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Dealing with Pakistan


Sep 18, 2008
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United States
Nine years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States is still trying to figure out how to manage relations with Pakistan — and what mix of inducements and public and private pressures will persuade Islamabad to fully commit to the fight against extremists.

The Obama administration is working hard to cultivate top Pakistani officials. There are regular high-level visits. In March, a senior Pakistani delegation visited Washington for a strategic dialogue with the Americans that seems to be building trust and cooperation across a range of government agencies.

An April visit to Islamabad by the president’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones, and Leon Panetta, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was a reminder of the limits of American power. They warned officials of severe consequences if an attack on American soil is traced back to Pakistan. Given Pakistan’s proximity to Afghanistan, its nuclear arsenal and the fragility of its government, it is not clear how much punishment Washington would ever mete out.

Pakistan has its own horrifying reminders that the fight against terrorism is not just America’s fight. On Friday, gunmen and suicide bombers stormed two mosques in Lahore, killing at least 80 worshipers.

Pakistan’s Army has mounted big offensives against Pakistani Taliban factions in the Swat Valley and South Waziristan. It has hesitated in North Waziristan where Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in the failed Times Square bombing, reportedly received support and training. Intelligence-sharing has improved, but there is a lot more to be done as the Shahzad case showed.

So why isn’t Pakistan doing all it needs to?

Part of that is the strategic game. Islamabad has long used extremist groups in its never-ending competition with India. Part is a lack of military capability and part political cowardice. While some of Pakistan’s top leaders may “get it,” the public definitely does not.

The United States still does not have a good enough strategy for winning over Pakistan’s people, who are fed a relentless diet of anti-American propaganda.

As The Times reported on Wednesday, the United States is often blamed for everything from water shortages to trying to destroy the Pakistani state. The Obama administration came in determined to change that narrative. When he was in the Senate, Joseph Biden, now the vice president, worked with Richard Lugar on a $7.5 billion, five-year aid package that would prove American concern for the Pakistani people (not just the military) by investing in schools, hospitals and power projects.

Congress approved the first $1.5 billion for 2010, but the State Department is still figuring out how to spend it. The projects need to move as quickly as possible. And Pakistani leaders who demand more help, but then cynically disparage the aid, need to change their narrative.

The State Department also needs to move faster to implement its public diplomacy plan for Pakistan. Officials need to think hard about how to make sure Pakistanis know that aid is coming from the United States — like the $51 million for upgrading three thermal power plants announced by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in October. It is a delicate issue, but the “made in America” label has to be affixed.

The State Department has committed to spend $107 million over two years to help Pakistanis better understand the United States. Plans include bringing 2,500 Pakistani academics and others on exchange visits and expanding after-school English classes in Pakistan. There also are proposals to bring more American academics to Pakistan and to reopen cultural centers. They should move ahead. An initiative to make more American officials available to speak directly to Pakistanis has shown promise.

Changing Pakistani attitudes about the United States will take generations. The Shahzad case is one more reminder that there is no time to lose.

Editorial - Dealing With Pakistan - NYTimes.com
I know guy's that this is just an opinion from a Person, but it is interesting read because it really shows Pakistan paradox. The issue of Terrorism or the fight of Global Terrorism lies with Pakistan know, this is the final battle field and for this cancer to survive even further relies on Pakistan today!!!
"So why isn’t Pakistan doing all it needs to?

Part of that is the strategic game. Islamabad has long used extremist groups in its never-ending competition with India. Part is a lack of military capability and part political cowardice. While some of Pakistan’s top leaders may “get it,” the public definitely does not. "

Answer: Pakistan is doing far more than it bargained for. Pakistan leader's may get it coz they r, saleable commodity, Pakistan's people r not.

Deal with us on equal footing, threats and bulling will not work.

This artical is sourced from NY times, which says it all.
"So why isn’t Pakistan doing all it needs to?

Part of that is the strategic game. Islamabad has long used extremist groups in its never-ending competition with India. Part is a lack of military capability and part political cowardice. While some of Pakistan’s top leaders may “get it,” the public definitely does not. "

Answer: Pakistan is doing far more than it bargained for. Pakistan leader's may get it coz they r, saleable commodity, Pakistan's people r not.

Deal with us on equal footing, threats and bulling will not work.

This artical is sourced from NY times, which says it all.

I am happy you atleast came up with the right reasons for the current state of affairs. Knowing the problem is half solving it.
guys some idiot who wrote this article forgot the lack of American military in Afghanistan and came blaming us .YES we r less capable then them but the a** wooping taliban got in the two major operation is unachievable by marines as it seems .to this date we have not only killed the most but lost the most too ..secondly as the writer quoted 'They warned officials of severe consequences if an attack on American soil is traced back to Pakistan'.WT like we r defending and fighting only for usa ..lts ask them abt the american nationals caught in pakistan trying to perform a terrorist act..also if they pay us as much as other NATO allies we may do better if the mane idea is to save America ONLY.after 9/11 pakistan is one of the most terror ravaged country and since i remember nothing happened in US after that ..another thing ho can they allow an american citizan to come to pakistan and get trained ?..secondly dont expect pakistan to be as easy as iraq .we have better military and once u step in no one hear ll say we love u ,no welcomes ,no hospatility just body bags going back to US.....im a tolerant person and hate extremism but just like me all pakistanis hate to be betrayed and back stabbed and we r big on revenge ..so come in to get toast if thats american policy to get a** kicked in every 3rd world country..
secondly there is no need on indo pak war hear as some genius said in another thread no outsider is allowed to destroy us we ll do it our selves thank u very much;)
secondly there is no need on indo pak war hear as some genius said in another thread no outsider is allowed to destroy us we ll do it our selves thank u very much;)

And by your portfolio, it seems, it will be not possible that Second hand is required.... You and your kind will bring your country down with that mentallity...
And by your portfolio, it seems, it will be not possible that Second hand is required.... You and your kind will bring your country down with that mentallity...

buddy i was talking abt india and pakistan and its just a funny comment i dont understand y u have to rough every thing up y so much hatred ...dud its better to stick together against a single enemy then taken out one by one and any way the thing i quoted was a joke by an indian for whom i have a lot of respect ..an wt mentality r u talking abt when ur brahmen sect clearly stated of no peace with pakistan for their power and statur is effected at least in our MENTALITY every one is said to be equal not im superior and he is achoot ...we r always extending a friendly hand ....ponder over it befor saying crap..also u didnt even read the previous post and only ran up to fight with a pakistani when name india came up...
buddy i was talking abt india and pakistan and its just a funny comment i dont understand y u have to rough every thing up y so much hatred ...dud its better to stick together against a single enemy then taken out one by one and any way the thing i quoted was a joke by an indian for whom i have a lot of respect ..an wt mentality r u talking abt when ur brahmen sect clearly stated of no peace with pakistan for their power and statur is effected at least in our MENTALITY every one is said to be equal not im superior and he is achoot ...we r always extending a friendly hand ....ponder over it befor saying crap..also u didnt even read the previous post and only ran up to fight with a pakistani when name india came up...

I didnt get the bold part, can you please elaborate?
I didnt get the bold part, can you please elaborate?

buddy its just an answer to some one who is not in mood of friendship :) dont worry its nothing serous just something said by idiot politicians ..im just trying to say y cant we be at good talking terms y r indians and pakistanis fightin for no reason as done on this thread...
And by your portfolio, it seems, it will be not possible that Second hand is required.... You and your kind will bring your country down with that mentallity...

He was, I think, speaking in jest. A ironic, self critical remark, not to be taken seriously.
He was, I think, speaking in jest. A ironic, self critical remark, not to be taken seriously.

i dont know i may have misinterpret the post if thats the case then my apology plz grant me forgiveness ...but seriously we need to think abt sticking together as countries for grater good

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