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Dear Pakistanis

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There was a thread, entitled "favourite junk foods" the originator of which was an Indian.

Cow urine is a reality in India, and they have even launched a cow urine soft drink for Hindus to enjoy and seek refreshment from.

I therefore, deemed it fair to post the following Image:

And I even suggested possible names for this drink, in an act of solidarity and friendship, such as cow-co-cola or pashaab-si (I hope you enjoyed my little play on words there). I simply wanted to know how many of our resident Hindus have actually consumed cow urine?, what does it taste like? etc- I was curious.

All of the Indians subsequently had a heart attack and went completely crazy; my post was removed.

In my opinion I did nothing wrong, and there was no reason for the Indians to go crazy. On the one hand they are allowed to criticize our country, culture and religion, but we are not allowed to bring up a reality in India? This is a paradox.

We are all grown ups here, and in my eyes some Indians act like children who can’t take a joke, or criticism. Non-Muslims accuse the Muslims of not allowing freedom of speech and being ultra-sensitive – yet quite frankly what the Indians exhibited was much worse.

Have u been 2 india? how do u know if hindus drink cow urine.? None of my hindu friends do that. and trust me, I have a lot of them.

Going by this logic we can say all muslims are terrorists rit? (Its sad they think like that in US and some European countries)
The key here is not to stereotype. Both sides do it to be honest. But its NOT allowed. As far as cow urine goes... well why is it relevant anyway? Its not. If it makes our Hindu members uncomfortable, or gets them offended, then we should refrain from raising it. Same way we wouldn't like it if they start talking about... the less understood concepts in Islam without proper knowledge and context. The cow urine issue is quite pointless, surely the poster could see that?

These are the rules. They're not up for debate. We might indulge you now and then, but don't think we need to. The rules are there for a reason. God gave you a brain, use it. You make trouble here then thats on your head, no amount of clever arguments will get you out of it. Its YOUR responsibility to maintain the atmosphere we all love here, all of you. If you can't respect it, you don't belong here.
There was a thread, entitled "favourite junk foods" the originator of which was an Indian.

Cow urine is a reality in India, and they have even launched a cow urine soft drink for Hindus to enjoy and seek refreshment from.

I therefore, deemed it fair to post the following Image:

And I even suggested possible names for this drink, in an act of solidarity and friendship, such as cow-co-cola or pashaab-si (I hope you enjoyed my little play on words there). I simply wanted to know how many of our resident Hindus have actually consumed cow urine?, what does it taste like? etc- I was curious.

All of the Indians subsequently had a heart attack and went completely crazy; my post was removed.

In my opinion I did nothing wrong, and there was no reason for the Indians to go crazy. On the one hand they are allowed to criticize our country, culture and religion, but we are not allowed to bring up a reality in India? This is a paradox.

We are all grown ups here, and in my eyes some Indians act like children who can’t take a joke, or criticism. Non-Muslims accuse the Muslims of not allowing freedom of speech and being ultra-sensitive – yet quite frankly what the Indians exhibited was much worse.

You should avoid this kind of comment on this forum. This shows that ur heart is full of heatered against Indians and not Hindus.
I want to make it very clear that we dont think bad for pakistanies.

And one more thing, Hindus worship cow but this doesnot mean that they drink cow urine.
Remember one thing what u will give to others you will get the same.

I prefer Camels Urine (And i am not joking). Can you suggest some names for it ?
There you go, this is the only sort of response you can get with discussing cow-urine drinking in India. I don't care if the Indian PM is doing it, Defence.pk wants it OFF the forum and all members should comply. We'll add it into our rules, too.
people like webby,neo and asim are what makes this forum an amazing place for discussions. other indian/pakistani forums pale in comparison when it comes to being neutral and tolarent to members of all nationality.and its exactly because of people like webby,neo and asim.......peace still has a chance in the subcontinet.:cheers:
You joined in August, Neo left the forum in July... How do you even know Neo?

Banned already... Creating dual IDs is a bannable offence.
You joined in August, Neo left the forum in July... How do you even know Neo?

Banned already... Creating dual IDs is a bannable offence.

Are nahi sir ji many people are here since long.... Even i was visiting this forum for 6 months before actually joining it. Even i know neo
Well, all of the above views expressed are excellent.

One thing, i would like the senior members to do is groom the young and newly joined members from PAK side if they have little bit of time. That is the way in the army. New members are just like the newly passed out cadet, raw & full of emotions. But the senior officers in the unit grooms the young and advices him to become a more mature officer. Similarly, if the senior members see any young member here getting too emotional and starts abusing or something like that, they should guide him and tell the ways to counter the indians with facts & figures, its an other thing that Indian members will keep playing dumb & dumber (& some dumbest too :blah: ) as they mostly do, except for some.
As the majority of members joining must be young, in their teens or may be the rush of excitement in facing & countering the Indians make them do & say stupid things.

So, all senior guys, do give advices to the young, if they still don't behave, then Mods definitely should through them out.

I respect that you value dignity and want to keep everything in control but i really find you language veyr offensive, just blaming Indians is not right. I can give you atleast 10 post from Pakistani's that are wayy more offensive than any indian post. Again i am not here to criticize anyone but please dont put the blame on us and try to play the nice guy. It has to be reciprocal from both sides. I joined this forum because it is interesting and i hope we keep it like that before we start playing the blame game which even we can play pretty well :P I hope i dint offend anyone and i hope this is taken in the right context.
To be fair in discussions is very hard for Pakistanis as Pakistanis see India as an oppressor in Kashmir for dacades killing 90,00 innicent people, also Pakistanis see India as a entity who interfered and without any rhyme or reason in East Pakistan now Bangla Desh. To top it of Indian allowed Babri mosque destroyed by Hindu extremists while Indian police stood by, these are the reason that Pakistani see Insia as a country moraly bankrupt.

There has not been one instance that Pakistan been involved officially in any such horendous acts as India, those who attacked in Bombay were illitrate individuals who acted on their own and Pakistan has condemned their acts. India has yet to do any condemnations of many acts including one on samjhota train.

So Pakistani are rightfully mad at India as compare to Indians who mostly talk about some instances that are insignificant, and India's actions domestic or foriegn are based on how to harm Pakistan.

Example is friendship with israel, interferance in Afghanistan, supporting trouble makers in Baluchistan and in territories.

So Pakistanis have moral high ground to be critical of Indian behaviour knowing the facts as noted above.
To be fair in discussions is very hard for Pakistanis as Pakistanis see India as an oppressor in Kashmir for dacades killing 90,00 innicent people, also Pakistanis see India as a entity who interfered and without any rhyme or reason in East Pakistan now Bangla Desh. To top it of Indian allowed Babri mosque destroyed by Hindu extremists while Indian police stood by, these are the reason that Pakistani see Insia as a country moraly bankrupt.

There has not been one instance that Pakistan been involved officially in any such horendous acts as India, those who attacked in Bombay were illitrate individuals who acted on their own and Pakistan has condemned their acts. Indian has yet to do any condemnations of many acts including one on samjhota train.

So Pakistani are rightfully mad at India as compare to Indians who mostly talk about some instances that are insignificant, and India's actions domestic or foriegn are based on how to harm Pakistan.

Example is friendship with israel, interferance in Afghanistan, supporting trouble makers in Baluchistan and in territories.

So Pakistanis have moral high ground to be critical of Indian behaviour knowing the facts as noted above.

LOL one of the most stupid comments i have read on this website, and this shows the amount of hatred that pakistanis have towards indians. Before you point fingers at us look at yourselves first, india and pakistan started at the same time and now look where india is and where pakistan is. Pakistan is an almost bankrupt nation with terrorism spreading in thw whole country and India is one the fastest growing countries and the 10th largest economy in the world. Yes we have problems but we are a democratic country that knows how to solve them unlike pakistan that has been under military rules most of its existense. When you say that there is no proof of pakistani involvement i hope your joking because proof is the only reason the united nations banned your organization not ours. Its already proved how pakistani's massacred millions of Bangladeshis during the 1970's and how pakistan still continues to spead terrorism in kashmir. Yes we are angry about kashmir because pakistan has no right over it, wo kehte nehi hai ke apna ghar toh samala nehi jata aur dusaro ka ghar lene chale hai, pakistani occupied kashmir is a disaster and there is more than enough proof to that, where on the other side indian held kashmir is growing and people have hope. I have been to kashmir and not one sensible person wants to join pakistan or have an independent kashmir. Your talking about higher moral ground lol look what usa is doing to you, bombing you left and right and even then your leader beg for money from them, any country with even a bit of self respect would not allow that, so please dont talk about morals. I can go on and on but then again im sure you will continue to argue, but again as i said before we need to get over all these small things and work together, can you imagine what india and pakistan can do if we were like usa and canada. So stop crying over small things and move on man, everyone wants peace and only because of thoughts like there we are never able to attain it, so wake up and stop complaining.
LOL one of the most stupid comments i have read on this website, and this shows the amount of hatred that pakistanis have towards indians. Before you point fingers at us look at yourselves first, india and pakistan started at the same time and now look where india is and where pakistan is. Pakistan is an almost bankrupt nation with terrorism spreading in thw whole country and India is one the fastest growing countries and the 10th largest economy in the world. Yes we have problems but we are a democratic country that knows how to solve them unlike pakistan that has been under military rules most of its existense. When you say that there is no proof of pakistani involvement i hope your joking because proof is the only reason the united nations banned your organization not ours. Its already proved how pakistani's massacred millions of Bangladeshis during the 1970's and how pakistan still continues to spead terrorism in kashmir. Yes we are angry about kashmir because pakistan has no right over it, wo kehte nehi hai ke apna ghar toh samala nehi jata aur dusaro ka ghar lene chale hai, pakistani occupied kashmir is a disaster and there is more than enough proof to that, where on the other side indian held kashmir is growing and people have hope. I have been to kashmir and not one sensible person wants to join pakistan or have an independent kashmir. Your talking about higher moral ground lol look what usa is doing to you, bombing you left and right and even then your leader beg for money from them, any country with even a bit of self respect would not allow that, so please dont talk about morals. I can go on and on but then again im sure you will continue to argue, but again as i said before we need to get over all these small things and work together, can you imagine what india and pakistan can do if we were like usa and canada. So stop crying over small things and move on man, everyone wants peace and only because of thoughts like there we are never able to attain it, so wake up and stop complaining.

What joke you are, kashmir and terrorism problem has been discussed million times in other posts already existing about Kashmir and terrorism.

But let me clear your mind and give some idea of being reasonable and fair as it is very annoying that you call 60 years of oppression in Kashmir and Pakistan.s stance on fighting for others in Afghanistan against Russian invasion a small matter, when India supported the invasion or fight against Taliban as small matter is a shame.

since you are playing a naive card let me enlighten you what you call is a small matter is a matter of life and death for Kashmir under half million India boots. and it is shameful that you ignore it and call India very progressing, where as the fact of the matter is that Israel is supporting you to spite Pakistan as it is open secret that Israel.s Leaders have instructed their people many time to help India against Pakistan so that Muslims may not be able to defends themselves against oppressions by Israel, India uses this as if Israel is their best friend. Learn man Israel is nobody.s friend, they are using you to get to us and you are playing in their hands.

But than you want to get together with us, man o man, u have some sense to know these things and not flaunt the money and business being handed to you in silver platter.

It is due to Pakistan's existence that India is benefiting, other wise India would be still that poorest of poor.

the day you will come clean with truth about Kashmir, about Afghanistan and about all the matters pertaining to terrorism and troubles based on decency than we shall have a meaningful dialogue, till that time go and learn some thing about being fair reasonable and reasonableness than we may be able to solve together all the problems.

Us and Canada live the way they do is because U.S. respect Canada very much, let me give you an eye opener, Had U.S. done in Quebec what India did in East Pakistan, there would have come big trouble, but U.S. told separatist in Quebec that U.S. will not help them and that U.S. like to see Canada one country with Quebec as part of it.
There is a lesson for India in this if it want to learn, but India thinks it is big and it does not need to be fair and reasonable.

If this is the thought than I see no future for the subcontinant and our coming generation will live in war like times and there will be no winners.

So the choice it is up to India, to choose the path it want itself to walk on, would it be peace based on honest and fair reason or would it be war imposed by others.
LOL one of the most stupid comments i have read on this website, and this shows the amount of hatred that pakistanis have towards indians.
Brilliant deduction Holmes - one post is proof to you of 'how much hatred Pakistanis have towards Indians'.
Before you point fingers at us look at yourselves first, india and pakistan started at the same time and now look where india is and where pakistan is.
Yes, where are we? Most per-capita indicators show India and Pakistan as being pretty close on most socio-economic metrics.
Don't brag when you don't even know what the facts are.

When you say that there is no proof of pakistani involvement i hope your joking because proof is the only reason the united nations banned your organization not ours.
No proof of the Pakistani State or its institutions being involved.
Its already proved how pakistani's massacred millions of Bangladeshis during the 1970's and how pakistan still continues to spead terrorism in kashmir.
There is no proof that Pakistan killed millions in East Pakistan - there is a thread dedicated to debunking that. And fighting occupation is not terrorism - the UN recognizes the right of a people to fight occupation, and even the Americans got support from other nations when fighting their Independence war against the British.

Yes we are angry about kashmir because pakistan has no right over it, wo kehte nehi hai ke apna ghar toh samala nehi jata aur dusaro ka ghar lene chale hai, pakistani occupied kashmir is a disaster and there is more than enough proof to that, where on the other side indian held kashmir is growing and people have hope.
The UNSC resolutions and the international community's position of J&K being disputed proves you wrong. And you keep talking about 'proof this and that', this time about AK being a disaster, but you have none. i have pointed out several of your lies in this post already.
I have been to kashmir and not one sensible person wants to join pakistan or have an independent kashmir.
So why is India refusing to hold a plebiscite? All those 'sensible people' woudl join India. Nothing but more lies.

Your talking about higher moral ground lol look what usa is doing to you, bombing you left and right and even then your leader beg for money from them, any country with even a bit of self respect would not allow that, so please dont talk about morals.
Bombing us left and right? If you read the DG ISI's interview in the Pakistan's war section, most of those strikes are coordinated with the Pakistani military at this point in time (though we would obviously prefer to get the technology and conduct them ourselves):

"At an operational level, the ISI is a close partner of the CIA. Officers of the two services work together nearly every night on joint operations against al-Qaida in Pakistan's tribal areas. Information from the ISI has helped the CIA plan its Predator drone attacks, which have killed 14 of the top 20 targets over the past several years."

On asking for 'aid', I agree, the GoP should not, and it is among the reasons why Zardari is not liked.

But to his credit, he has argued that Pakistan would prefer greater market access and free trade agreements with the EU and US over aid.

But that aside, Pakistan's requests for aid apply to herself - we are not occupying a people and their land in blatant violation of UNSC resolutions and our own commitment to those people.

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