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Dear chinese and the other friends.

The world would love to see every timeline's evidence, dear Gpit! :rofl:

Certainly, but I'm not paid to do that. There are lots research works out there, both from Vietnam and China.

Here is one if you have chance to read to see how Vietnamese do not fully understand their history. Just a background for you: Vietnamese ancient history is mostly in Chinese, but not many Vietnamese understand Chinese today, so inevitably they make tons of mistakes, especially those youg undereducated jingoists.

越南黄沙、长沙非中国西沙南沙考Vietnamese claimed TruongSa/HoangSa's were not China's Nansha/Xisha Islands, The real locations of Truong Sa and Hoang Sa Islands were along the coast of Vietnamese shore, not Spratly Islands or Paracel Islands
《中国边疆史地研究》1997 年第2 期 ·学者论坛·
Certainly, but I'm not paid to do that. There are lots research works out there, both from Vietnam and China.

Certainly, if you are not paid for then the one who got paid for must present the evidences. Else, talks are cheap from both sides: China and Vietnam.

Here is one if you have chance to read to see how Vietnamese do not fully understand their history. Just a background for you: Vietnamese ancient history is mostly in Chinese, but not many Vietnamese understand Chinese today, so inevitably they make tons of mistakes, especially those youg undereducated jingoists.

越南黄沙、长沙非中国西沙南沙考Vietnamese claimed TruongSa/HoangSa's were not China's Nansha/Xisha Islands, The real locations of Truong Sa and Hoang Sa Islands were along the coast of Vietnamese shore, not Spratly Islands or Paracel Islands
《中国边疆史地研究》1997 年第2 期 ·学者论坛·

李金明 is Chinese scholar, not Viet thus has no point in an argument here because it is going to be like Chinese versus Vietnamese members in this forum.
Dear Friends,

Please notices that Vietnam have never belong to China.
We thanks to the China, Russia, USA people who support Vietnam during the wartime. To the China, it is not mean that we agree to pay for that.
Vietnam respect to all country in case you respect our independent and sovereignty. We do our best to protect the country from any threat.
In this situation, we hope that we still need you to support not to gain own more weapon or island but to keep the country in peace and development.
Dear Friends,

Please notices that Vietnam have never belong to China.
này bạn, bạn đang spam những ngôn từ vô ích không mang lại thêm chút hiểu biết nào đấy, dừng việc đó lại đi, nếu bạn nắm được chứng cứ khẳng định chủ quyền thì gửi lên, không cần thiết phải nói "những lời sáo rỗng" đâu, một khi họ hiểu ai đúng, ai sai, họ sẽ biết giúp ai.

Hey Chinese, focus on issues of sovereignty, we do not want to compare Vietnam and China who more than anyone about the military, economic and social. Vietnam does not necessarily have to race if needed to know more, welcome to Vietnam.
Ya-ya Vietnamese Gov is the best :yahoo::cheesy:
This is a letter of a Vietnamese medical student with human rights abuses in Bac Giang, Vietnam .

English version

Vietnamese version
HI bạn, tôi thấy bạn cũng tội nghiệp, bạn cũng nên xem lại những hành động của mình rồi hãy kết luận, tôi thấy bản thân bạn cũng đang chụp mũ nhà nước, nói về tự do thông tin, tôi cũng như bao nhiêu người con Việt Nam khác cũng hàng ngày vào các trang tin tức để đọc nhưng đâu có sao đâu, có ai hỏi han gì tôi đâu, quan trọng là phải thực lòng bạn ngay thẳng thì không có ai có thể chà đạp nên bạn được....tôi nghĩ cũng có nhiều bài mà đội ngũ phản động có thể áp dụng, thậm chí là chiêu bài chống xâm lược,..... nên chúng ta phải cảnh giác và suy nghĩ cho thấu đáo.... chúng ta phải làm thế nào xứng đáng là người con đất Việt chứ không phải vài trăm Đô La để sống nhẫn nhục được.....mong bạn sáng suốt và tỉnh ngộ...
Sorry all of you for Vietnamese typing.....this is for private idea for private person only.....
why do we want vietnam to be a part of china, again?

we want that oil under south china sea and we will get it, nothing less nothing more.
I think that you should bring world land, air and sea to China home......if so we will have no any ideas or comments
I hope the government of Vietnam will make a secret pact with China in the future for a military alliance against India (if it comes down to it). Vietnam will be able to expand into India and have access to Europe, Africa, and Middle East and then will be able to grow it's economy and be the fastest growing economy in the world after China!

Vietnamese golden age is within my lifetime!
ChinaVietnam is a chinese
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