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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

Forum should be open to everyone,atleast you need to listen to Indian point of view as well. If you ban all of them then we would only hear one sided view which personally I would not prefer.
Having said that if the discussion becomes abusive then yes do ban the members without looking at their nationality.
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Indians think they are superpower and think they can bully whoever they want in the region, they have the same attitude on the internet. These people need another reminder like the one on 27 February that we are not small country like Nepal or Bangladesh that will cave under Hindu fascists. I think @waz your decision to ban the Hindu fascist trolls from PDF is a good one and to be honest should have been taken long ago.
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@waz don't envy your position, first you take a right decision with full explanation as to why and who will be banned, only to find yourself in a position where you have to refer retards to read the first one again. Does seem to happen when people jump to the gun by reading the thread topic and last few post.
Nonetheless it is right, there is hospitality and tolerance and then there is respect for the host.

@Joe Shearer I gave up on people from India more than two decades ago when I found one Indian lady in an uptown store vancouver scolding her child for picking up a box of cookies which were apparently of Pakistani origin and I thought to myself will we be able to coexist as decent neighbours when the mothers of this nation are planting seeds of hatred in their children.

Despite the fact that my family has always been of "bharti" origin with very strong roots in midwest and northwest India "an apparently educated Indian" back in the day in silicon valley questioned as to why we still claim ourselves to be among bluest of the blue chandravanshis, according to him we ceased to be when my ancestors changed religion. Code of honor which we still follow has nothing to do with it the recognition was due to religion, what he could not answer was then why a waishia couldn't become a kashtraya or a kashtraya a Brahmin, not to mention why a dalit couldn't be anything better than achoot, his admission was there is an element of genetics as well and besides I was a Pakistani by birth.

What I am trying to establish here is that a nation, a people who are raised hating everything Pakistani they will only exhibit looking down, naked hatred and would display those in the form of their self righteous believes, if you agree.

My own relatives living in It is used to joke about the stupid propaganda in India that "jokingly" even if a tree fell in Delhi ISI used to be blamed for that.

I am not the mod, not the site owner but there is no doubt it is a Pakistani site, I have outlined our psychology of overdoing our tolerance and hospitality the management of this board too exhibited the same, but on the other side there is the element overtaxing hospitality, most of the Indians don't realize that.

It is like I go to someone's house as a guest and during that time I keep insulting everything about my hosts, how long would that hospitality lasts is pretty obvious.

How many Indians are able to think beyond that mental conditioning 60 were banned, you are still welcome here what's the percentage? How many arundhati rao there are in India, trust me when I say my generation or my children's haven't grown up hating India or Indians but we have been put in a position to reciprocate, in all honestly while you are a respected members here, how would majority of your countrymen rate you?
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@waz don't envy your position, first you take a right decision with full explanation as to why and who will be banned, only to find yourself in a position where you have to refer retards to read the first one again. Does seem to happen when people jump to the gun by reading the thread topic and last few post.
Nonetheless it is right, there is hospitality and tolerance and then there is respect for the host.

@Joe Shearer I gave up on people from India more than two decades ago when I found one Indian lady in an uptown store vancouver scolding her child for picking up a box of cookies which were apparently of Pakistani origin and I thought to myself will we be able to coexist as decent neighbours when the mothers of this nation are planting seeds of hatred in their children.

Despite the fact that my family has always been of "bharti" origin with very strong roots in midwest and northwest India apparently educated Indian back in the day in silicon valley questioned as to why we still claim ourselves to be among bluest of the blue chandravanshis, because according to him we ceased to be when my ancestors changed religion. Code of honour which we still follow has nothing to do with it because it was due to religion, what he could not answer was then why a waishia couldn't become a kashtraya or a kashtraya a Brahmin, not to mention why a dalit couldn't be anything better than achoot, his admission was there is an element of genetics as well and besides I was a Pakistani by birth.
What I am trying to establish here is that a nation, a people who are raised hating everything pakistani they will only exhibit looking down, naked hatred if you agree.
My own relatives living in It is used to joke about the stupid propaganda in India that "jokingly" even if a tree fell in Delhi ISI used to be blamed for that.

I am not the mod, not the site owner but there is no doubt it is a Pakistani site, I have outlined our psychology of overdoing our tolerant and hospitality the management of this board too exhibited the same, but on the other side there is the element overtaxing hospitality, most of the Indians don't realize that. It is like I go to someone's house as a guest and during that time I keep insulting everything about my hosts, how long would that hospitality last is pretty obvious.

How many Indians are able to think beyond that mental conditioning 60 were banned, you are still welcome here what's the percentage? How many arundhati rao there are in India, trust me when I say my generation or my children's haven't grown up hating India or Indians but we have been put in a position to reciprocate, in all honestly while you are a respected members here, how would majority of your countrymen would rate you?

Taking the last element of your truly moving testament first, my countrymen would loathe me, and despise my views, and have done so in ample measure on this forum.

Forgive me if I do not answer immediately, or even answer at all. Your post makes a deep impression on anyone of any sensibility.
Taking the last element of your truly moving testament first, my countrymen would loathe me, and despise my views, and have done so in ample measure on this forum.

Forgive me if I do not answer immediately, or even answer at all. Your post makes a deep impression on anyone of any sensibility.

just wondering living in Hyderabad India, why using Bengali script?
just wondering living in Hyderabad India, why using Bengali script?

I AM an ethnic Bengali. Of Dhaka and Borishal stock.

It is interesting that you should ask. One of the most difficult things for our visiting neighbours to grasp is the enormous diversity of India, hence of Indian cities. Many large organisations in this lovely city have Bengalis in their management, and the number of other, working people from Bengal, people such as I, is very large. Not as large as Bangalore, but getting there.
I AM an ethnic Bengali. Of Dhaka and Borishal stock.

It is interesting that you should ask. One of the most difficult things for our visiting neighbours to grasp is the enormous diversity of India, hence of Indian cities. Many large organisations in this lovely city have Bengalis in their management, and the number of other, working people from Bengal, people such as I, is very large. Not as large as Bangalore, but getting there.
In my younger days while I started Quran, my second teacher was an ethnic Bengali who had decided to stay here instead of going to newly separated Bangladesh along his wife and children and somehow became our factory manager, in his enthusiasm about his roots he did teach me Bengali, pretty good though, been a while since I spoke, but your signatures gave me a pause. Am I getting the translation wrong? which says

"Increasing disgust and hatred towards this forum."

Or is it really what you feel about us and this forum?

There won't be many on this forum who understand the cultural, genetic, linguistics and historical diversity of sub continent like me, think of me as a serious researcher on the topic.
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It's just in my younger days while I started Quran, my second teacher was an ethnic Bengali who had decided to stay here instead of going to newly separated Bangladesh along his wife and children and somehow became our factory manager, in his enthusiasm about his roots he did teach me Bengali, pretty good though, been a while since I spoke, but your signatures gave me a pause. Am I getting the translation wrong? which says

"Increasing disgust and hatred towards this forum."

Or is it really what you feel about us and this forum?

There won't be many on this forum who understand the cultural, genetic, linguistics and historical diversity of sub continent like me, think of me as a serious researcher on the topic.

My signature speaks for me.

I know we are small, dark rice-eaters to the glorious martial races but we smart, we are insulted, we are sensitive to humiliation. I believe that those nations that have insulted and humiliated Bengalis might remember that our physical dimensions and peaceful daily habits, and our cultural pursuits are not licenses to treat us with contempt.
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The nation-state was a failing concept.A fundamental error is the assumption that each country is an “element.” In fact, the geographic distribution as it currently exists makes little sense. Most of the boundaries of the world were established more than a century ago, not by the inhabitants, but by Europeans and based on their own self interests. Even there, the tendency toward “nationalization” had devastating consequences prior to World War II. It was a signal factor in the creation of the United Nations, an imperfect attempt to mitigate large-scale conflicts.Islam strives to remove fear as a motivating political force in human affairs. We read in the Qur’an, “Thus does Satan attempt to instill the fear of his dupes into you. Do not fear them. Rather, fear Me, if indeed you are believers” (3:175). In this verse, God tells the believers not to fear their enemies but to fear Him. Perhaps more importantly, as they establish their political community, they should establish it on the fear of God, not on the fear of a real or imagined human adversary, often described in contemporary discourse as “the other.”
Islam is against exploiting fear and anger, or cultivating a sense of victimization in order to create the fanaticism that drives a nationalist agenda. It should be noted that this fanaticism, which is closely described by what we will term fanatical tribalismaśabiyyah), has been specifically condemned by the Prophet Muĥammad ﷺ. When the Prophet ﷺ was asked about fanatical tribalism, he replied, “It is aiding and abetting your clan while oppressing others.”10 He also said, “One who is killed under the banner of fanatical tribalism, raises the banner of fanatical tribalism, or aids a party on the basis of fanatical tribalism has died a death of pre-Islamic ignorance.”11 These condemnations by the Prophet ﷺ are aimed at cutting off a dangerous source of disunity and discord within Muslim ranks, but they are applicable for all societies.

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