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Death in the family

Inna lillah wa inna ellahi rajioon

My Sincere and Heartfelt condolences.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon.

My deepest condolences to you and your loved ones.
Suma Ameen!

Inna lillah e Wa Inna Eleh E Raheoon

May Allah give the family sabar-e-kamla and reward us (all souls) for the pains we go through and strive for in our lives, whilst sumbmitting and remembering HIM the very moment of the Test...May Allah accept our submissions and patiences.

Very sincere condolences. May God give you the strength to bear your loss.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
May his soul Rip. May you and your family recover quickly.
Inna Lilahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rajioon.

Ahsan, I can feel for the loss of your family. I have had similar experience. This life is a short journey towards Eternal life and hopefully your uncle is in a better place than this world, In sha Allah.


Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.

We must take loss of family member or close person as a sign and resolute, be a much better person than what we are now which will be beneficial for us in this world and the next, for our family/children and the people around us.

It would seem hard to act upon and harsh to say, but be not too upset as death will surely approach everyone and the journey to eternity. We are meant to die in the end.

Again, May Allah be with you, your family and his family giving you patience and strength.

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Innalilahe wa innailehe rajeon. May ALLAH elevate him to a lofty position in jannah.
My condolences. I'm sure he would have wanted you to remember all the good times you had together.
Brothers and sisters,

There is a death in my family of my mammo, who fought kidney failure for 3 years on dialysis. Yesterday he passed away.

He was like a father figure for me. Please take a moment and pray for him, may Ya Raheem make it easy for him.

Thank you!

My sincerest condolences.
sorry to hear the news mate.
may god grant his soul peace and solace to your family.
Inna lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'oon
Sorry for ur loss...May the departed soul find a place in Jannah, Ameen...
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