India was one of the forebears in imposing sanctions on and cutting off all ties with apartheid South Africa and then Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Various bursaries were provided to Black South Africans and Zimbabweans, the ANC and ZANU PF in exile had an official office in New Delhi, were funded by New Delhi during exile and were regarded as the de facto governments of the two countries. Many of the poorer and certain of the middle class Indians however remain just plain stupid and ignorant when it comes to their attitudes towards Africans living in India. Save for Uganda which kicked out all Indians and Pakistanis living in that country in the 1960s, the rest of Africa is heaven for Indian descendants and for Indians emigrating to those countries. They are treated like brothers and given enormous respect. President Zuma of South Africa is currently in deep trouble over his allegedly corrupt relationship with the Gupta family of India who have been allegedly unduly benefiting from South African resources. This country gives preference to Indian companies such as Tata and Mahindra etc. President Mugabe of Zimbabwe eased the entry requirements of Indians calling them his "brothers and sisters" whilst practically giving preference to India to invest on favorable terms in Zimbabwe. President Nujoma of Namibia shared a very close relationship with New Delhi and granted extremely favorable terms for Indian business to invest in Namibia. Lesotho is practically run by Indian business and has a huge community of Indian migrants for the past 20 years. Mozambique has a huge influx of small Indian businesses who do not face any discrimination. Angolan mines are being bought off en masse by Indian business. Rarely are Indians treated with disrespect in African countries. And yet Indians repay Africans with such disdain ?