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Defence.pk pays tribute to Nelson Mandela.

Firstly, @Dash never said Gandhian is an academic term, he just called Nelson Mandela as the last Gandhian. In Mandela's own words,

Any adult can distinguish what is singing a praise and what is a proper school of thought.

Obama sang praise on Mandela too.
Obama Praises Mandela as Model of Leadership | RealClearPolitics

Does it make Obama a Mandalian?

As for it being an "academic term", well Gandhian Philosophy is a field of study in India. As I advised you earlier, use google, or whatever chinese knock off google you have in China, before you start blithering and take your insecurity somewhere else.

You can glorify Gandhi all you want in Indian university, but Gandhism as a school of thought has no international academia recognition. Small wonder why none of your India university ranked in the top 200 in the world.

Bubble of delusion bursted again.
7. On the U.S. war with Iraq:

“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.”

Via cbsnews.com

6. On Israel:

“Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank.”

Via jweekly.com

5. On the U.S. war with Iraq:

“All that (Mr. Bush) wants is Iraqi oil.”

Via cbsnews.com

4. Mandela on Castro and the Cuban revolution:

“From its earliest days, the Cuban Revolution has also been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of the vicious imperialist-orquestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gain made in the Cuban Revolution. … Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.”

Via lanic.utexas.edu

. Mandela on Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, his longtime supporter:

“It is our duty to give support to the brother leader … especially in regards to the sanctions which are not hitting just him, they are hitting the ordinary masses of the people … our African brothers and sisters.”

Via finalcall.com

2. On the U.S. preparing to invade Iraq in a 2002 interview with Newsweek:

“If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.”

Via newsweek.com

1. On a Palestinian state:

“The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

Via cbsnews.com

7 Nelson Mandela Quotes You Probably Won't See In The U.S. Media

South African paid last tribute to a Giant..
L'hommage des Sud-Africains à Mandela - Libération

Algerian President sent a message to his colleague Zuma

Mandela in Algiers 2 months after his release from prison

Memorable Mandela's words


Mandela in Algeria In 1962, behind BenBella (the president of the time) Rabah Bitat and Boumediene


In his death, Algeria loses more than a friend




The man who embodied the 20th century
Any adult can distinguish what is singing a praise and what is a proper school of thought.

Obama sang praise on Mandela too.
Obama Praises Mandela as Model of Leadership | RealClearPolitics

Does it make Obama a Mandalian?

You can glorify Gandhi all you want in Indian university, but Gandhism as a school of thought has no international academia recognition. Small wonder why none of your India university ranked in the top 200 in the world.

Bubble of delusion bursted again.

The bubble of your claims of being top universities is busted when we see your citizenry outside of the " made in china stats' world. It easy to fake and fudge stats as china is notorious for and done to pump its image.

here is how you do when we have a level playing ground outside China. i.e. Your claims don't show fruition. When absolved of the CCP to help you fake stats, you show your real IQ and inability to claim the top spots.

The bubble of your claims of being top universities is busted when we see your citizenry outside of the " made in china stats' world. It easy to fake and fudge stats as china is notorious for and done to pump its image.

here is how you do when we have a level playing ground outside China. i.e. Your claims don't show fruition. When absolved of the CCP to help you fake stats, you show your real IQ and inability to claim the top spots.


Indian universities fail to make world's top 200 | NDTV.com

No Indian university in world’s top 200 - Hindustan Times

Not a SINGLE Indian university among world's top 200! - Rediff Getahead
You seem to be perturbed that we did not include your Mao or anyone from your mother ship China among world recognized leaders . A seditious low IQ Chinese in America would not know the shared ideals and relationship between Gandhi, Mandela, MLK or Gandhi's relationship with S Africa.

stick to chinatown USA and end of a meal to get your education :lol:

Tomorrow, get a new avatar. Its time for you to jump off the bandwagon.

Also, Mandela was not totally none violent
Tomorrow, get a new avatar. Its time for you to jump off the bandwagon.

Also, Mandela was not totally none violent

bandwagon fan like you may do so...but real fans don't decide to join different teams fan club every year depending on who is doing good. in 45 years you guys have not brought home one single super bowl. I am happy with 5 we have...

Your POV on Mandela is just a POV of a sorry seditious chinese ... his legacy and greatness is burned in history. While yours will be of a lonely seditious chinese whose ironically did not have the self respect to avoid living off the welfare of a country that disrespects his mother China. :lol:
bandwagon fan like you may do so...but real fans don't decide to join different teams fan club every year depending on who is doing good. in 45 years you guys have not brought home one single super bowl. I am happy with 5 we have...

Your POV on Mandela is just a POV of a sorry seditious chinese ... his legacy and greatness is burned in history. While yours will be of a lonely seditious chinese whose ironically did not have the self respect to avoid living off the welfare of a country that disrespects his mother China. :lol:

In 45 years? You must not be talking about the hawks as we have only been around less than 40 years. Or you just made up a year you feel its right without checking the facts. Most Indians at least don't grab a number from their behind except talking about the how long has Indian nation being around. But you are unique in that your bu** hole is the only place you get your facts. No wonder you are a whiner fan. So if you guys ever win a super bowl, would the location and the theme be around the Castro district.
In 45 years? You must not be talking about the hawks as we have only been around less than 40 years. Or you just made up a year you feel its right without checking the facts. Most Indians at least don't grab a number from their behind except talking about the how long has Indian nation being around. But you are unique in that your bu** hole is the only place you get your facts. No wonder you are a whiner fan. So if you guys ever win a super bowl, would the location and the theme be around the Castro district.

who cares 45, circa 40 years.- they still did not have a single ring. I know for sure when we won
we did not hold it in your China massage town USA:) .

Mai 90, de Robben Island à Alger

May 90, from Robben Island to Algiers
L’Algérie a fait de moi un homme.» Ainsi parlait Madiba lors de sa visite à Alger, en mai 1990. Deux mois seulement après sa sortie de la prison Robben Island.
Algeria, made a man out of me...That what he expressed in his visit to Algiers, in May 90. Just two months after his release from Robben Island jail.

who cares 45, circa 40 years.- they still did not have a single ring. I know for sure when we won
we did not hold it in your China massage town USA:) .

So Castro district then, where you and your "friend" live. Most of Indians I know around here are great people. But I guess the lousy ones go to the bay area to be around the whiners.
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