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Dawood is in Pak, says Interpol boss

Hours after blasts statements are released about how they weer conducted by "Pakistani sponsored militants" etc. etc.

I agree it is certainly wrong to blame Pakistan hours after a blast. But please do look at due process that every case undergoes. The cases are filed, prisoners are tried and given a fair trial. And it does in many cases emerge that Pakistan has had a very crucial role to play in the attacks/criminal acts. I'm very sorry - but you must understand we've had so many attacks - each of them duly investigated and documented. So when a new attack happens the earlier attacks are compared and we're able to come up with a list of probables.

As somebody who has followed many a bomb attack cases and has personally interacted with a few personnel involved in investigations let me assure you - every attack is thoroughly investigated and there has been no lapse or malicious allegation made at the end of the trial.

As for Dawood. Hey, we tried getting him many times and we know for a fact that his group was indeed splintered by Indian agencies etc. Some people are just too lucky for now I guess. Besides I believe only India has put in efforts to nab or eliminate him and until 9/11 the USA was also quite hostile to India when it came to terrorism vis a vis Pakistan. With the peace process and all that going on obviously we can't make a hostile move now.

I think many people in Pakistan are coming around to the realization that support for a "violent" separatist movement in Kashmir may have been a mistake. The nature of the training, the linkages with Taliban and AQ members while in training camps in Afghanistan, they have resulted in a nexus between what the GoP would consider a "just struggle" in Kashmir, and the terrorism against civilians in Kashmir and the rest of India.

I know the argument I make is a very nuanced one, and hard to swallow, but the blow back from militant groups branching out into terrorism from Kashmir is similar to the blow back form the Mujahideen that the US, Pakistan and SA trained who then ended up attacking their own creators.

With respect to Dawood, there is quite obviously a trust deficit between the two sides. While you have articulated Indian concerns about possible Pakistani involvement in terrorism in India, the GoP believes that India is involved in terrorism and support for the BLA in Pakistan (correctly or incorrectly - but the belief is there) - until that trust deficit is overcome, I don't think that the GoP is going to see anything wrong with not looking for Dawood Ibrahim.
My friend espionage and sabotage are old tricks. It is perfectly legitimate to try hurting the other guy in the ring as much as possible - its a matter of survival and any country not indulging in trying to destabilize its adversary runs of the risk of itself getting destabilized by the other guy. It's a dog eat dog world.

However a degree of concern for civilian life and basic human ethics have to be adhered to. I wouldn't have this sort of mistrust, cynicism and distaste for the Pakistani establishment had it not chosen communal issues as its staging ground for attacks on it either sides. In the long term communal sentiments as we see get entrenched and things get out of either sides control.

Today I'll trust and deal with China more than Pakistan despite China having hurt us more - but hey, we suffered more because of Pakistan.

As you say many people do see the problems but I'll keep my vigil. I echo the feelings of the Confederation of Indian Industry that was so willing to set up import offices to instil confidence in Pakistan - we do genuinely want prosperity all around. But that is not possible in the present environment.
Today I'll trust and deal with China more than Pakistan despite China having hurt us more - but hey, we suffered more because of Pakistan.

As you say many people do see the problems but I'll keep my vigil. I echo the feelings of the Confederation of Indian Industry that was so willing to set up import offices to instil confidence in Pakistan - we do genuinely want prosperity all around. But that is not possible in the present environment.

The sentiment is reciprocated in Pakistani circles, which obviously makes rapproachment even harder.
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