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Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’ - Pakistan Oberver

Oh man this is such a funny artricle :lol:
Exclusive reports and photographs acquired by the Pakistan Observer in the United States establish that the body of Osama bin Laden was transported in a coffin as seen in the accompanying night vision picture during mid-night operation. The Pentagon officials have confirmed that after some time there was a blackout at the compound and minutes later a unit of Navy SEALS staged the killing drama.

So Pakistani Observer is the only one to acquire those "Black Hawk Down" movie's 'night vision pictures', that were a mischief of some photoshop maniac? lol No, they here on PDF too :rofl:

And then those stupid Pentagon Officials, someone please tell them not to confirm (only to Pakistani Observer) that killing of Osama was a staged drama :P
Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

i didnt read the whole article. but it doesnt make sense, doest it? bring a dead man somewhere and kill him again? secondly, this story would have made sense if we ordinary people had seen the dead body pictures or the nature of this operation was known to the gov of pakistan etc, but in this scenario that body was dumped in the sea, what is the need of all this cooked up story?
If Indian Army Generals launch any assault on Pakistan; thu Pak will be destroyed but also India will be wiped out from the world map.
Thats for sure
After pak is destroyed how can it wipe of India, I would appreciate if atleast a village of India could be destroyed.
Pakistan have capability to make India NO-MAN Land of Radiation for next 1000 years.
Brother what made you to come to that conclusion?
how many nukes do u ve? Even china cant think of that...
Thanks for making me laugh...
wow how stupid can Pakistani conspiracy theorists get??

now its not theorist , now they must be called therorist ......lol... it's too much of osama now... he is dead and may be by now he does have his share of 72 v ....lol..... come one... let him go and see others like dawood
Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’
Special Correspondent

Washington—Information collected from various sources and pieced together gives altogether a different turn to the Abbottabad episode and this scribe now tends to believe that the slain Osama bin Laden was captured and killed some years ago by the US forces and was brought in a coffin to Abbottabad on the night between May Ist and 2nd and “killed.”

And may I asked what is the job of Pakistan security forces? :what:

If it's true then Pakistan army is either good for nothing or it allowed the dead body to killed again to be hated by Al-qaeda. Good going. :disagree:
If at all they had to do that they should have at the least taken care of their helicopter and not let it crash. :( why waste one helicopter over a dead body? US is a bully, and a brainless idiotic state. They could have sent "frozen Osama" in a truck along with his grieving family.
with this sort of conspiracy theories , no wonder that Pakistan is the most hated country in the world . A country full of extremists and ignorant people .
funny lol....

I don't know which age these ppl live, Bunch of liars... Womb of conspiracy theories... The day US claimed that they brought down OBL many in Pakistan don't believe it...

yesterday some survey show that in Pakistan 44% were not believed OBL died...

If you have so much confusion, why not you ask his wives????
All these conspiracy theories will loook puny once the mighty superintelligent Zaid Hamid comes up with his verion.

how many of YOU bet he will prove it as a joint operation by RAW-MOSSAD-CIA TO defame pakistan.....

or better still he may find the real indian name of OBL , ala amar singh
i didnt read the whole article. but it doesnt make sense, doest it? bring a dead man somewhere and kill him again? secondly, this story would have made sense if we ordinary people had seen the dead body pictures or the nature of this operation was known to the gov of pakistan etc, but in this scenario that body was dumped in the sea, what is the need of all this cooked up story?

So what is the Truth my dear?
Shall we believe blindly of what we've been fed with by the media while no hardcore proofs has been provided?

Shall we give a rest to this make up drama unless and until some valid proofs have been provided?

Seriously, we've been termed as Confusistan etc but is there any harm in asking questions regarding his death, due to which, we as a nation, has been humiliated by every single media channel, who doesn't have the guts to question the American authorities for realities but spew their filtthy venom every now and then over Pakistan - Army and ISI in specific.

Honestly, I can't digest this hypocrisy.

If Osama is dead - show us the bloooody proofs. Will ya?
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