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Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

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Actually, if you stop long enough to put out your hair on fire, even the secular section of Indian society does not want any reversion to pre-Partition, and never wanted it.

Prime Minister.

My bad.. now that I think of it .. even before constituent assembly was formed, our interim government followed the British Parliamentary rules ..
Dafuq...Hindus dont drink milk ? What kind of idiocacy is that ?

And regarding Partition..hear it loud and clear..once and for all...I'm a right winger and I support Partition to the fullest. Partition was a much needed detox and I'm glad it happened.

Only it should have been conducted to the fullest and in a much more humane manner sans killings.

Now go to bed.

Absolutely. Partition was absolutely required and was a good thing.

We got rid of people we didn't want and who would have been not loyal to the country but their own invaders. People who disown their own history and try to cling to that of their own invaders.

People who hero worship those who raped and plundered and massacred their own ancestors.

No country would want such people.
Every sane person in his right mind & full working brain capacity will know how likely that is. Besides Hinduism itself is a dying religion , more and more people are leaving it or are just simply non practicing Hindus. Far right Hinduism will evaporate with time , no matter how radical they are - they won't try their crazy Akhand Bharat ideas.

You are correct on the fact that more and more number of people are becoming non practicing hindus and right wing politics will become weaker in future but there always going to be fraction of aggresive right wing politics which is necessity evil to counter threats from abrahamic religions (with no Akhand Bharat concept which is already becoming non existent) ,hinduism is more of culture than organised religion, so it has tremendous potential for reform itself as per changing world. People you have mentioned as non practising hindus have more leaning towards agnostic thinking, So you will see more people who are hindu by culture but agnostic by belief in future. People don't need to be religious to be true hindu. I will give you here two examples about hinduism is being culture,

1. Polygamy of Lord Krishna

As you know lord Krishna was having multiple wives but there is no hard and fast rule or single authentic source in hinduism which states that polygamy is allowed,We consider it as an exceptional situation. As a result pologamy have became illegal in India for hindus, You can argue that Hinduism being culture,it is evolved in such a way that from last 65 years pologamy is not allowed.

2.Polyandry of Draupadi

Again exceptional case, no single authentic source, being culture it is evolved such that now it is illegal.
So for hindus, there is no hard and fast rule that life of Lord Rama or krishna or Parashurama were ideal way of life, So people are free to ask questions.

You will see more number of agnostic population in Dharmic religions specially in Buddhism in countries like China and Japan where culture ie way of life has more importance than praying to some imaginary supernatural power.
Maybe unification is not a good idea but Pak definitely needs a government that is neutral and non-Muslim or extremely secular to solve the problems of religious intolerance.
and we are not east germany.no need for unification.we have enough land and diversity.
india is a unity amongst diversity.

I have had enough with listening to the crap of my Indian neighbors who still are hungover by the 1947 partition. Every Indian that i came across over the years in real life or through social media had views that the partition was unjust & hence should be reversed.

I heard , the rhetoric being beaten up by Indians on international media over and over again - something like - "we are one people" -"partition was stupid"-"If east and west Germany can Unify why not Pakistan and India" - "Unification is the only way to peace".

I want to make it clear that our previous generations might have been a bit confused about the partition , but the generation we raised in the 80s are black blooded Pakistanis. We surely have no confusion about our identity.Many of us today realize the reason for the creation of Pakistan.

Regardless of how much the "Two Nation Theory" is ridiculed by the Indians which is quite natural and understandable & by some naive , short sighted Pakistanis , it does provide a concrete basic of division between Indo Pak.

Looking at the plight of Indian Muslims -regardless of what some apparently Muslim members say- , its confirmed that how Muslims would have been treated if there was no partition. Indians must come to terms with the fact that we are NOT one people , we are different in our way of life , culture , beliefs , dresses , events , language , literature , history , customs , arts , music , food and what not - you name it.

One example is the beef issue , Hindus don't eat beef because its holy to them. We Muslims even cook & love eating its bones. Some Hindus drink its urine where as a single drop of cow urine on Muslim's body or clothes requires a complete ghusl Ghusl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hindus don't drink its milk - Muslims have it in their daily diet. Regardless of some of you might say about how "small" this issue is but the fact is that you already have a fault line on a issue as small as dietary , let alone the rest of the affairs.

So , Pakistan doesn't need a unification - get it straight. If the unification is important than the best option for Pakistan is to form a union either state or strategic with Afghanistan.

In the end , i would like to suggest to my Indian folks - we are TWO VERY DIFFERENT NATIONS- Get over it , live & let live , we are not west Germany nor you are East Germany , we were NEVER meant to live as one country.

Regards: Aeronaut

Why this rant always comes from Pakistan and not Bangla Desh? We never say that Bangladesh should be merged and never Bangladeshis Claimed (except few *******) that we want to merge them.

Regarding Partition as unjust then "YES IT WAS", Period! Most of the Pakistanis were not involved in Fight against Britishers and when they saw opportunity of British India getting freedom then suddenly they started Religious based autonomy of the Provinces and then a land for their religion. Though Islam religion itself refutes division/partition. This is sort of getting brownie point out of No effort.

But one more thing is sure, We, Indians don't want to merge with Pakistan. You are what you are and we are happy with what we have and this is the reason, we talk about Status quo on LOC as International Border but only You Pakistanis want to sing 1947-48's Kashmir tune.
I came across a lot of them who didn't drink milk , didn't eat egges even onion. {Not that im against it}
That's why we say, without having sufficiently large number of test cases and data, never coin or believe any theory. :D
Honestly, the reasons you mentioned that separate Pakistanis from Indians are quite poor. It has MUCH MORE than just to do with eating beef, using cow urine or drinking milk. I've never eaten beef all my life neither has anyone in my family or my predecessors, so that defeats your argument claiming that all Pakistanis enjoy beef.

The fact that you mentioned Pakistanis brought up in the 80's know much more about the partition and why it happened than earlier Pakistanis worries me because, to be quite frank, the average Pakistani Youth today doesn't even have a clue. Coupled with your poor reasons to back up your arguments, it's also giving me the idea that you don't have a clue either.

Pakistan's creation and reason for partition was to create a separate Muslim-Majority state so we could abide by Sha'riah Law and follow the religion of Islam in it's entirety, according to The Holy Quran and Teachings of the Noble Messenger Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him). Pakistan was created for the betterment of the future of our youth and children so they can grow up and become leaders in an Islamic environment and follow Islam in it's entirety without being oppressed by Radical Hindus. The Muslims needed their own majority state and they weren't allowed to have it within India, so the only decision was to create our own.

Also, Pakistani culture is not too far different than Indian culture. It has only evolved since the onset of 1947. Although there are many things that separate us from Indians, you'll find that there are just as many things that bring us together. For example, Punjabi culture in Pakistan is very similar to the type of Punjabi culture seen in India. I'm not going to go into the details, but apart from religion and different idealistic values and morals, you'll see that Pakistanis and Indians are very similar.

Also, most Indians are either neutral on the issue of re-joining Pakistan with India or they don't support it at all. Same goes with people from the Pakistani side. Both countries have their own issues to deal with in future years, the last thing we want is more debating on the issue of partitioning ourselves back together. That would defeat the very purpose of Pakistan's reason for creation and existence.

You should also read up on what the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah (may his soul rest in peace), had told us:

"Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us."

"We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play."

"You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil."

So I hope next time, you think about the reasons for partition, that it's a much bigger issue than a few minor differences like eating beef, using cow urine etc..

All that matters is the fact that there are now two counries and they are poles apart in ideology and thier chosen future directions.Dont start these topics about how the two nation thoery was flawed and that partition shouldnt have happened.Why is there sudden urge to revisit the partition specially now that India is set to regain its position in the world and Pakistan is staring at countdown on a 62+ year old time bomob???Jinaah’s own daughter renounced his two nation theory and so did all the the muslims who stayed with Republic of India, and then there were those like Abdul gafar khan and the Balochs who got unfairly caught up in this partition.
This is very true. While living outside Pakistan for so long and interacting with indians. They are definitely not the same people as my Pakistani people.

This video sums it up very well.

And before some indian start a conversation about Punjabis being on both sides of the border, we call indian punjabis Khalistanis

Who gives a **** what you call Indian Punjabis as!!!!!!!!!!....You are not Indian..so who cares.
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India never wants such unification especially with muslim nations , if Nepal , Bhutan , SL or even Tibet having such plans we may agree.

Cow is holy for us not beef :D , who drinks cow urine? if Desai drunk means that was his own wish. Our religion never recommends cow urine drinking OTOH ur religion recommends camel urine drinking. Hindus won't drink milk? really??. As mod why you posting stupid things without evidence/proper info?.
I came across a lot of them who didn't drink milk , didn't eat egges even onion. {Not that im against it}

Steak and eggs for breakfast !!!:toast_sign:

as far as unification, i din't think you would have cared for such silly remarks... India Pakistan will be soverign countries untill isro999's aliens attack and make us slaves.

Close the thread, no member on PDF will even think of unification!
Forget Unification, we just need to settle this bloody divorce and maturely....

Thats all we expect from the Pakistanis and nothing more....

Hopefully it happens in my lifetime...
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