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Destroy Pakistan

This is too much guys...think of India, we have so many religions, languages total different culture with in. We have seperate states, countries movement going on too. I dont think country never thought of dividing.
Now u guys are simply making hype of dividing pakistan where most of them are muslims and have common language. Ppl are united..

Beg your pardon for this bro, do count the no of insurgencies in india before spelling out these words.
ohh hoho , LOL, whats more funny then this, an indian talkin in this way :rofl::rofl::D, first of all the biggest problem india faces is sanitation problem, let alone clean water, second being food, u have no idea whts being like living in poverty and in hunger, learn some thing from ur countrymen and stop following blind nationalism and patriotism, third, it was all pun intended.

I fail to see how poverty is a laughing matter! And what do you mean by 'India' faces does Pak not face the same problems?
This is too much guys...think of India, we have so many religions, languages total different culture with in. We have seperate states, countries movement going on too. I dont think country never thought of dividing.
Now u guys are simply making hype of dividing pakistan where most of them are muslims and have common language. Ppl are united..

Beg your pardon for this bro, do count the no of insurgencies in india before spelling out these words.

Except for Kashmir (helped by the Pakistanis of course) and Assam, none of the so called insurgencies want a separate nation! The other armed militancy is for want of more rights to the poor. Yes we do have a problem in the society and though armed revolt is not a solution, the rights of some of the tribals/class of people have to be addressed. Such things happen in a large country and diverse country as ours!

Btw why dont you accept and address your problems before pointing fingers at others? You dont see any Indians here pointing out the evils plaguing your society!!
I didnt come from mountainous regions bordering Afghanistan and Arabs are not native to those areas either. Why would any rich Arab want to live on those poor areas when they have billions of dollars from their oil rich Arab lands?

Your anti-muslim statements shouldn't be tolerated especially here.

What anti-muslim statements does the post say? I dont get it.

BTW if you people hate western/USA outlook what WTH are you all doing in US of A?
Why get so upset about it. Hamid Zaid talks of breaking India almost every day on TV;

aEbopRmK1AA[/media] - Zaid Hamid Partition of India in near future Indians should worry about their future

I have heard him talking so many times coming with Pak army to Panipat.. We are never upset. In one of his show he says that Most Indians look like " wolf ( Bhediye)". Does it really mean much.. Cheer up guys..

The fact that this clown can get on national TV anywhere is a truly amzing feat.
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Except for Kashmir (helped by the Pakistanis of course)
YES! thats right. Any problem, that bothers you about it????
and Assam, none of the so called insurgencies want a separate nation! The other armed militancy is for want of more rights to the poor.
You bet, you should sure are proud of the above quoted situation.
Btw why dont you accept and address your problems before pointing fingers at others?
We have already accepted our problems and yes we sure are addressing them. What else you think we are doing while not throwing the same kinda dirt on india as being done by india after the mumbai drama.

You dont see any Indians here pointing out the evils plaguing your society!!

That's a rather bold claim. i am impressed, sir
its just seems funny to me and rather happy to see this if we divide all the muslims countries and Khalifa will take over it will be one state
its just seems funny to me and rather happy to see this if we divide all the muslims countries and Khalifa will take over it will be one state

I was just looking at your signatures (Forgiving a hindu radical"s" is God's decision. Fixing his appointment with God is totally our responsibility. Pakistan Army. ).. I am wondering if Pakistani army has identified or know how to identify the Hindu Radicals? Or it will be Hanuman type approach of picking up the whole mountain ?

P = Punjab (West)
A = Afghan province (NWFP)
K = Kashmir
I = Indus
S = Sindh
-TAN = BalochisTAN

Where are Bengalis in this definition by Chaudhry Rahmat Ali in 1934? Don't tell me you had decided even before partition to not treat muslim bengal as part of pakistan.

there is quite a history to it. if i am not wrong, 2 or 3 muslim countries were foreseen at that time.
1: PAKISTAN (punjab, afghania, kashmir, sindh and balochistan)
2: bangal (east and west)
3: heydarabad daccan

but at the time of partition it was really hard to make this a reality. askin for 3muslim countries would have got us none. so it was decided to only demand one country.
The point being? Whoever ruled the fact is India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are one of the poorest countries in the world, with low literacy and poor healthcare. I feel the countries should think of developing their own countries instead of needlessly worrying what their neighbour is upto.

Frankly if your country can provide free and top class education & healthcare and 24X7 electricity & water to 100% of its population, no body would be even thinking of independence. This goes for both India and Pakistan.

well said bro:tup:
This is ur definition.....and keep K for Karachi not Kashmir.:cheesy:

No, Sir, this is the real abbreviation of the name Pakistan, originally "PAKSTAN"

P = Punjab
A = Afghania
K = Kashmir
S = Sindh
Tan = Balochistan

The "I" was later added.

How did this name came into being, we must go back to history. One of the pioneers of Pakistan ideology was Aslam Khattak, who writes in his Book, the Pathan Odyssey and I quote:

"My friends at the time included Chaudhri Rehmat Ali from Cambridge, Dr. Abdur Rahim who was working on his thesis on Mughal fireignpolicy, Nisar Mohammad Khan Durrani, a medical student, Pir Ahsanuddin, Khan inayataullah Khan of Charsadda, and sheikh Sadiq of mongrol.

We concluded that with the British manupulating behind the scenes Muslims and Hindus in India would never agree or unite. So we concieved of a seperate state for Muslims -- PAKISTAN: P for the Punjab, A for Afghans, (North West Frontier Province), K for Kashmir, S for Sindh and 'Tan' for Balochistan. wE PRODUCED THE PAMPHLET, "NOW OR NEVER", which I signed as a President of the Khyber Union."

So you see, all these lads that were studying at Oxford, made a word that has a meaning, and that also bears abbreviations of all the subject races inside the borders they were trying to draw, they agreed upon the word PAKSTAN - that carried the abbreviations they wanted the name to bear, and also the meaning!

And the "I" then later on added to help the pronounciation and to make the proper word iSTAN.

Note: Officially, on 14th August 1947, the papers were signed for "Dominion of Pakstan.
No, Sir, this is the real abbreviation of the name Pakistan, originally "PAKSTAN"

P = Punjab
A = Afghania
K = Kashmir
S = Sindh
Tan = Balochistan

The "I" was later added.

How did this name came into being, we must go back to history. One of the pioneers of Pakistan ideology was Aslam Khattak, who writes in his Book, the Pathan Odyssey and I quote:

"My friends at the time included Chaudhri Rehmat Ali from Cambridge, Dr. Abdur Rahim who was working on his thesis on Mughal fireignpolicy, Nisar Mohammad Khan Durrani, a medical student, Pir Ahsanuddin, Khan inayataullah Khan of Charsadda, and sheikh Sadiq of mongrol.

We concluded that with the British manupulating behind the scenes Muslims and Hindus in India would never agree or unite. So we concieved of a seperate state for Muslims -- PAKISTAN: P for the Punjab, A for Afghans, (North West Frontier Province), K for Kashmir, S for Sindh and 'Tan' for Balochistan. wE PRODUCED THE PAMPHLET, "NOW OR NEVER", which I signed as a President of the Khyber Union."

So you see, all these lads that were studying at Oxford, made a word that has a meaning, and that also bears abbreviations of all the subject races inside the borders they were trying to draw, they agreed upon the word PAKSTAN - that carried the abbreviations they wanted the name to bear, and also the meaning!

And the "I" then later on added to help the pronounciation and to make the proper word iSTAN.

Note: Officially, on 14th August 1947, the papers were signed for "Dominion of Pakstan.

And all these areas are Muslim dominated areas connected to each other in the North west of former British empire, thats why it makes more sense for Kashmir to be part of Pakistan than to be part of India. India is not only a Hindu dominated region (80% Hindu) but the center of India is far away from the North west Muslim dominated regions of the former British empire (Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, Balochistan).
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