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Defence Analyst Brahma Chelaney Claims India Failed Diplomatically and Lost The Entire Galwan Valley

Sorry, again, why did they die?

So they could have a monument with their names on it?

Do you actually understand anything about anything?

They died defending their country against Chinese intrusion in Galwan sector.

Now, can you tell us why did your soldiers, whom you refuse to accept as your soldiers for long long time died in Kargil?
They died defending their country against Chinese intrusion in Galwan sector.

Now, can you tell us why did your soldiers, whom you refuse to accept as your soldiers for long long time died in Kargil?
What you talking about man? They fired their damn guns, unlike your lambs to the slaughter. Pakistanis actually try to fight when it is expected of them. Seriously, don't fool yourself any more on this.
You can hump a cow in their honour. Just pretend it’s your 20 dead soldiers reincarnated or 60 surrendered soldiers

We will do what we can to honour martyrs.

How about you, do you not give a $hit about your soldiers who died and were injured defending your country or for you they are just nameless.. faceless individuals, who's sacrifice you could not be bothered acknowledging ..much less honouring?
There is a difference between Indian army and likes of Chinese army and Pakistan àrmy.

And that difference can be seen between any democracy and an autocratic dictatorship or a quassi dictatorship.

The difference is a democracy will always honour soldiers who laid down their lives for the country, they will be remembered and monuments will be built for them, like hospital which has been named after 20 Indian Martyrs.

Where as an autocratic dictatorship will not only, not honour it's dead soldiers, it will refuse to acknowledge their sacrifice at all. Some of these countries even refuse to accept the bodies of its dead soldiers or try to pass them as militants instead.

For these countries, their soldiers are disposable assets, who can be used and discarded or forgotten as they see fit, but that does not happen in a country like India.
India won’t even accept that its pilot was shot down by Pakistan until Pakistan shown the prisoner of war.

this time, many Indians were killed so India has to make up Chinese death. India, please don’t call yourself a democracy. As India is the evidence of failure in democracy. In another word, if all democratic countries are like India, than democracy is a failed political system.
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Oh yes they fired their guns and when Indian army fired their's ..they died where they stood.

And then your nation refuse to accept their bodies or even acknowledge them as your soldiers for a long long time.

So what did their sacrafice acheive ?

No, you rather eat bat $hit or suck on bull penises and spread plague through out the world.

Eating Penis at the Beijing penis restaurant

We took Tiger Hill and others, killed lots of Indians and still hold a strategic peak inside the Indian side of the cease-fire line to this day. What did you gain at Galwan, apart from your PM developing a fear of even saying the word "China", and learning how to retreat after a retreat and still declare victory?
Entire Galwan valley? Lol. That's where the current DBO road passes through. We are still using it and transporting stuff. I like your thread through trying to impact everytime with titles with less substances inside.

Though PP14 point is something we need to figure out before the next summer.

Of which as usual, you have 0 credible and genuine evidence of.............:lol:
We took Tiger Hill and others, killed lots of Indians and still hold a strategic peak inside the Indian side of the cease-fire line to this day. What did you gain at Galwan, apart from your PM developing a fear of even saying the word "China", and learning how to retreat after a retreat and still declare victory?
You did not fight or capture any peaks from Indian army ..you just occupied empty Indian posts and squatted there .

It was Indian army which fought uphill and captured peaks occupied by Pakistan army, drove Pakistan army out, killed many more Pakistanis in the process.

Off 140 peaks Pakistan occupied at beginning of war ..how many peaks do you still occupy after loosing thousands of your soldiers (as per your 3 time prime minister).

Similarly in Galwan..Chinese came and pitched their tents few hundred meters on Indian side of LAC. India in the mean time signed logistics exchange memorandum with Australia, banned 60 Chinese apps ..which are predicted to cause billions of dollars of losses to Chinese businesses. India prime minister flew to the seat of the conflict(an area which China claims it own) and gave a speech . Where as Chinese emperor " Winnie the Pooh" is no where to be seen, since this conflict started.
Within couple of days of Indian prime minister's visit Chinese packed up their tents withdrew 2 km inside their own territory.
We will do what we can to honour martyrs.

How about you, do you not give a $hit about your soldiers who died and were injured defending your country or for you they are just nameless.. faceless individuals, who's sacrifice you could not be bothered acknowledging ..much less honouring?

show us a single PLA soldier taken prisoner then. There is rarely the case of the loser of a battle being able to take many prisoners while the winning side takes none, unless the winning side is a war criminal.

So Indian Army is either a war criminal organization that killed all PLA prisoners, or they lost the battle which is why PLA has Indian Army prisoners and Indian Army has no PLA prisoners.
You did not fight or capture any peaks from Indian army ..you just occupied empty Indian posts and squatted there .

It was Indian army which fought uphill and captured peaks occupied by Pakistan army, drove Pakistan army out, killed many more Pakistanis in the process.

Off 140 peaks Pakistan occupied at beginning of war ..how many peaks do you still occupy after loosing thousands of your soldiers (as per your 3 time prime minister).

Similarly in Galwan..Chinese came and pitched their tents few hundred meters on Indian side of LAC. India in the mean time signed logistics exchange memorandum with Australia, banned 60 Chinese apps ..which are predicted to cause billions of dollars of losses to Chinese businesses. India prime minister flew to the seat of the conflict(an area which China claims it own) and gave a speech . Where as Chinese emperor " Winnie the Pooh" is no where to be seen, since this conflict started.
Within couple of days of Indian prime minister's visit Chinese packed up their tents withdrew 2 km inside their own territory.
Yet Narendra Modi can't even utter the word "China".

I also wouldn't take nawaz Sharif at face value. He's the reason Pakistan withdrew from Kargil, not the Indian army.
show us a single PLA soldier taken prisoner then. There is rarely the case of the loser of a battle being able to take many prisoners while the winning side takes none, unless the winning side is a war criminal.

So Indian Army is either a war criminal organization that killed all PLA prisoners, or they lost the battle which is why PLA has Indian Army prisoners and Indian Army has no PLA prisoners.

There are videos out there of Indian army beating the $hit out of PLA soldiers from Pangang Tso to Sikkim. Go check them out. One of the videos even showed PLA soldier held captive however there was no fan fare ..when that PLA soldier was released ..not even any news the media.
There are videos out there of Indian army beating the $hit out of PLA soldiers from Pangang Tso to Sikkim. Go check them out. One of the videos even showed PLA soldier held captive however there was no fan fare ..when that PLA soldier was released ..not even any news the media.
No,these kind of videos don't exist
Yet Narendra Modi can't even utter the word "China".

I also wouldn't take nawaz Sharif at face value. He's the reason Pakistan withdrew from Kargil, not the Indian army.
And Winnie the Poo is even afraid to show his face ..much less utter the word India or even visit Aksai Chin.

Why shouldn't Pakistan's 3 time prime minister be taken seriously but your army which even refused to accept that it's soldiers were in Kargil should be take at face value?

Pakistani army withdrew because it was beaten back was loosing peak after peak to Indian army. It pleaded with your then prime minister to visit Washington and find face saving exit for them.

Otherwise there was no reason for Pakistani prime minister to drop into US uninvited and no reason for your army(which litterally controls everything in your country) to send your PM to US .

No,these kind of videos don't exist

Do I need to spoon feed you?
There are videos out there of Indian army beating the $hit out of PLA soldiers from Pangang Tso to Sikkim. Go check them out. One of the videos even showed PLA soldier held captive however there was no fan fare ..when that PLA soldier was released ..not even any news the media.

Prove it. Show a video dated after 06/15 that is not identical to a video posted before 06/15.

Here it shows PLA having Indian army tied up with zipties:


And even if such a video exists, it doesn't prove anything - Indian Army already admits that commanding officers such as lieutenant colonels were captured, which indicates total collapse of Indian army command and control.
And Winnie the Poo is even afraid to show his face ..much less utter the word India or even visit Aksai Chin.

Why shouldn't Pakistan's 3 time prime minister be taken seriously but your army which even refused to accept that it's soldiers were in Kargil should be take at face value?

Pakistani army withdrew because it was beaten back was loosing peak after peak to Indian army. It pleaded with your then prime minister to visit Washington and find face saving exit for them.

Otherwise there was no reason for Pakistani prime minister to drop into US uninvited and no reason for your army(which litterally controls everything in your country) to send your PM to US .

Do I need to spoon feed you?
To be clear, Nawaz Sharif is and always was a snake. He wasn't so much pm of Pakistan as he was a mole for indo-american ambitions. This much is clear. Right now he's evading Pakistani justice by hiding in England. This man is categorically not trustworthy.

Now - get your facts right. Kargil is what it is. You took most of the hills back AFTER disengagement. We held a dozen or so points in Indian territory after the end of hostilities and continued to hold them while you made movies about tiger hill. Over time, we vacated most of them due to logistic constraints. We still hold on to a strategic one. Casualty figures are what they are. Was it worth it for Pakistan? Almost. Had PAF been involved and had our politicians not sold our army down the river, the outcome may have been different. But to suggest it was a rout in military terms is not a reflection of facts. It was a marginal military victory for Hindustan due to internal discordancy on the Pakistani side.
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