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Detained Americans complain of torture in Pakistan


Aug 26, 2007
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SARGODHA: Five Americans held in Pakistan on suspicion of using the Internet to contact militants said on Monday they had been tortured as police asked a court to indict them on terrorism charges.

The students, in their 20s and from the US state of Virginia, were detained last month. Police produced them before an anti-terrorism court on Monday after completing their interrogation.

“We are being tortured, we are being tortured,” several of the men shouted in English from a prison van as it left a court in Sargodha town in eastern Pakistan after their hearing, which took place under tight security.

Jehangir Sarwar, a senior lawyer present in the courtroom, quoted one of the five men as complaining of “police excesses”.

Sarwar, who was in the court as an observer and was not representing anyone, did not say which of the five men made the remark, while police officials denied that mistreatment was raised during the brief hearing.

“None of the five men said anything of the sort in the court. As far as I know, one of these men had a stomach problem,” said Aamir Abbas, a local police official who worked on the case.

A police officer involved in the case, Amir Abbas Shirazi, dismissed the accusation.

“One of them just complained to the court about a stomach problem and said he needed some medicine,” Abbas told reporters.

The five Americans, one of them wrapped in a shawl and another wearing a woolen cap, were brought to the court in handcuffs. Police did not allow reporters into the hearing.

They face lengthy prison terms if found guilty.

Shirazi said police had submitted their interrogation report, including a chargesheet and evidence, and asked the court to indict the suspects under anti-terrorism laws and for violating the penal code.

“These clauses relate to involvement in activities of terrorism and subversion in Pakistan or any of its allies,” Shirazi said.

The men were arrested in the central city of Sargodha, home to one of Pakistan's biggest air bases, 190 km (120 miles) southeast of the Pakistani capital Islamabad, not long after arriving in Pakistan.

Two of them are of Pakistani ancestry, one of Egyptian, one of Yemeni and one of Eritrean.

Police officials said emails showed the suspects had contacted the Taliban, and that the militant group had planned to use them for attacks in Pakistan.

Police also had told court the five men had been in contact with an al Qaeda operative identified as just Saifullah.

The suspects told the court in their last hearing on Jan. 4 that they had no plans to carry out attacks in Pakistan and they had only wanted to give fellow Muslims in Afghanistan financial and medical aid.

They also denied that they had contacts with al Qaeda or any other militant group, according to their lawyer.

A police investigation report showed pictures of a clip of a suicide attack on a US convoy in Kabul posted on the YouTube website.

Police said one of the suspects, Ahmed Abdullah Minni, regularly visited the site and used to praise such videos.

Shortly after Minni became a registered YouTube user, he was contacted by Saifullah, police said in the report.

The next hearing will be on Feb. 2.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Detained Americans complain of torture in Pakistan
When Doc Afia was first brought to the court she wasn't even able to talk. She was tortured so much. Why are they complaining.
Although Police torture is the most worst aspect of Police and cause of enormous evils.It is the single most thing that makes Police evil.But in this case these future terrorists should be tortured better beaten to death because these types are just a waste of Courts Time and create hindrance in proceedings of other cases.
well, the terrorists complain of torture, but how about when they kill people with no mercy.
"The US's double faces:bunny:"

Coming from a citizen of the PRC?:rofl:

You've GOT to be kidding me!?

Have at them, btw. Those boys were up to no good. Almost certainly.

Oh! Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? She's going away for a very long time. Trial starts tomorrow, I believe, and when they finish they'll be throwing away the key.

Detained Americans complain of torture in Pakistan

What else were they expecting ? I'm lovin it.:rofl:
Let em get hell is wat i say ...
I don't understand why Pakistanis have a double standard. These allegations of torture are used as propaganda tools by Taliban for recruitment.

This whole war against terror has purpose - that we have a system and an ideology better than what terrorist have to offer. If we chose to divert from that, then we are nothing but secular taliban.

Yes, we must trial those who conspire against us, but not at the price of humanity.
I don't understand why Pakistanis have a double standard. These allegations of torture are used as propaganda tools by Taliban for recruitment.

This whole war against terror has purpose - that we have a system and an ideology better than what terrorist have to offer. If we chose to divert from that, then we are nothing but secular taliban.

Yes, we must trial those who conspire against us, but not at the price of humanity.

So when are we starting trials against Tony Blair , Bush , and Dick Chaney and Rumsfield and the black witch

I don't know about system , as 10 trillion in debt for war , yet can't setup 200 billion dollar health care becasue that fund is for poor people in USA, money is always available for Wall Street and War machine
So when are we starting trials against Tony Blair , Bush , and Dick Chaney and Rumsfield and the black witch

I don't know about system , as 10 trillion in debt for war , yet can't setup 200 billion dollar health care becasue that fund is for poor people in USA, money is always available for Wall Street and War machine

Of the system , I meant the progress of society based on individual excellence and talent. I dont support the western leaders anymore that I do GoP. But when it comes to war, we cannot take actions blindly without consequence. Abu Ghurab, Gitmo and CIA prison cells did not help this war end. We have seen exponential growth of hatred against defence forces and their respective countries.

If these 5 men are linked to CIA( I dont think so) ,then USA would have done something about it. Remember Blackwater officials in Islamabad?
Torture? They should be hanged upside down !

Look at yanks complaining of torture, what do you guys do in Guntanmo Bay? Distribute sweets to terrorist? :angry:
Yeah you come here for Jihad against Pakistani state and you expect flowers from us?Hope something good is shoved up their *****!
"Look at yanks complaining of torture, what do you guys do in Guntanmo Bay? Distribute sweets to terrorist?:angry:"

Country club compared to any muslim jail.
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