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Dedicated to our Father | M.A Jinnah

Nice thread buddy, keep em coming... :tup:
Jinnah was nothing but a thug who was responsible for genocide of hundreds of thousands of hindus and sikhs in Pakistan during Partition.

He can only be compared to murderous people like Narendar Modi,Indira Gandhi,Zia-ul-Haq,Bal Thackeray,Hitler,Bush,Omar Bashir,Saudi Kings,Saddam Hussein etc.
:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omgh aha::omghaha::omghaha:
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Nice thread buddy, keep em coming... :tup:

Thank you very much jazzbot for appreciation I will keep on posting....:P

Jinnah was nothing but a thug who was responsible for genocide of hundreds of thousands of hindus and sikhs in Pakistan during Partition.

He can only be compared to murderous people like Narendar Modi,Indira Gandhi,Zia-ul-Haq,Bal Thackeray,Hitler,Bush,Omar Bashir,Saudi Kings,Saddam Hussein etc.

I have not started this thread to read your low-class comments.I can speak up a lot against Mr.Nehru..but I am not uncivilized like you nor I want to stoop your level. I've posted your report. @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Awesome @nuclearpak
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You are welcome to speak out against Nehru also.Nehru was also a scheming leacherous fellow and a backstabbing thug. Are you happy now? I will speak out even more harshly about nehru than you could ever imagine,
useless fellow.But jinnah was nothing but a murderous thug,snake oil salesman .

I don't know what is your problem? But I ask you to leave--


@Slav Defence what do you think about this picture bro
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@Devil Soul and @Slav Defence guys, since vK_man's first post in this thread has been already removed, now please edit your posts and remove that post as you both quoted that post in your replies. That post is an insult to Quid so plz remove it from you quoted replies. Thanks..
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This picture illustrates:
1)three lions
2)Mr Jinnah
Mr. Jinnah directing his nation towards success against Britishers and Hindus?

@Devil Soul and @Slav Defence guys, since vK_man's first post in this thread has been already removed, now please edit your posts and remove that post as you both quoted that post in your replies. That post is an insult to Quid so plz remove it from you quoted replies. Thanks..

Thanks jazzbot for showing your patience..i will....:lol: @Aeronaut post no 16 and 19 too

Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani quoted the Quaid-i-Azam as saying:

“One evening, I was strolling in the lawn of my house in London when I smelt a unique fragrance. First I thought it was temporary phenomenon but the fragrance continued to prevail in the air. I could not understand as to what was the source of that fragrance. I decided to go to sleep. I could not sleep for quite some time. During sleep I saw a holy personality in my dream. The holy personality addressed me: ‘I am Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I order you to go to India and lead the Muslims to their destiny. After the dream I awoke and started preparation for my return journey to India’.

- See more

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Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Ayub Khan ex president pakistan and field marshal the one in the center
My fav pic of him:smitten:




he had grt personality:pakistan:

yeah..Ilike this one 2 but I also liked the pic of Mr.jinnah which I have uploaded on my post no #27 jinnah lying on bench :smitten:
yeah..Ilike this one 2 but I also liked the pic of Mr.jinnah which I have uploaded on my post no #27 jinnah lying on bench :smitten:

yes he wz very much gud lookin than u:smitten:

:P jk



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