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Defending AJK

Sure, we can wait. The only thing remaining to be seen is how long it takes for the realization that Kashmir's fate was decided decades ago to sink in.
Actually thts the catch,,, a brutal war is required(not like 71,whr 90k were spared). Blood needs to flow, so that the 'brave' ppl realise the worth of peace.
This so called nooklia dushmani of 70yrs which is basically big talk n 3wars where no of combined casualities is lower thn ppl dying of road accidents every year.
Perhaps after tht reality will sink in,,, until thn enjoy the wadde wadde bol.
miseries of Muslims can only be solved by Muslim vs Hindu war in Sub continent. All the Hindu becoming united under the umbrella of RSS where as Muslims of the sub continent busy in ethnic conflicts with each other which is very unfortunate
miseries of Muslims can only be solved by Muslim vs Hindu war in Sub continent. All the Hindu becoming united under the umbrella of RSS where as Muslims of the sub continent busy in ethnic conflicts with each other which is very unfortunate
U r right, ,As most Pakistani members here say tht Indian troops r oppressing, killing raping eating kashmiris.
Inferior hindus shud be taught a lesson,,,already Pakistani posters claim tht kasmir struggle is legitimate. but I don't understand why momins frm pakistan r not joining this legitimate jihad against kafirs,,its has been almost 2 months now.
moreover where r the religious posters,,,who speak about religion,god n righteousness day in n day out here on the forum while living comfortably in goraland,,n of course wishing indopak war.
Even after knowing tht gates to seventh heaven r open in kashmir for shahids,, they r reluctant of shahadat.Dont they believe in the own words.
Rape, torture, systematic murder and annihilation of democratic representation have ALREADY been a part of Kashmir's arduous history under Indian rule. So I'm not sure what these comical denials will achieve for you now.

Mass immigration of non-Kashmiris in order to manipulate demographics follows the textbook template for neo-colonial ethnic cleansing.

If you wish to take Kashmir under the auspices of the same saffron agenda as came to fruition in Ayodhya, Gujarat or further back in Jammu, at least stop pretending it is something to be attained by "democratic" or "peaceful" methods. Have the plain and simple guts to stand by your steaming sack of Hindutva filth as it spills over pure lands, and state clearly that annexation is annexation, no less, no more.

Do you honestly think for one minute the blood of these martyrs will evaporate away into nothingness? The cries of Kashmiri mothers for their stolen children will cease to reverberate through the valley?

These are eternal and everlasting concepts you have chosen to wage war on - freedom, self-determination, cultural identity - that perpetuate and sustain themselves long after any civilian, soldier or politician has played his hand.

First and foremost, recognise what Hindustan has become in its relentless descent into the dark void of hatred, envy and bitterness.

Once you have reached that peace within yourself and finally accepted what India has become, prepare for battle.
I could "plagiarize" every single one of your arguments and gotcha! too, ok ?

so, underlying issues aside, realpolitik ke realm me where should we go ?
U r right, ,As most Pakistani members here say tht Indian troops r oppressing, killing raping eating kashmiris.
Inferior hindus shud be taught a lesson,,,already Pakistani posters claim tht kasmir struggle is legitimate. but I don't understand why momins frm pakistan r not joining this legitimate jihad against kafirs,,its has been almost 2 months now.
moreover where r the religious posters,,,who speak about religion,god n righteousness day in n day out here on the forum while living comfortably in goraland,,n of course wishing indopak war.
Even after knowing tht gates to seventh heaven r open in kashmir for shahids,, they r reluctant of shahadat.Dont they believe in the own words.
Since when was war against fascists dependent on religious convictions?
U r right, ,As most Pakistani members here say tht Indian troops r oppressing, killing raping eating kashmiris.
Inferior hindus shud be taught a lesson,,,already Pakistani posters claim tht kasmir struggle is legitimate. but I don't understand why momins frm pakistan r not joining this legitimate jihad against kafirs,,its has been almost 2 months now.
moreover where r the religious posters,,,who speak about religion,god n righteousness day in n day out here on the forum while living comfortably in goraland,,n of course wishing indopak war.
Even after knowing tht gates to seventh heaven r open in kashmir for shahids,, they r reluctant of shahadat.Dont they believe in the own words.
its Hindus who start propaganda against Muslims under the shelter of RSS and when Pakistani Muslims will enter in India, It will be for victory rather than a Shahdet. Muslims are the real owner of Delhi and Agra as both cities dont have any significant history prior to Muslim rule in sub continent
its Hindus who start propaganda against Muslims under the shelter of RSS and when Pakistani Muslims will enter in India, It will be for victory rather than a Shahdet. Muslims are the real owner of Delhi and Agra as both cities dont have any significant history prior to Muslim rule in sub continent
Exactly, , like I said,, what r u waiting for.
Just talking big on internet won't get u delhi Or agra.
U sound like a brave Muslim, , I hope u actually believe in Islam.
Stop being a munafiq n Claim ur destiny, , either way u have nothing to fear, , either Delhi or seventh heaven.
Exactly, , like I said,, what r u waiting for.
Just talking big on internet won't get u delhi Or agra.
if u read #32 again than u will find that "Hindus becoming united under terrorist organization RSS where as Muslims are divided ethically". So if Muslims want to avoid future slavery of RSS, they have to become united like hindus.
if u read #32 again than u will find that "Hindus becoming united under terrorist organization RSS where as Muslims are divided ethically". So if Muslims want to avoid future slavery of RSS, they have to become united like hindus.
Do u think darpok hindus have the much capability.
We r will wait till the iman of Muslims shatters n they stop believing.
Then by default u will come close to us.
Till thn we will also keep talking the wadde wadde bol.
Ps- just saw u r 37 yr old,,,, I thought u r some teenager,,so serious reply,,, look India pakistan r neighbours,, ,whatever we do,, this isn't going to chnge.
War is not an option. So let's talk n solve this matter once n for all.
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Do u think darpok hindus have the much capability.
We r will wait till the iman of Muslims shatters n they stop believing.
Then by default u will come close to us.
Till thn we will also keep talking the wadde wadde bol.
well currently u r winning, RSS successfully winning the 2nd term, Now RSS will rule india for atleast 50 consecutive years and they will also create one party democracy in india as Congress will become history in coming years. When RSS will control india firmly than they will start war against Muslims and RSS hate towards Muslims will become only reason for the Muslims to become united and if Muslims become united than pre 1857 india will become reality
well currently u r winning, RSS successfully winning the 2nd term, Now RSS will rule india for atleast 50 consecutive years and they will also create one party democracy in india as Congress will become history in coming years. When RSS will control india firmly than they will start war against Muslims and RSS hate towards Muslims will become only reason for the Muslims to become united and if Muslims become united than pre 1857 india will become reality
Perhaps u r indeed teenager
Do u think darpok hindus have the much capability.
We r will wait till the iman of Muslims shatters n they stop believing.
Then by default u will come close to us.
Till thn we will also keep talking the wadde wadde bol.
Ps- just saw u r 37 yr old,,,, I thought u r some teenager,,so serious reply,,, look India pakistan r neighbours,, ,whatever we do,, this isn't going to chnge.
War is not an option. So let's talk n solve this matter once n for all.

provoking them will not work.
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