agreement does not specifically list the reasons that might be used to justify compulsory licensing. However, the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health confirms that countries are free to determine the grounds for granting compulsory licences.

Is this the same as tearing up the pateInt?

The patent owner still has rights over the patent, including a right to be paid for the authorized copies of the products.
Comprehension is written with a small starting letter if not at the start of the a sentence. Just a thought for you to ponder on before you start teaching anyone anything. :lol:

Nah..just for emphasis. Few people have realised are having issues. But hey, you just cleared kindergarten! Congrats! Proceed to Standard 1 !!!!
Then have the courage to come out and say it: The Indian government have the right to force companies to perform humanitarian acts within its jurisdiction.

The Indian government has the right to force an entity (Indian or foreign) perform acts which may affect (in any manner, positive or negatively) certain other entities (Indian or foreign) within its jurisdiction, till its legal, under local/international law.

I didn't knew this right is ever questionable, given all the governments over the globe use it in one way or the other. In fact this is far more legal and moral than certain machinations employed by many countries to achieve their purpose.

Only thing you can question is the effect of this action in short and long term, on India and others.

While it is true, as you mentioned, that it would impinge on the right of the company to determine its profits/sales etc. But does it truly affects the financial health of the company? Is the impact big enough to bring down (to any extent) the ongoing R&D by the company? If not, than the only question remains is about the morality of the decision. Whether the rights of one company holds more value than the lives of thousands, if not hundred of thousands of people.
The Indian government has the right to force an entity (Indian or foreign) perform acts which may affect (in any manner, positive or negatively) certain other entities (Indian or foreign) within its jurisdiction, till its legal, under local/international law.

I didn't knew this right is ever questionable, given all the governments over the globe use it in one way or the other. In fact this is far more legal and moral than certain machinations employed by many countries to achieve their purpose.

Only thing you can question is the effect of this action in short and long term, on India and others.

While it is true, as you mentioned, that it would impinge on the right of the company to determine its profits/sales etc. But does it truly affects the financial health of the company? Is the impact big enough to bring down (to any extent) the ongoing R&D by the company? If not, than the only question remains is about the morality of the decision. Whether the rights of one company holds more value than the lives of thousands, if not hundred of thousands of people.

Oye we are having a trolling party...how dare you talk sense :P The old discussions are over
Nah..just for emphasis. Few people have realised are having issues. But hey, you just cleared kindergarten! Congrats! Proceed to Standard 1 !!!!

You're hilarious. Missing verbs in simple sentences and you advise people on education. :lol:

Whether the rights of one company holds more value than the lives of thousands, if not hundred of thousands of people.

This is just moral gymnastics now. The drug in question doesn't save lives. I would see no problem if people were dying in hundreds, thousands and a life saving drug was too expensive to sell to them and GoI decided to save them by issuing compulsory license. But this is BS.
You're hilarious. Missing verbs in simple sentences and you advise people on education. :lol:
1.can you tell me why your head of state accepted CL in WTO? can you explain?
2.can you explain this?
WTO | intellectual property (TRIPS) - TRIPS and public health: Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals and TRIPS
Does there have to be an emergency?

Not necessarily. This is a common misunderstanding. The TRIPS Agreement does not specifically list the reasons that might be used to justify compulsory licensing. However, the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health confirms that countries are free to determine the grounds for granting compulsory licences.

Is this the same as tearing up the pateInt?

The patent owner still has rights over the patent, including a right to be paid for the authorized copies of the products.
bla bla bla

Yes, you annoying little brat. Our governments probably didnt count on GoI to start making up excuses masked as urgency. Countries are free to determine the reasons for it but if GoI claims it hands out compulsory license only under extreme circumstances, i'd like if someone points those extreme circumstances to me.
If you can't it's BS.
You're hilarious. Missing verbs in simple sentences and you advise people on education. :lol:

It should be Few people (I) have realised are having issues. So sorry, but then this is advanced level. Next time will type all words. Ok? Good boy. Now go back to studying A B C.

Now you have been good entertainment. Will give you lollipop next time ok? Good night naughty boy :P
It should be Few people (I) have realised are having issues. So sorry, but then this is advanced level. Next time will type all words. Ok? Good boy. Now go back to study A B C.

lol no, it should be either:

a.) I have realized a few people are having issues
b.)Few people have realized they are having issues.

What's realised? :lol:

Do continue educating me squirt. You're funny.
lol no, it should be either:

a.) I have realized few people are having issues
b.)Few people have realized they are having issues.

Do continue educating me squirt. You're funny.

There there.... 'z' is used in American English. s in British. But, then like I said, I do not expect you to know that. You really are an interesting person, hell bent on proving 'hey I am not dumb, I am actually dumber'. But its ok....ta ta muah muah...good night baby boy.
There there.... 'z' is used in American English. s in British. But, then like I said, I do not expect you to know that. You really are an interesting person, hell bent on proving 'hey I am not dumb, I am actually dumber'.

Why don't you comment on your missing verbs/words and just plain wrong sentence structure? Too tough for you gypsy boy?
I deliberately bolded only the z although both sentences are correct versions of what you we're trying to say with your limited grasp of civility and English language.

It's funny, even when you "correct" my correction of your gibberish, it's still wrong. :lol:
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Yes, you annoying little brat. Our governments probably didnt count on GoI to start making up excuses masked as urgency. Countries are free to determine the reasons for it but if GoI claims it hands out compulsory license only under extreme circumstances, i'd like if someone points those extreme circumstances to me.
If you can't it's BS.
i tried to talk sense.. despite getting nonsense comments...
you want to say your govt personnel did not anticipated CL..
dear read brazil used CL long back ..
i really pitty your attitude and knowledge..
you really have comprehensions problem. i sent you in bold letter
please read,
Is this the same as tearing up the pateIt?

The patent owner still has rights over the patent, including a right to be paid for the authorized copies of the products.

Please enroll in good school....hope you will grow in future
best of luck
i tried to talk sense.. despite getting nonsense comments...
you want to say your govt personnel did not anticipated CL..
dear read brazil used CL long back ..
i really pitty your attitude and knowledge..
you really have comprehensions problem. i sent you in bold letter
please read,
Is this the same as tearing up the pateIt?

The patent owner still has rights over the patent, including a right to be paid for the authorized copies of the products.

Please enroll in good school....hope you will grow in future
best of luck

LOL :lol:

Why don't you list me the extreme conditions that GoI thinks are present for them to issue a compulsory license? Can't?
Why don't you comment on your missing verbs/words and just plain wrong sentence structure? Too tough for you gypsy boy?

It's funny, even when you "correct" me it's still wrong. :lol:

Now that you realiSe that you got caught...more education...I is not a verb :P.. may I refer to you as homo habilis? Not that you will get the joke, but hey I will find it funny :P
You're hilarious. Missing verbs in simple sentences and you advise people on education. :lol:
Actually it's a noun that's missing, not a verb. Do you really want to go down that path?
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