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Delhi rocks by Blasts

Now view one of the people who did it and who confessed it.

mfnTl_Fwvbo[/media] - The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Babu Bajrangi

Read Transcripts as well.

Conspirators & Rioters: ‘After Killing Them, I Felt Like Maharana Pratap’

Role Of The Police: ‘Their Eyes And Mouths Were Shut’

What They Said About Modi: ‘To Get Me Out On Bail, Narendrabhai Changed Judges Thrice’

Dance Of Hate: ‘Muslims, They Don't Deserve To Live’

What is there to read about.. I am not talking about the aftermath of Godhara.. I am talking about the Godhara.. So justify killing in Godhara first then we will talk about the Gujarat Riots.......
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What is there to read about.. I am not talking about the aftermath of Godhara.. I am talking about the Godhara.. So justify killing in Godhara first then we will talk about the Gujarat Riots.......

I think you didn't sleep well lately.

Better read my post first regarding investigation about how Muslims were accused wrongly in train burning.

Also try not to raise same point again and again when it has been answered before. This is not IDF.

Don't comment for the sake of comment.
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What is there to read about.. I am not talking about the aftermath of Godhara.. I am talking about the Godhara.. So justify killing in Godhara first then we will talk about the Gujarat Riots.......

Well Only your Hinud yatris can justfy that fire as it was proven that Godhra fire was an accident and not an attck.

But it needs courage, cuts and high moral ground to accept the reality.
Dear friends "Delhi" blast were not about Hindus or Muslims so no need to discuss about that in this thread I feel.

Anyway Mods are the final authority.
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People, stop trolling and have a little respect and sympathy for the dead.
Both India and Pakistan are victoms of terrorism and extremism, there's no winner...only losers.

The day we defend or or even accept extremism as a weapon to defeat the adversary is the day we lose the right to be called humans.


NEW DELHI, Sept 20: Indian Mujahideen that claimed responsibility for last week’s deadly bomb blasts in New Delhi is supported by the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-i-Taiba, Delhi police said on Saturday.

This is the first time India has linked the serial blasts, which claimed at least 24 lives, to the Pakistan-based group which is also battling Indian troops in occupied Kashmir.

Lashkar-i-Taiba “was providing total support to the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (Simi) and the Indian Mujahideen,” Karnal Singh, joint commissioner of Delhi police, told reporters.

In the past, New Delhi has blamed the vast majority of previous attacks on Indian soil on groups either based in, or directly supported by Pakistan.

The Indian Mujahideen first came to public attention last November following serial blasts in Varanasi, Faizabad and Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh in which at least 13 people died.

Meanwhile, police launched an intense search across the Indian capital for two suspected extremists who escaped during a gunbattle.

The massive hunt for the two militant suspects came as police said the group that claimed responsibility was supported by the Lashkar-i-Taiba.—AFP

:) Well in both the cases we need to understand the constant obssession of India with ISI.

Eveyrtime they point finger at ISI even after few minuts of every blast.

This time due to prevailing situation in Pakistan and the kind of messive engagment we have in Pakistan fighting against all odds and terrorism, it is impossible that ISI has any time to indulge in such activities in India, and India also knew that pointing fingers at ISI soon after blasts would only make them a luaghing stock once again.

Presence of homegrown groups in India which was also accepted by Indian Prime Minister, however he could not controle pointing finger at Pakistan as usual.

They first tried to implicate SIMI and put blam on Bangladesh and now when few days are passed they are again to squareone where blaming ISI and Pakistan is the national halmark and the most easy way to shift the responsibility.

Now indeed they will come up with linking SIMI with LeT.
Well, the dogs and their supporters are either arrested or shot dead.

Others trying to become terrorists, will watch their future.

They will be shot like pigs and thrown away.
Bombing in India:RSS engineering ‘Islamic terrorism’?

By Zoglul Husain, UK

London 18 September 2008. Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh expressed new realism when he told a meeting of governors of states yesterday, "The role of Pakistan-based terrorist groups cannot be minimised but the involvement of local elements in recent blasts adds a new dimension to the terrorist threat," and he added, "We have reports that certain Pakistan-based terrorist outfits are constantly seeking to set up new terrorist modules within our country", according to report by bdnews24.com/Reuters today (18 September 2008).

The reporter remarked, ‘Singh's comment is an explicit, high-level acknowledgement home-grown groups were now carrying out bombings in India, which has traditionally blamed Pakistan for violent attacks on its soil.’

For many years now, in the wake of bombings by ‘suspected’ Islamic groups, India in the absence of concrete intelligence, has been pointing their fingers at external operatives such as ‘Pakistan-based terrorist group Lashkar-i-Tayeba’, ’Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-BD)’, etc. They dished out many make believe stories of bombing operations, which many observers suspected to be concocted in the research chambers of RAW. This kind of blame-mongering, and the desperate and reckless police actions by India in the aftermath of bombings, has been likened to "a flailing state" by Harvard economist Lant Pritchett, the word 'Flailing' meaning moving vigorously or erratically, such as arms flailing helplessly in the water while drowning, according to reports by Avijit Ghosh in the Times of India yesterday (17 September 2008). Another report of the Times of India yesterday highlighted Dr. Manmohan Singh’s despair about the gap in government intelligence as they reported: ‘Reflecting Government's concern over the recent serial bomb blasts in Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Delhi, Singh admitted that there were "still vast gaps in intelligence" that needed to be overcome’.

Thus, Dr. Singh’s new realism with his inward look is the right approach and it would be quite revealing to him, if only he seriously does a retrospective soul-searching about the conditions of the Muslims in India, who constitute 13 percent (16 percent according to other views) of the population, and if only he looks into the grievances of this repressed, downtrodden and marginalized community, who have been massacred, brutalised and terrorised by thousands of most callous riots perpetrated in front of the eyes of the world, over a decade more than half a century.

In the social fabric, ridden by caste system with unequal status and unequal rights by birth and for life, the other deprived communities in India fare no better, as the treatment of the Muslims by the 15 percent cast Hindus compares very well with similar treatments of the Dalits, the near Dalits, the Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians and other minority communities and minority nationalities, in this much vaunted hypocrisy touted as the so-called largest democracy.

It was indeed Dr. Manmohan Singh, who at the start of his premiership, appointed the Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee for preparation of a report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India. The committee prepared a 403-page report that was tabled in Parliament on 30 November 2006 - 20 months after obtaining the terms of reference from the Prime Minister’s Office. Now, for the first time, it was shown with statistics, how marginalized the Muslim community have been in India. Even the ‘Ananda Bazar Patrika’ exclaimed that in many respects the conditions of the Muslims are worse than those of the Dalits. What choices do they have then, if they are relentlessly pushed against the wall only to be shot? Will they not launch any struggle to survive??

Peter Foster in his dispatch titled ‘India: how safe is it now?’ in the telegraph.co.uk on 15 September 2008 drew bold and correct conclusions: "In the longer term, .. , India will have to do more for its marginalized Muslim minority if it wants to choke off recruits to the Jihadi cause. If you look at the socio-economic statistics, the only category Muslims top is the number held in prison. On literacy, social welfare, government jobs etc, Muslims continuously languish in the lower reaches of pretty well every set of indicators you care to choose.”

Good and sound conclusion. But the big question is: Who is going to tame the Hindu fundamentalists? The Hindu fundamentalists not only whip up communal tensions and perpetrate thousands of riots, but according to reports, they have also been engaged in engineering ‘Islamic terrorism’.

On 15 September 2008, Shabnam Hashmi, Member, National Integration Council and Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social Activist and writer, jointly circulated ‘An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India’, showing case by case that the RSS have been involved in making and blasting bombs in the guise of ‘Islamic terrorists’, so that communal tensions and violence can be whipped up and these can be used in order to mobilise votes for the BJP-RSS group. The letter was published in the 'Communalism Watch' on 15 September 2008 and posted to TwoCircles.net | Inform | Educate | Empower on 16 September 2008. The activists and writers of the letter asserted, ‘If we look at the timing of the terror attacks it is very clear that one and only one political outfit is gaining from it and that is Sangh. With their eyes on the central government their agenda of polarizing the voter is going ahead successfully’.

With the sinister and murderous scheme of things against them as they are, the Muslims in India are bound to respond, if they refuse to be silently bulldozed. Call it Jihad, call it struggle for physical survival, call it struggle for economic, social and cultural emancipation, the Muslims have been left with no other alternative except for uniting and politically fighting for their rights, and whether these fights for rights can be conducted peacefully will depend on the government and the powerful Hindu fundamentalists. The best thing for the Muslims in India would be to unite with all the other deprived sections and communities of India and launch a united great struggle for the great task of the economic, social and cultural emancipation of the people of India, the kind of struggle which are much needed throughout the under-developed world, including of course our beloved country Bangladesh.

Mr Munshi
If you ever find any spare time from the ardous task of just searching,copying and pasting any and every Anti-India article,do please let us have your own venomenous comments & views sometimes!!
O Dear Bangladeshis !!! Thy middle name is gratitude !!!

That article is not "ANTI-INDIA" as you are falsely portraying.

If anti-violence article to you is anti-Indian article, I seriously suggest you change your spectacles to make you see things more clearly.
For many years now, in the wake of bombings by ‘suspected’ Islamic groups, India in the absence of concrete intelligence, has been pointing their fingers at external operatives such as ‘Pakistan-based terrorist group Lashkar-i-Tayeba’, ’Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-BD)’, etc. They dished out many make believe stories of bombing operations, which many observers suspected to be concocted in the research chambers of RAW.

That is the point for how long one will continue that attitude specially when one is claiming to be preparing for becoming world power.

In the social fabric, ridden by caste system with unequal status and unequal rights by birth and for life, the other deprived communities in India fare no better, as the treatment of the Muslims by the 15 percent cast Hindus compares very well with similar treatments of the Dalits, the near Dalits, the Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians and other minority communities and minority nationalities, in this much vaunted hypocrisy touted as the so-called largest democracy.
Again as i always say the cast system. Unless you are ready to do away with it by not defending it, the problem will exists for a long time to come.

Peter Foster in his dispatch titled ‘India: how safe is it now?’ in the telegraph.co.uk on 15 September 2008 drew bold and correct conclusions: "In the longer term, .. , India will have to do more for its marginalized Muslim minority if it wants to choke off recruits to the Jihadi cause. If you look at the socio-economic statistics, the only category Muslims top is the number held in prison. On literacy, social welfare, government jobs etc, Muslims continuously languish in the lower reaches of pretty well every set of indicators you care to choose.”

agreed as long as you exclude them from mainstream and continue to treat them as alians, alot of griviances will remain there. The divide is not going to narrowed unless you consider them as Indians.

Good and sound conclusion. But the big question is: Who is going to tame the Hindu fundamentalists? The Hindu fundamentalists not only whip up communal tensions and perpetrate thousands of riots, but according to reports, they have also been engaged in engineering ‘Islamic terrorism’.

Unfortunatly they had bee getting political support at state level despite their activities. The main stream BJP had been supporting RSS that is extermists, fanatic group.

On 15 September 2008, Shabnam Hashmi, Member, National Integration Council and Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social Activist and writer, jointly circulated ‘An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India’, showing case by case that the RSS have been involved in making and blasting bombs in the guise of ‘Islamic terrorists’, so that communal tensions and violence can be whipped up and these can be used in order to mobilise votes for the BJP-RSS group. The letter was published in the 'Communalism Watch' on 15 September 2008 and posted to TwoCircles.net | Inform | Educate | Empower on 16 September 2008. The activists and writers of the letter asserted, ‘If we look at the timing of the terror attacks it is very clear that one and only one political outfit is gaining from it and that is Sangh. With their eyes on the central government their agenda of polarizing the voter is going ahead successfully’.

Despite such things they get away with everything wihout any punishment.

With the sinister and murderous scheme of things against them as they are, the Muslims in India are bound to respond, if they refuse to be silently bulldozed. Call it Jihad, call it struggle for physical survival, call it struggle for economic, social and cultural emancipation, the Muslims have been left with no other alternative except for uniting and politically fighting for their rights, and whether these fights for rights can be conducted peacefully will depend on the government and the powerful Hindu fundamentalists. The best thing for the Muslims in India would be to unite with all the other deprived sections and communities of India and launch a united great struggle for the great task of the economic, social and cultural emancipation of the people of India, the kind of struggle which are much needed throughout the under-developed world, including of course our beloved country Bangladesh.


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