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Dear India, you have been warned.

To visualize the sentiment developing in Pakistan over past few months in the highest circles of the govt and military?
Hasn't they (India) been your go-to "boogey man" for 60+ years now? What's new?
US publicly denied RAW had any hand in attacks.
Wrong , if i'm not wrong one of the US personal had said in past that India was using Afghanistan as a proxy against Pakistan . And this was recent . don't know where you got that "US denied ..."
I mean Pakistani Taliban was formed by own Pakistani people, killed its own people, gots its own revenue from Wahhabism and Drug Plantations.
They were a side-effect of past engagements . Somewhat financed by stupid mullahs . Mistakes our's accepted . But in recent times it's quite clear RAW has been helping them a lot , financially and in other ways too .
Modi lead India is already aggressive, with another aggressive posture developing in Pakistan, what are we looking at? - have a guess.
NOTHING because for the GoI/Modi DEVELOPMENT is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd.......... etc priority as simple as that. War is the very last thing India wants or needs, this would knock India's economic growth into the dirt.

India is set to grow at 8.6% from FY2016, think about that- no one in the GoI is going to put that at risk, not for the eternal nuisance that is Pakistan. That would be giving you exactly what you want.
To visualize the sentiment developing in Pakistan over past few months in the highest circles of the govt and military?

The same sentiment has been in India over the last several years

May be it is time for a SHOWDOWN
What are we looking at???? "Another wave of terrorism in India"..... It will be interesting to see how successful they are gong to be......But then Good luck........
With the LoC effectively locked down, the IB and Indo-Bangledesh borders going the same way and the maritime boundary under 24/7 surveillance with an increasingly potent and sizeable ICG the chances of this are almost nil.

Add to that increased internal security monitoring thanks to NRTO and the best qualified NSA in India's history in such a post who are you betting on?

NCTC is probably on the horizon too...

If there is a terrorist outrage ; then all bets are off

We have had enough restraint for several years now
True and this is why India needs to (and is) doing everything conceivable to prevent such an atrocity.
Changing Saree with a skirt doesn't make you a superpower. :D
Artificial wannabe states don't require powers to be undone. Time is their biggest enemy. And knowledge. The longer you keep your people blinded in hate, the longer will your political construct exist. Once people are wise the pack of cards will collapse, regardless the number of Khalids and Hatfs you position before it.
Typically, for at least in my life, i have never seen this much consensus between the civilian and military establishments on India. Indians can't be blamed for believing in 'India unites Pakistan' myth, however what 'i' see coming is a possible period of hostilities. India has done its best to destroy Pakistan through covert proxies, and now a confident Pakistan, wants to pay back. If there are no saner heads around, it wont be long before we find ourselves in a state of direct war.

Hmmm, and who has the (overwhelmingly) better odds of winning such a war? So Pakistan is going to start yet ANOTHER war?? Let's hope your leadership aren't that stupid...
Just wondering what kind of war Pakistani leadership is trying to take to our Bedroom?
Wrong , if i'm not wrong one of the US personal had said in past that India was using Afghanistan as a proxy against Pakistan . And this was recent . don't know where you got that "US denied ..."

They were a side-effect of past engagements . Somewhat financed by stupid mullahs . Mistakes our's accepted . But in recent times it's quite clear RAW has been helping them a lot , financially and in other ways too .
same US Personel have even testified before US congress that pakistan is paying a double game with USA on WOT and thus US isusing drones to kill whome it wishes despite apprehensions and protests of pakistan where pakistani parliament evern declared US drone strikes as criminal and illeagel but did they stop if now ever wonderred why ?

what is taliban and other such wahabbi leaning owt fits are basicallicreation of your own security appratus with funding from saudies and wepons training from USA against USSR which later pakistani establishment used as a foriegn policy tool and startegik assets but as they say if you rear snakes in your backyard to harm your naighbour one day same snakes will kill you and thats whats happening in pakistan but since your establishment cant control them they are wenting owt there frustation by putting all blame on india and RAW

The enemy has to get lucky only once

So it is necessary that the enemy KNOWS of our resolve and ability to HIT back

Was Pakistan Testing Modi? ISI's Foolishness Subverts Collective Progress That Awaits South Asia -The New Indian Express
Meh. Pakistan's leadership knows the chances of India will hitting back are higher than ever, whether they care is another matter....

Like I have said, India needs to do everything it possibly can to prevent anything like that happening.

Is it a coincidence Pakistan is turning up all this BS rhetoric just as India is about to enter into some serious (economic) boom years? I think not. Pakistan has been trying to subvert India in every conceivable way since 1947 and in the modern age the economy is key, hit that and you can bring a nation to its knees. Why did the 26/11 attackers hit India's financial capital?

Pakistan knows that it is now or never. India is on the brink of becoming a serious economic powerhouse where the disparity between India and Pakistan will just be too much to swallow, we are talking twenty times Pakistan's economy by 2022.

India cannot allow itself to fall into their trap, economic growth above all else, invest whatever needs to be invested in ensuring Paksitan doesn't get what it wants.
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