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Destruction of Shia Mosques in Bahrain by Bahraini and Saudi soldiers.

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somebozo, coming soon to a pakistani shia mosque near you (along with a suicide belt) lol
good times haha

That would be nothing compared to what the azeri poetollah's of qom have done to Muslims of iran and iraq.

I have a deep knowledge of Shias in Iran & Shiism, as I've been to Iran myself a few times. There is nothing in Shiism that is against Islam. Bhai, we are the followers of Islam. We don't pray at Shrines nauzibillah, but we visit them out of respect, as they were Allah's loved people. We only pray to Allah, towards the Holy Kabah. The only perfect text we have is the Quran. I think you need to clear the misconceptions you have about Shiism in Islam. Most Shias in Iran are like me, they are not heretics.

Dear I am not that blind either i see these Irani burga penguins & turban heads each year at makkah and medina as well youtube is your friend. You cannot refute something witnessed in plain view infront of my eyes. I will PM you a funny video of iranian clergy conman.
I have a deep knowledge of Shias in Iran, as I've been to Iran myself a few times. I also have a deep knowledge on Shiism. There is nothing in Shiism that is against Islam. We don't pray at Shrines nauzibillah, but we visit them out of respect, as they were Allah's loved people. We only pray to Allah, towards the Holy Kabah. The only perfect text we have is the Quran. I think you need to clear the misconceptions you have about Shiism in Islam. Most Shias in Iran are like me, they are not heretics.
can you explain to me why you're justifying yourself to a wahhabi hill billy?
can you explain to me why you're justifying yourself to a wahhabi hill billy?

Islam teaches us to respect everyone, to speak respectfully & kindly to others, even if they speak ill against us or disrespect us. Kindness can help change a lot of people's mindsets & preconceived notions, it can soften people's hard hearts & fortunately, most Sunni brothers in Pakistan are not like somebozo. Anyways, cheers.
That would be nothing compared to what the azeri poetollah's of qom have done to Muslims of iran and iraq.

what have they done to Iran?
we don't have freedom but at least we're not a broke azz nation that is getting poked at by every country on the planet. We have a growing economy under 4 rounds of sanctions and our entire nation is educated and civilized. mullah or no mullah we Iranians live like kings compared to you guys. Even these mullahs are more educated than your leaders.
Everyone, I hope we can all realize that the geo-political situation we have between Pakistan & Iran, & the US has nothing to do with Shiism or Islam. Please do not mix religion with geo-politics. Abii, Pakistan has the largest Shia population in the world outside of Iran. As a Pakistani Shia Muslim, I have my full allegiances with Pakistan, but that doesn't mean I hate Iran or disrespect it in anyway, I cannot. Iran is a great country, & I hope Pakistan & Iran can mend fences. Yes, there are some extremists in Pakistan right now, but the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis belong to the Sunni branch of Barelvism (Hanafi school of thought), which is the most peaceful out of them all. Barelvi Sunni Muslims constitute about 55% of Muslims in Pakistan. Shia Muslims are 20% of all Muslims. Non-Muslims are 6-7.5% of Pakistan. I have grown up alongside Barelvi Sunni Muslims, & have lived peacefully with them. Then there are about 15% of Deobandi Muslims (Hanafi school of thought). They are traditionally peaceful as well, with a few exception that grouped up with Pakistan's 3-4% Salafi Muslims (Hanbali school of thought). Deobandis are still generally peaceful Muslims, it's just the 3-4% Salafi Muslims that need to kept in check. Pakistan is a tolerant Muslim society. Shia Muslims like me live without any discrimination here. I hope this helps.
Listen somebozo & Abii, there are some 'crazies' in both Iran & Pakistan. While Iran has a repressive society, it is still better than most Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia of course. Saudi Arabia has appalling women rights, & a horrible society. I've seen women in Iran working even in places like internet cafes & mechanical hardware stores. In Saudi Arabia, women have no rights. When I went to Makkah, my sister was not allowed to use internet in an internet cafe, because she was a girl. Pakistan does not have a repressive society like Iran though, people are free to do whatever they want here pretty much. Which is why you see no headcovering from women here on TV channels, media outlets. But there are a few crazies in Pakistan that kill others that think differently from them. They are only about 3-4% of the population, but still a significant number. There are some people like Nuserees in Iran that are not even Muslims, & they bring a bad name to Shias & Iran; but at least they don't go around killing/blowing up people that think differently from them; unlike the crazies in Pakistan. I hope Iran & Pakistan can establish good relations together in the future.
^ I have only 3-4 grudges against Shia Which Are.

1. How they Change the Azan and included Ali, Hussain Words in it. Which was totally Un Islamic. To praise some one In Azan beside Allah and his Prophet

2. How they change First Kalima and included Word Ali in it again. As if You do not say Ali during kalima, you will not become Muslim, Again against the teachings of Islam

3. How the Shias hold grudge against Sahabas. I mean why do they? It was Allah Will that they rule and that what happened. If Allah wanted Ali (R.A) to rule first, then we must have seen, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) coming in to some one dreams and told some or we should have seen some kind of "Ilhaam" but Sigh

4. How they Bash Ayesha(R.A) even her purity has been decalred in Quran.
This place is not for sunni vs shia debate. Please stop this discussion
Lets call them Iranian centers of indoctrination.

Mosque is a word too sacred and Shia places of worship are not called mosque as far as i remember but "Imam Bargah" or something like that.

This is the best thing Bahrainis can do to Iranian agents. Bahrain showed good will by legalizing many status less Iranians and Pakistanis living in Bahrain and this is how they reward their host country. There is nothing better than smashing the treat from its roots. Bahrain has also announced steps to cancel nationalities of many Iranian origin Bahrainis.

We dont have to see this in a Sunni vs Shia context as Iran wants the world to and the way they have been inciting sectarian voilence in Iraq. This is pure Iranian interference in other country affairs through false indoctrination and playing ethnical and religious leverage cards.

I hope Kuwait and Qatar will follow suit too. Iran is a suspicious and hostile country to middle east and Muslims.

For the record of religious fanatics, as far as I read in a feature in local newspaper Iran is a predominantly 12ver Shia Usuli country where as Arabs are 12ver Shia Akhbaris who rejects the Iranian marjas. SO the conflict is pure ethnical in a Arab vs Persian sense. Iran is desperate for recognition and will do anything.

Such is the sad reality of the ignorant in Pakistan. Imam Bargahs are usually located around the the premises of a mosque. It's more traditional than religious. I figured this out long time ago. Dude u need to get out more.

I would on but your ignorance astounds me. Some people will say anything to justify Saudi Arab. Despite the rulers not being very Muslim themselves, and having very little to do with Islam except for sitting on Muslim land and having an origin of a country that stemmed from the killing of fellow Muslims.
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