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Delhi Court to JNU: No Beef or Pork festivals

Well that is exactly my point. the subcontinent has played host to various cultures and all have flourished - with relative peace. Why try to create ripples now with attempts to establish a code of conduct on consumption of meats of different kind?

If certain religious teachings prohibit you from engaging in a certain act - one would expect YOU to exercise restraint. Why compel, (and i say this with utmost respect) in this case force, others to comply with your set of beliefs?

I'm not selling any brand of secularism. I'm only arguing for the most basic freedom of deciding what one wants to eat, without conditional access and prescribed codes of conduct for how to go about it.

Besides, I haven't been to kasargod, nor have i heard of it - i would imagine it is a small town, at best. So even if i was selling "french" secularism - i wouldn't expect much traction from the residents of Kasargod, but i would expect greater maturity from netizens from tier 1 and tier 2 cities, participating here on PDF.
So that means your secularism is just for show off in secured environment of internet/JNU fest etc.when it comes to walking your talk in unsecured environment your types just slither back into their holes.
So that means your secularism is just for show off in secured environment of internet/JNU fest etc.when it comes to walking your talk in unsecured environment your types just slither back into their holes.

Well, you have, inadvertently - i'm assuming, hit the proverbial nail on the head. Should there even be talk of a "secure" environment? I just wanted something to eat, not trying to set off a bomb.

As for "my types", "slithering" away - what's with the personal attacks?! And you know so little about me, yet have not refrained from judging, and forming an opinion about me. Is that how you form opinions - half baked information, garnished with prejudice and preconceived notions? I thought you were among the sensible lot.

Anyways, the point that I was, actually, trying to drive home was that Majoritarianism is a risky bet, especially in a diverse environment like India. And since maturity and tolerance, are hallmarks of a sound education - I merely expected the crowd from cosmopolitan cities, of the region to be more receptive.

And i haven't been disappointed. Living in Mumbai, most people I know, if not indifferent to the issue, have appreciated the lack of logic and reasoning in attempts to justify the ill-advised prescriptions on public consumption of a food item.
CZAR - I have no problems with cow meat consumption.

But I also say in our millenia long history, the ban stands out as an exception and hardly a reason to preach tolerance to Indians. Surely there are more pressing and real issues affecting minorities, and I don't mean pages found on railway tracks, or a film made in USA or riots in Myanmar. So maybe energy is better utilised by educated intelligent people like you to bring about the change in YOUR community that we are all hoping and are told will have to come from ''within''.

Lets also agree that university is a public place hence should be kept away from controvercial things like beef and satanic verses, but private shops should be allowed to sell both so that those who don't feel offended can buy and enjoy them.
Please eat beef, but dont make a public spectacle out of it. Just like you make out inside a room and not on the street.


Why to stop pork and beef festival. Let these take place whoever wants to eat pork will go for it and who ever wants to eat beef will go for it those who dont want to will move on.

Why need to make a festival out of it - knowing fully well that it will only end in violence. University is for studying not for these activities.

I agree with a previous comment - we should nuke the area known as JNU for good.
DO you have problem with anyone eating beef??

I have a problem with people making a public spectacle of it with the intention of provocating. As I said if you want to eat, eat in a hotel, eat in your homes. No one gives a ****.

Moreover why getting into unwanted stuff ? In Delhi it is unlawful to store beef according to a law. So they were simply indulging in unlawful stuff.
I have a problem with people making a public spectacle of it with the intention of provocating. As I said if you want to eat, eat in a hotel, eat in your homes. No one gives a ****.

Moreover why getting into unwanted stuff ? In Delhi it is unlawful to store beef according to a law. So they were simply indulging in unlawful stuff.

It means India is greatest hypocrisy to secularism....
Not proper for a court to interfere with the rights of those who want to consume beef and/or pork in a secular democracy. What next? That women may not wear jeans since it may offend the religious sentiments of some religion or another? This is indeed a joke to Indian secularism and democracy. No need to compare it to Pakistan which declares itself to be an Islamic Republic. It's either that we are secular or we are not. No middle ground

There is no question of 'secularism' getting trampled upon here. The fest was organized with the sole intention of stirring up trouble and the courts gave their verdict in a view to prevent any commotion. Morever politics in places of study must be banned as a first step.

It means India is greatest hypocrisy to secularism....

10 Bohras were killed yesterday. Does that mean Pakistan is the greatest hypocrisy to Islam ? And a Pakistani talking about secularism...next what ? OBL talking about world peace ?
There is no question of 'secularism' getting trampled upon here. The fest was organized with the sole intention of stirring up trouble and the courts gave their verdict in a view to prevent any commotion. Morever politics in places of study must be banned as a first step.

Muslims can eat beef, Christians can eat pork, Hindus can eat pork/veggies. Whats the big deal here? Why courts need to be brought in?

Bhairava said:
10 Bohras were killed yesterday. Does that mean Pakistan is the greatest hypocrisy to Islam ? And a Pakistani talking about secularism...next what ? OBL talking about world peace ?

This what I hate about Indians... ALways personal attacks.. .And I know Pakistan is not secular, but India claims to be secular, while it is not
I am a Hindu. I don't eat beef. In fact, for some reason or another my family doesn't eat red meat at all. And pork as well has never been on the dining table in my family. Now if some Christian wants to consume beef and pork at some festival in my area, how should that affect my sentiment? If some Muslim wants to consume beef during their festival, how does that affect my sentiment? As a Hindu I am told that my karma will be affected if I do not follow the prescripts of my religion. I have never been told that my karma will be affected if I permitted somebody else to live their lifestyle as they deem fit. Unless Hinduism has evolved to a new level in India since I've last been there, I cant see any justification for the court's ruling. It is simply an infringemnt on the rights of those who want to voluntarily take part in the festival. It is unjust, undemocratic and unacceptable to a proclaimed secular state

The problem is the 800 year old history and bad blood between the two communities in the sub-continent. You can either be idealistic and risk a communal riot (in case you did not know there have been dozens of riots over cow-killings) or you can be practical and play it safe. Any guesses for what the people of India would choose ?

Moreover as we are speaking,Innocence of Muslims has been banned in India. Now that realllllly hurts my secularism :)

Muslims can eat beef, Christians can eat pork, Hindus can eat pork/veggies. Whats the big deal here? Why courts need to be brought in?

Courts can be brought in anything if a person files an FIR and the case is admitted. Constitutional rights :)

This what I hate about Indians... ALways personal attacks.. .And I know Pakistan is not secular, but India claims to be secular, while it is not

More like ..bitter truth that is hard to swallow.
CZAR - I have no problems with cow meat consumption.

But I also say in our millenia long history, the ban stands out as an exception and hardly a reason to preach tolerance to Indians. Surely there are more pressing and real issues affecting minorities, and I don't mean pages found on railway tracks, or a film made in USA or riots in Myanmar. So maybe energy is better utilised by educated intelligent people like you to bring about the change in YOUR community that we are all hoping and are told will have to come from ''within''.

Lets also agree that university is a public place hence should be kept away from controvercial things like beef and satanic verses, but private shops should be allowed to sell both so that those who don't feel oddended can buy and enjoy them.

Well, one can always appreciate a well reasoned response.

But I must clarify that i am not preaching anything, nor am i selling some european kind of secularism, nor am i harping on minority rights. And yes, certainly, there are more pressing issues.

I am merely opining that, if consumption of beef / pork is intolerable and that a ban is the way to go, why stop at merely barring fests and go the whole hog in banning it altogether? But if there is even an iota of logic that prevents us from doing so, i would say that the debate on barring a food festival is far from over.

Something that is sacrilegious in public, cannot suddenly turn normal / mundane in one's private life. And let's not compare this to sex.
Courts can be brought in anything if a person files an FIR and the case is admitted. Constitutional rights :)

Yeah right a FIR would be reviewed so quickly in India... :rofl: EVEN rape/murder cases take 10 years to get reviewed in India you are telling me that such a petty issue got reported in 10 minutes:lol:
Why Hindu is against Secularism? Hindu can tolerate those who want to eat Beef or Pork. It is the Militant Hindutva wing who are against any culinary festivals like this.

How is eating beef related to secularism ? Is 'eating beef' a mandatory ritual in any religion ?

Yeah right a FIR would be reviewed so quickly in India... :rofl: EVEN rape/murder cases take 10 years to get reviewed in India you are telling me that such a petty issue got reported in 10 minutes:lol:

Your knowledge of India is pathetic. Hope you recover from the state of shock you might probably be in now.
How is eating beef related to secularism ? Is 'eating beef' a mandatory ritual in any religion ?

Meat eating is mandatory in human life... Look at your teeth, they are designed for chewing meat
Ok that means people have many alternatives,such as Mutton,chicken,Fish..then why insist on beef?
Is Buffalo meet allowed or that too is against people's religious beliefs?

Buffalo sacrifice is done in Hindu temples. Only cow-slaighter is haram. Rest anything - flying,swimming,crawling,running is halal to us.
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