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Destroying Myth of Indian Indengious Weapons Capability

Well we all have seen the results of India's 'Indigenous' products. Posting the only few success stories doesn't convince people.

With the very many connections of India with the other developed nations over its Pakistani counter part, its not as impressive that now after so many years we are seeing the nation start to stand on its own feet....well trying to.

Considering Pakistan's limited options and support except from china, its not very far behind you. Now that is impressive. :azn:
Posting the only few success stories doesn't convince people.

why should we convince you?:azn::azn:

With the very many connections of India with the other developed nations over its Pakistani counter part,

ever wondered why india was able to have so many 'connections'?

Considering Pakistan's limited options and support except from china

why your nation has connections only with china?:what:
why should we convince you?

You are trying to convince us (Pakistanis) by bragging about your capabilities on 'PDF'.

ever wondered why india was able to have so many 'connections'?

What do you think, world is in love with India? No friend they like your money. Being a Non-muslim state when world is controlled by west gives you advantages.

why your nation has connections only with china?

I guess already answered that above.
mahindra field ambulance

india inherited a good industrial base for its defence..it also spend biloons in research and devlpment..and is continuing to spend billions of dollars..
india also has a nice privite automobile struture..

the real problem is that although india may have developed lots of indigenous equipment, the army still favours foreign equipment, making india to import weapons
india inherited a good industrial base for its defence..it also spend biloons in research and devlpment..and is continuing to spend billions of dollars..
india also has a nice privite automobile struture..

the real problem is that although india may have developed lots of indigenous equipment, the army still favours foreign equipment, making india to import weapons

India hasn't built enough indigenous equipment, but in the next 10-20 years things will change for sure..

It's only recently a lot of these programs and projects have been popping up..

Also HAL, DRDO, OFO,etc, etc, etc have recently been expanding their capabilities, because there is more funding.
The dhruv heli is also a failure with 90-95% coming frm foriegn suppliers.......n still getting ......

Even the few heli purchased by ecuador r facing issues like crashes n grounding...
IS Indian Dhruv Helicopters Facing Maintance Problems in Ecuador ~ ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

Look were Asian blog got that news from..

It's from Associate press of Pakistan.


Right after the lame attempt at bashing Dhruv, the Ecuadoreans themselves defended Dhruv..Ecuadoreans have always been satisfied with the Dhruv.

The attempt was an epic, epic, epic, epic faaaaaaaaaiilll....


La FAE defiende a los helicópteros Dhruv

How can you call Dhruv a fail?? It's inducted into the army, navy, and airforce.

And from Dhruv came these.



and later this

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